48 Hours a Day

Chapter 848

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The large and small forces in the southeast urban area are basically gathered in this tavern today, crowded, it seems very lively.

However, Zhang Heng knew that the people who could really make up their minds were not here, but were sitting on the second floor. They asked the middle-aged Jews to preside over the meeting and quietly listened to the quarrel and noise of the downstairs, only when needed. It ’s only when it ’s time, and their voice is the real voice, which is what Zhang Heng wants to hear.

Middle-aged Jews sneering at this, “Can you see Mr. Rockid if you want to see it?”

However, his tone barely fell saw a young maiden walking down the second floor, and the probe looked at Zhang Heng, so strangely said, “You are the gladiator champion of Flavi Amphitheatre, the mysterious oriental from the far empire ?”

“Sounds like I’m right.” Zhang Heng nodded.

“There are rumors that you are an incarnation of a god in the world, on the back grows a pair of wings, you can soar in the sky, but you seem to be no different from an ordinary person.” The girl seemed a little disappointed.

“In order not to scare my friends, I put away my wings.”

The girl hearing this gave chi chi laughter, “You guys like to talk about ghosts all the time, but it’s for you to think of us as friends. Come on, grandfather wants to see you.”

“Respect is worse than obeying.” Zhang Heng hearing this stood up from the position and followed the girl to the second floor.

A middle-aged Jewish face showed a hint of unwillingness, but he knew the girl and knew it was Lockeed ’s decision, and the most important rule of being a member of the Jewish gang was to never question Lockeed ’s decision Yes, so he closed his mouth and said nothing, but respectfully watched 2 people go upstairs.

The girl walked up to Zhang Heng’s ear and whispered, “My grandfather hates dishonest people the most, so don’t lie when you see him for a while.”

“Thank you for reminding me, but this person has always liked speak frankly.” Zhang Heng replied.

“Well … I think we will be understood soon.” The girl smiled.

The 2 people quickly boarded the second floor. As expected by Zhang Heng, there were only 2 people on the large second floor.

Three of them were sitting at a long table. The main seat was an old man in his early 3s, with a typical Jewish appearance and short brown-black hair, but most of them had turned white, wide foreheads, aquiline Nose, deep eye sockets, a pair of sharp eyes that can see through everyone’s heart.

Needless to say, he should be the current boss of the Jewish gang, Rockyd, and the most important person in the entire southeastern city. The history of the rise of Rockyd is a living Legendary. He was born in an ordinary Jewish civilian family, father He died very early, and mother had to start a skin and meat business to feed the three children in the family, and Rockyd, who is an eldest son, also started to make money early. He worked as a thief and an apprentice in a blacksmith’s shop , I collected urine for the laundry room and cleaned the sewers …

In short, he has done all the things that can make money, and he did n’t get better until he joined the Jewish gang at the age of sixteen, but at this time his destiny made a cruel joke with him, his mother and younger sister because After the plague died, his younger brother died in a gang conflict.

And until 30 years old, Rockid was only an insignificant little character in the Jewish gang, and at most there were only 5 men.

Then there was the battle full of Legendary. At that time, the boss of the Jewish gang was betrayed by his men and was assassinated. He fled all the way to the temple, and there was no one around him. It was at this time that Lockey took his own 2 brothers collect money at the market in front of the temple.

The three of them protected the boss who had nowhere to go. No one knew how they had withstood the enemy several times their own. When the subsequent helpers arrived, they had all become bloodmen, and the two of Lockey’s men did not even It was enough for the doctor to come, only Lockeed carried it over, and then he was also appreciated by the Jewish gang boss at that time, soaring all the way, and finally succeeded in taking over the no.3 Great Influence of this southeast urban area after the latter’s death force.

All children on the streets of the southeast district regard Rockyd as an idol, hoping that one day they will be able to fight their own career like Rockyd.

On the left-hand side of Lockheed is a Western Capri who is almost his age and closing his eyes. He is the second largest gold crown leader in the southwestern city, with loan and rent as the main income, which is not as good as the number of people. The Jewish gang, but it is still wealthy, and more than half of the real estate stores in the southwestern city belong to the Golden Crown.

Lockey ’s right hand sits next to a youngster. Unlike the two people around him, he looks very young. He is about the same size as Zhang Heng. He has a naive smile on his face, making him doubt that he is just here. Family members, but in fact he is the microphone of the Third Great Influences honeycomb in the southwest urban area.

No one knows who is the boss of the hive, and no one knows how many people there are in the hive and what the business is. The only thing that can be determined is that the hive is the oldest force in the southwestern city. It may be the people of the hive, even the Golden Crown and the Jewish gang have many people in the hive, so anything in the southwestern city can’t hide the hive. In addition, it is rumored that all the assassins in the southwestern city are related to the hive.

The youngster present here is one of the few people on the hive who is specifically responsible for communicating with various forces. The microphone is his self-proclaimed.

As for the fourth person, he did not sit at the table, but stood on the side and poured wine for the three people present. It looked like the waiter in the tavern, but Zhang Heng ’s eyes stayed on him the longest because Zhang Heng found that he couldn’t see his strength.

No wonder the 3 people sat on the 2nd floor carefree, and no additional guards were arranged.

“Zhang Heng, most recently in the southeast of the city, no, it should be said that your name is being discussed everywhere in the whole city of Rome,” the first one to speak was actually the microphone of the hive, he smiled and said, “You were still Victor 2 months ago The gladiator in the arena, immediately after he was free, began to play for the emperor Your Majesty. It is said that Your Majesty attaches great importance to you. When you were a gladiator, he would microvisit private visits to find you, and you naturally do n’t want to take this first. An errand was messed up.

“So when you joined the patrol, you started to engage in things immediately. First, you forced the iron handcuffs and his men to work on you, and then helped the thief named soap to be your puppet. Very smart, because the identity of the patrol was not The law directly swallowed up and digested those sites, otherwise it would have attracted our attention, and you were very cautious. You also found 5 Hooligans that you knew before, and an anti-patrol alliance. Once you can check and balance soap, you can do it in 2 Take the opportunity to get rid of the unstable factors in the 2 forces, and then you will expand the patrol again.

“Your series of actions succeeded in attracting the attention of Mr. Lockheed. We sent you an invitation, but unfortunately you went to your political ally Clinder, and then Elder’s Council passed Here comes the emperor Your Majesty. I want to hear about the rumor in the southeastern city. Am I right? By the way, you eat focachabo in the morning, honey with bread. You do n’t like bread because it is too baked old.”

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