48 Hours a Day

Chapter 855

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

In Fabino’s imagination, his second meeting with Sosby should be full of drama.

The Sosby gang should still be thinking about which bad luck ghost to loot, but when they were about to succeed, they were knocked down by the Law Enforcer who did not know where they came from. It ’s okay, but it ’s okay if it ’s not, he can also walk in front of the detained Sosby like today and watch Sosby ’s eyes in a low voice to ask the other party if he can remember him.

Sosby’s eyes should be a little puzzled, and then when he remembered him, he began to become afraid, fearing that the other party would use his power to revenge him.

However, Fabino will walk to Sosby and stand face-to-face with the latter, allowing Sosby to fully appreciate the fear and humiliation he experienced that day.

This is called A Tooth For A Tooth.

But then Fabino will look at Sosby ’s eyes and tell Sosby, no, he ’s wrong, the Brutus man never likes to abuse the power in his hand and hurt the weak, and This is the difference between Sosby and him.

It is also the difference between a really good guy and a jerk.

But now, Fabino does not know what it means to do so, Sosby has been so miserable, he does not bring any shame to the other side, Sosby has not even recognized him.

So when Fabino walked out of the cell, he was completely incarnation as Xianglin’s wife, and his mouth kept repeating how and why.

And Zhang Heng beside him had to open the mouth and said, “I don’t know what you are thinking, but this situation is quite common in places like him.”

“It’s quite common?” Fabino repeated Zhang Heng’s words blankly.

“Yeah, there is nothing missing in this place. There is no shortage of youngsters who want to climb up. As long as you have money, you can continuously recruit and buy horses to expand the site. Everyone in this block has heard of the Legendary story of Locked, but For so many years, there is only one Rockid in the southeastern city, and more of bad luck ghosts like Sotheby. They firmly believe that they will be the next Rockyd. They are actively involved in the gang struggle and are greed by the above. character is consumed as cannon fodder, and when they can no longer fight for the gang, the gang behind them will abandon them and supplement the new youngster with a cheaper price. As I said, there is nothing in this place, just no There is no youngster who wants to climb up. “

Zhang Heng paused, and then said, “When you were robbed, Sosby had robbed 60-70 people on the street and participated in gang clashes no less than ten times. It would only be sooner or later.”

“However, I haven’t made the bastard feel the fear and humiliation I have felt.” Fabino dissatisfied.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Zhang Heng raised his eyebrows.

“Forget it. Forget it.” Fabino waved intentionally. He was not stupid, but he had been entangled in this matter before and could not get out. Now that he heard Zhang Heng’s words, he also wanted to understand. Spie and he are completely two World people. Sosby was born in a world full of crime and sin.

Sosby saw more bad things, and robbed an aristocrat. After that, the aristocrat came back and retaliated. He was definitely not among the things he was most worried about. .

It seems to Fabino that he lost his engagement ring and was beaten for a lifetime. However, if the positions of the two people were reversed, Sosby was beaten by Fabino to take away the money and repair it. Sentence, then patted the ass and got up and left this behind.

He has more important things to worry about, such as how to fill his stomach, please his boss, and how to live tomorrow.

“Damn, I actually cherished such a stupid for so long.” Fabino kicked a small pebble, rather than annoyed that Sosby was completely different from his impressions. He is unhappy with his immaturity.

Those so-called vengeance plans before him now seem simply a joke.

Fabino raised his head again after venting, looked towards Zhang Heng, “Anyway, thank you for helping me retrieve my engagement ring, especially considering that this thing has passed so long, you must have spent a lot Kung fu. “

“That’s not true,” Zhang Heng said honestly.

Although, as Fabino said, in the past 6 years, it would take some time to go through the normal investigation procedures, but with the cooperation of the Jewish gang, it is not too much trouble to retrieve the ring and find the murderer. Three Great Influences in the southeastern city and Zhang Heng now have common interests and need to help him as soon as possible to deal with the veteran Divoblaye.

So strictly speaking, this assessment is not Zhang Heng’s preparation work alone, but the whole southeast urban area is helping him prepare homework together.

“Personally, I am deeply grateful for this and decided to find a day afterwards to invite you to dinner at my house. To be honest, several of my younger sisters and one aunt are very interested in you, but … “Fabino turned sharply after expressing his gratitude, and became serious again,” You should have heard some rumors about me, knowing who I am, I will not let private relationships To influence my work, since Elder’s Council chose me as the assessor, then I will strictly perform the duties of the assessor, and faithfully convert what I have seen and heard into objective scores. “

“Of course, it’s our job to crack the case and catch the criminal.” Zhang Heng nodded and said, “The patrol should bear the main responsibility for this justice that is six years late.”

“You don’t have to be so humble,” Fabino waved his hand. “I still know the general situation here. It’s amazing how you can help me get the ring back, even if I don’t mix any personal feelings. I also have to give you extra points to start. If you are ready, let us start. “


After receiving orders from Zhang Heng, Aris concentrated all members of the patrol on the open space outside the gate.

Mr. Assessor walked past them, carefully inspecting the weapons and armor that almost shook him before, and then nodded and said, “You did good on appearance and equipment maintenance, no, it should be said to be very good , I think I can give full marks on these two items. That ’s right. It looks a bit like the Imperial Army. It ’s like how it was done before. ”

Alice and other old patrol officers were hearing a sore nose and almost did not cry. It was such a simple two-sentence compliment that they had never heard of it since they were transferred to the patrol in the southeast city.

Although Fabino knows the situation here, and has n’t said anything too heavy to them, the scorn expression that you do n’t find a place to wipe your neck is still a deep thorn Pained their remaining self-esteem, they have become accustomed to the bottom and get the lowest score, they have almost forgotten what it feels like to be praised.

Afterwards, Aris showed the training results of this period. Although Fabino’s own martial arts were sparse, his eyes were still very sharp, and he saw that the patrol team’s most recently actual combat experience had increased greatly, which made Fabino secretly surprised. It ’s weird. Will the patrols of the patrols also fight? The opponent is it possible that the opponent is a child on the side of the road. I do n’t know who lost or won.

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