48 Hours a Day

Chapter 877

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The unexpected meeting with Otterus tonight is not long.

Zhang Heng didn’t see the appearance of Otrus from beginning to end, but this did not prevent him from collecting information about Oterus by other means.

Although Zhang Heng was also affected by some scopolamine, it was far less than he showed. His 5 senses remained basically in a normal state, and a calm brain can also provide him with objective and accurate analysis.

Zhang Heng judging from the voice that the age of Altrus is not very big, basically it is equivalent to him or Commodus. At around 20 years old, this makes Zhang Heng a little surprised because of the caution and In terms of maturity, Zhang Heng thought he should at least have a 27 ~ 28 years old, didn’t expect is so young.

What’s different from the rumors is that the people who climbed from the bottom, such as Altrus and Clint, although the latter are now nobles, have learned the noble’s life and way of speaking, but they are still in the sentence Retaining some of the small habits left over from the past, Clinder will curl his tongue at some endings, because his previous elementary teacher is a Cappadocia.

But Otrus has no such problems at all. His accent is very pure, and he can show his accomplishment everywhere in the creation of words. Zhang Heng has great reasons to doubt that his growing environment should be very good when he was a child. The possibility of growing up in the Great Family.

But this would not explain why Commodus trusted him so much.

From the attitude of Kang Maode to Elder’s Council, it can be seen that he is not stupid, and he is always vigilant against the big nobles, otherwise he will not boldly use the humble newcomers like Clint and Zhang Heng. Under such a background, He should not allow the descendants of a large noble family to freely enter and exit his study.

In addition, Zhang Heng also noticed the footsteps of Otterus. Oterus’s pace was very light. If he did not conduct related sneak training like Zhang Heng, it means that his weight is also very light. Zhang Heng estimates that he It only weighs 60 to 70 pounds. Even for a lady, this weight is a bit light. Even more how Outrus is a man, this weight is too much.

Zhang Heng judged that there was a certain disease in Otruus, and it should be an incurable disease in this era. The latter will drag his right foot on the ground while walking, which also proves Zhang Heng’s guess from the side, apart from this, Otterus also holds a cane to help himself walk.

From this point, the reason why Atrus has never been seen, in addition to the news that he may get the blade of balance in advance to assassinate him, more reasons may be that he does not want to be seen.

Interestingly, the most mysterious and most trusted advisor around Kang Maode is actually a patient with some physical disabilities. If this secret is revealed, it will be enough to shock many people.

In addition, Zhang Heng also learned the identity of the latter from the conversation between Otrus and the maid. If there is no accident, the maid who helped him in is probably a hound, and then count the previous encounters that Zhang Heng encountered The sound tube of the suspected hound member, that is to say, the hound’s power in Rome is probably not small.

More likely, they have mobilized their manpower to the city of Rome in unconsciously, and Otrus obviously also cooperates with the hounds, and the two sides intend to join forces to deal with the balancing blade.

And this is not the worst case. What ’s worse is that the tragedy of the Blade of Balance in the Caesar era is likely to repeat itself, because Zhang Heng now has enough reason to suspect that a traitor has emerged from the Blade of Balance, not just because of Ott. Ruth and the hounds seem to understand the movement of the balanced blade, and more importantly, the attitude displayed by the balanced blade Priestess.

There is no doubt that she or the political forces behind her want to get rid of Otrus, otherwise Oracle will not be issued, but then she urgently found Zhang Heng through the old Persian trainer, and Zhang Heng privately An agreement was reached for Zhang Heng to first hand Altrus to her people.

Zhang Heng suspected that Priestess might have discovered the existence of the traitor not long ago, while Altrus is likely to have the identity of the traitor, or at least information about the identity of the traitor, so that everything can be explained.

Oracle of Priestess killing Otruus has sent out that it is impossible to withdraw, so she can only start remedial measures, get the name of the traitor from Otrus’ mouth, and then kill Otrus.

Zhang Heng was originally interested in the war between the Blade of Balance and the Hound not at all, but from the current situation, the side of the Blade of Balance seems to be a little bad, although Zhang Heng himself is too at the all There is a lot of sense of belonging, but he also has to consider the issue of the balance blade 10000 implicated him once the calf is over.

So Zhang Heng decided to remind Priestess.

On the 2nd day, he went to the southeastern city early in the morning, using the complex terrain inside to get rid of the possible trackers, then completed the disguise with his own lv2 makeup, and then left the southeast city to come to the perfume shop street, according to the previous agreement I found a perfume shop with irises outside.

Zhang Heng told the clerk that he was going to buy a bottle of perfume with no taste, and he paid Sesters to the other party.

The clerk was originally a bit surprised. Like all ordinary people who heard Zhang Heng ’s remarks, they felt that the other party had come to smash the court. However, after he took the Copper Coin thrown by Zhang Heng, the expression changed, and Zhang Heng was introduced. In the storeroom behind the perfume shop.

After a while, a woman with a veil on her face appeared, opened the mouth and said, “Have you found the whereabouts of Otrus?”

“Not yet, but I already have a clue, as long as my direction is correct, it should be found soon.” Zhang Heng said.

However, a woman wearing a veil hearing this is indifferent, just frowns saying, “Why did you come here since you didn’t find Outrus?”

“Because I want you to help me give Priestess a word.”

“I’m sorry, this is not my duty, but I can help you get to her,” coldly said, a woman wearing a veil. “If you have anything, you can see her and speak to me in person.”

“In view of how unpleasant it was that we met for the first time, I do n’t think it ’s necessary. I ’ll tell you anyway. As for whether you want to pass it on to her, it has nothing to do with me,” Zhang Heng said. The woman who wore the veil opened the mouth and said.

“Oterus and the hounds guys are now working together. I guess the hound side is likely to transfer their main members to the city of Rome. It is possible to attack us at any time. As for the traitors, you must have already understood, I hope you are well prepared. “

The veiled woman hearing this seemed a bit unexpected. It was not the news Zhang Heng revealed, but the fact that Zhang Heng actually knew about the traitor, which made her attitude change a little because she found Dadatis not at all exaggerates, there is something special about the Oriental in front of him.

So her tone also softened a little, “We have heard what you said, but you can rest assured that we are different from 2 100 years ago. Now, apart from the speaker and the priest, the members of the organization do not know each other’s identity, even if they are out. Traitors, the damage done is limited. “

Zhang Heng hearing this indifferent expression, “It’s best to be so, but the people of Attrus and the Hounds are very confident, if I were you, I would not be so full of words.”

“You don’t have to worry. Strictly speaking, you haven’t fully joined us yet, so you don’t know how powerful the blade of balance is. We have faced many enemies in the long history, but we are still standing here. “The veiled woman asked herself,” and this time is no exception. “

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