48 Hours a Day

Chapter 856

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Although the equipment and morale of the patrols have changed a lot, but Fabino is still hard to believe that the security situation in the southeast city has really improved.

However, after waiting for him to walk onto the street, all the passers-by, whether men, women and children, what they are doing or intend to do, saw him and the patrols around him stopped and spoke differently. The accent said hello to Fabino and Zhang Heng and the others.

When an old man selling fish also stopped in front of Fabino and expressed hello to Fabino, the surprise in the appraiser’s heart finally reached the zenith, “Well, this is what the hell is happening? Did they want us to relax our vigilance and then secretly assassinate us? “

“No, they just want to say hello, out of courtesy.” Zhang Heng said.

“It’s weird,” Fabino touch the chin. “If I remember correctly, people in this place have a bad attitude towards people outside. I always feel that people outside only want to take advantage of them. Although this The cities do get a lot of money from them. I believe they are more willing to spit rather than say hello when they see us. “

“Prejudice is difficult to change for a while, but at least they are working hard now, is it a good start to say hello anyway?”

“Huh, I think we will know the answer soon about this question.” Fabino hearing this is an indifferent expression.

Mr. Assessor has an instinctive suspicion about everything in the southeast city. He always feels that what he sees now is only a superficial illusion, but Fabino also firmly believes that as long as his eyes are bright enough, he can always find the truth. Although he did n’t know how Zhang Heng made the indigenous people in the southeast city to cooperate with him and build this harmonious scene together, but the southeast city is so big, Fabino does n’t believe that Zhang Heng can take care of every one. corner.

However, half a day later, stared wide-eyed Fabino not only did not find the basis for Zhang Heng’s hands and feet, but also found more signs that the security in the southeast urban area was indeed improving.

Although the place is still poor and dirty, at least as far as the streets are concerned, criminal activities have indeed decreased a lot, and some order has been restored, especially where the patrols are, which has a considerable deterrent to criminals.

And from the records that Aris handed to him, it can be seen that the number of cases cracked by the patrol and the number of criminals arrested have increased dramatically. This is not just a breakthrough from zero to one. It is already the first in all regions. Of course, considering the special environment here in the southeast urban area, the criminals arrested by the patrol are still one hair from nine oxen compared with the number of the entire criminal group.

But know that the patrol team plus Zhang Heng has only 3 people, the smallest number in all areas, and they are responsible for the largest and most complicated neighborhoods. Even if they are picky like Fabino, he found himself this time It seems that the assessment and inspection cannot find a reason not to give Zhang Heng and the others a high score.


The patrols and the changes in this place are obvious to all, as long as they are not blind, they can be seen, and I believe that all this begins with the arrival of the former gladiator champion named Zhang Heng …

On the 2nd day early, Fabino’s assessment report appeared in the hands of Commodus. After the young emperor read the text verbatim, he put down the report and asked Clinder, “What do you think?”

Although he kept the dignity of the emperor as much as possible, the excitement revealed therein still betrayed his idea of ​​being in the heart.

Clinder bowed, “It seems that our gladiator champion is not just a master, he also proved that he can really share your worries for Your Majesty. I think Your Majesty may consider recruiting him to do things around, which shows that Your Majesty People’s vision is very accurate. “

“I knew it.” Kang Maode tapped the table. “I knew he was the one I was looking for!”

Clint hearing this flashed a bit of jealousy in his eyes, but he was hiding very well, and his face was full of relief when Kang Maode looked towards him again, just like finding a companion who could work together Sincerely happy.

“The public security issues in the southeastern city have plagued successive emperors for a long time, and even my father could not solve it, but he did all the things that his predecessors could not do, and it only took 2 months. , There is no application for funds, no application for additional manpower … “Kang Maode rushed.

“Yes, singlehanded, courageous and ambitious, very rare.” Clinder did not hesitate to praise himself.

“Don’t lift him too high,” Commoding hearing this laughed. “Singlehanded and so on. It’s okay. The news that the 1000 Guard troops are stationed in the southeastern city is you let it go. If you don’t have this news, he will not bluff. Living in the hard bones of the southeastern city, and I heard that you participated in the whole project a lot, but you did n’t mention it. “

“This is probably where I like you most, Clinder,” the young emperor Your Majesty patted the consultant’s shoulders. “Many people will be blinded by the rights. They are good people before they touch the rights. They want to do it for the people. Something good, but gradually, the mentality has changed, I want more, more … Until my heart is occupied by jealousy, I saw many such people around father, but I can be sure that you are not such a person , The empire is very lucky to have a person like you who is honest and humble. “

“Your Majesty’s praise made me panic. I was just fulfilling the oath I made when I first saw you, making me another eye of Your Majesty to help you see more truth.”

“Yeah, you are my eyes, Otterus is my hand, and Zhang Heng, let me see what I can get from him.” Commodation said, rubbing excitedly. Hand, “Go, bring him to see me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Clinder bowed and turned to exit Commodus’ study.

When he came to the corridor, the smile on his face disappeared. Although Zhang Heng was now his political ally, Clint was still very uncomfortable when he heard Kang Maode praised such a person.

He knew Kang Maode too well. Before Zhang Heng proposed to let him participate in the public security restoration plan in the southeastern urban area, even when he was the leader, although Clint agreed, but not at all adopted Zhang Heng’s original plan, but instead extracted himself from it. When I went out, I just revealed a bit of wind on Elder’s Council.

He believed that Commodity would see the role he played in it, and at the same time, he could consolidate his humble, uninvited image. Clint knew that the latter was the key to his stable position next to Commod. This is indeed the case.

But compared to the part that Zhang Heng got from it, Clinder still has the suspicion of working for others with no benefit to oneself, but now he ca n’t control that many anymore, the competition between him and Otterus has become more and more Coming more and more, and Commodity is obviously more inclined to Otrus. Pulling Zhang Heng closer. If you ca n’t solve Otrus, you can at least distract Conmode ’s attention and welcome him more. preparation time.

“Damn, lucky Oriental.” Clin murmured and left the Imperial Palace.

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