48 Hours a Day

Chapter 876

You can search for “I have 100 hours a day” at imiaobige.com in 48 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Are we friends?” Zhang Heng asked confusedly.

“Of course, of course, we are all advisors of the Emperor Your Majesty, and naturally we are friends.” Otrus’s voice is very sincere, and he can’t help but want to believe him, plus the role of phytoalkaline in scopolamine, he changed The other person here could not help but open up to him.

In fact, Otrus was very satisfied with Zhang Heng ’s reaction now, and he continued to ask, “I heard that you are from a distant eastern country, and there are rumors that you are a noble there, why do n’t you enjoy a good life , To leave the country and come to Rome, 1000 miles away? “

“Oh, that’s a long story. My family was prominent for a while. My father was a general of the empire, but was stolen afterwards, Thrown Into Prison, and my family was defeated in the next political struggle. I I lost all the people and things I care about, and I was the only one left in the end. I had to leave my country and go westward. I do n’t know where is my destination. I just need to … It ’s a nightmare. I did n’t know I would come to Rome at that time, and I did n’t want anyone else to know my previous experience. ”

Zhang Heng knew that this issue could not be falsified by Atrus, so he could make up with confidence. At the same time, Zhang Heng also used this story to explain why he had such a good skill, and a considerable degree of political experience.

“Understandable,” Otrus was nodded. “Now that you are a citizen of Rome, this city will be your new home in the future.”

“hope so.”

“Let’s talk about what happened after you arrived in Rome. When was the first time you and Your Majesty met?” Asked Otterus.

“The first time I met Your Majesty was at the dinner at the Dior home.” Zhang Heng said.

“I heard about what happened that night. You provoked Satonillos and attracted the attention of Your Majesty. Did you do it because someone asked you to do it?”

“No, I did it because I wanted freedom, and to enter the upper class,” Zhang Heng’s voice sounded a little sleepy, “Trust me, my origin makes me no stranger to this kind of thing, if I want to find a backer, and of course I have to choose the tallest and largest one. “

“Wise choice,” Altrus paused, and then a question was thrown, “What do you think of Lucila?”


“The elder sister of the Emperor Your Majesty, Augusta Lucilla of the Roman Empire.”

“She wants to sleep with me.” Zhang Heng thought without thinking.

Attrus also seemed to be amused and laughed out loud, “Yes, Lucilla ’s private life is in line with her mother lineage, all kinds of men are like her spoils of war, you It ’s a gladiator champion of Flavi ’s amphitheatre. It ’s quite new to her. She ’s not surprised that you are interested in you, but I ’m not asking about this kind of thing. What is it? “

“I can’t see through her,” Zhang Heng said truthfully, “I heard some rumors about her. It is said that her relationship with the emperor Your Majesty not at all looks so good on the surface, so I have been trying to stay away She, no one likes people who pedal 2 boats. “

“You are smart, smarter than most people,” Otterus raised his eyebrows. “The last question, have you heard of the blade of balance?”

“Balancing Blade, what is that?” Zhang Heng wondered.

“An ancient assassin’s organization, who believes in Kreuz, members of that organization believe that they have the responsibility to maintain the balance of the World.”

“Kreis, I seem to have heard the name somewhere.” Zhang Heng showed his thoughts. “There is a person nicknamed the megaphone who seems to have mentioned something like balance with me, but I don’t care about this kind of thing. , I just want to do my own thing well, do n’t want to cause any trouble, wait … Do I have any trouble? “

“For the moment, no.” Otterus said, “I am quite satisfied with this conversation. I like honest people. I hope you can continue to maintain this valuable quality. Please forgive me for my caution. With offense, the recent by chance is a troubled autumn. As Emperor Your Majesty’s most trusted advisor, I have a responsibility and an obligation to find out the details of everyone. But after all, this is our first meeting, let me give you a gift. “

“What gift?” Zhang Heng yawned.

“You will know soon.” Otterus hearing this was just laughed, without elaborating, and turned to softly, “You are tired tonight and drink too much wine, why not sleep well What about last night? “

“You’re right, I will go to sleep.” Zhang Heng muttered, only feeling sleepy, his eyelids were getting heavier, and finally leaned on the chair and slept like that.

Atrus waited a little longer before clapping his hands and letting the waitress outside.

Otterus said, “Take care of him and wait for him to wake up a little before sending him home safely.”

“That’s it? What if he wakes up thinking about the matter we gave him medicine and asked us to settle the bill.” The maid frowned.

“No, he won’t remember what happened after drinking that glass of wine.” Otterus said firmly. “Even if he remembers, he wouldn’t dare to ask us to settle the bill, because he still has a lot of secrets in me now. On your hands. “

“What about Clinde? Clinde has been dissatisfied with you for a long time, you two appeared at the side of Kang Maode almost at the same time, but you kept his head steady, Clinde was jealous of you, the reason he was willing to let this The Oriental became a consultant for Kang Maode, also to deal with you with him, don’t you want to solve this trouble? “

Otterus hearing this is still that indifferent look, “Clinde’s pattern is too small, he regards me as his biggest competitor to climb up, but I did not regard him as an opponent, he is just a believe oneself infallible idiot, I never worried about him. “

The maid hearing this seemed to fall into silence, Otterus warned repeatedly, “I will do my part well. You’d better do your own thing as well. Solve the balance blade first.”

The maid snorted, “We are fully prepared for this time, it is time for the guys with the Blade of Balance to repay the blood debt owed 200 years ago, and this time we are not going to let them alone.”

“Very well, such an assassin organization is too dangerous, and there was no need for it to exist, or it was destroyed.” Altrus also agreed. “They actually want to start against me. In this case, then I It can only solve this trouble first. “

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