48 Hours a Day

Chapter 886

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In the southeast city, the microphone used Zhang Heng’s doctrine to balance the teachings of the Blade of Balance, and later Zhang Heng also told this matter to Altrus, so he can’t lie about it in the dungeon now.

At the same time, Zhang Heng also realized that the reason why Kang Maode named him and Clint to interrogate the assassin he caught was probably not accidental, in order to let him “informed person” to expose the existence of the balanced blade.

And this also means that the assassination that happened on the bridge in the afternoon was not caused by the Blade of Balance, but it was Otrus colluding with Commodus to sing together.

Attrus didn’t even think about launching a stand-in to do things for him in front of the stage, just using it as a consumable, successfully blaming the assassination to the balancing blade, so that the power of the national machine can be used Come to encircle the blade of suppression.

The facts are more exciting than Zhang Heng guessed.

After he and Clint reported the information obtained from the female assassin to Commod, the emperor Your Majesty immediately issued a wanted message to all members of the Blade of Balance. In order to avenge his most trusted advisor, Commodus even from his A hundred thousand Gold Coin was given as a reward from the private vault.

Elder’s Council also expressed concern about this matter. A group of large nobles, led by Dior, expressed their condolences on the assassination of Otrus immediately because the funds in the treasury were not used to pursue the murder, and they even used donations. 200,000 Gold Coins were collected and added to the reward, but privately, many people are actually taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Because Outrus is a person of Commodus, and until now and Clinde are hailed as the right arm of Commodus, now the death of Outrus is equivalent to let Commodus lose one hand, so the young emperor is in In the future, I will have to rely more on Elder’s Council.

This situation is undoubtedly a group of big nobles led by Dior would like to see, but their happiness lasted less than half a day, and then they were dumbfounded together, because they found that they seemed to underestimate the young emperor.

Through the death of Altrus, Commodus began to clean the senior generals in the Guard army.

Except for the military escort officer, Sebtur, who had escaped a disaster because of his escort, other officers from the nobility were either transferred or abolished, and were replaced by a batch of combatants who had previously fought against the Commodus and Germanic tribes. Officers, regardless of their origin, have one thing in common, that is, they are loyal to Kang Maode.

In the end, except for the highest commander of the Guard Army, Commodity, the other middle and high-ranking generals were completely replaced. This means that Commodity actually completely mastered the strongest armed forces in the city of Rome.

When Elder’s Council reacted, everything was settled, Dior and the others could only look at each other in blank dismay.

However, Zhang Heng didn’t have much time to care about these political turbulences for the time being. Five days had passed since the assassination of Otruus, and the Blade of Balance still did not contact him.

In the past 5 days, his side was still calm and calm, and Kang Mood also summoned him this morning, because he performed well in the previous assassination by the bridge, killing 3 assassins, Kang Mood decided to reward him again. A large area of ​​land, so far the territory owned by Zhang Heng has even surpassed many noble families that have operated for generations.

The only drawback is that it is a bit far from Rome. If you fight in the future, it will easily become the front line, but even so many people envy him. After all, even if they are advisors, they are mixed.

Now everyone with a discerning eye can see that, without accident, Clint will take the place vacated by Altrus and become the chief consultant of Commodity, and Zhang Heng will become the next Clint, of course, provided he wants Can find a way to repair the small conflict between Clint and the persuasion.

Clint is now waiting for Zhang Heng to bow his head. Although he still thinks that Zhang Heng is a threat, it does not prevent him from enjoying the victory at this stage, but what makes him embarrassed is that Zhang Heng did not Came to him, and the latter did not know what they were busy with, often staying away from home all day.

But tonight, Zhang Heng had a rare time to go home for the night. He reached out the door and walked into the front hall, but Zhang Heng’s footsteps stopped.

The little slave girl was sent away by him almost a month ago. Now in this Domusri, there are only Zhang Heng and two servants attached to the house with Kang Maode. These two people have not lived with Zhang Heng for a long time. It ’s long and does n’t have any noticeable features, but it ’s still a good job.

In the past, when Zhang Heng came home, someone would come out to greet him, but now the whole Domusly is very quiet, there is no sound until Zhang Heng stands in the front hall, the water waves in the rain pond are reflected on the wall by moonlight, Shake slightly.

And Zhang Heng’s ear also caught the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air.

Zhang Heng almost moved his front foot, and an arrow in the back foot hit the place where he stood before. Zhang Heng knew that the archer was hiding on the second floor without looking up, and it was probably that he shot an arrow by the bridge before. The assassin of Truth.

Zhang Heng was also impressed by the opponent’s previous arrow technique, so Zhang Heng didn’t think much, so he flicked behind a marble column, but when he was about to approach the marble column, there was suddenly no warning. Stopped again.

At the same time, a scimitar sticks out behind the cylinder and slashes towards his face. If Zhang Heng didn’t keep his foot just now, he is now 80% cut by the scimitar into 2 segments.

But at the moment, Zhang Heng ’s crisis is not at all. Although he escaped this premeditated ambush with superhuman first-class hearing and prejudgment, he did not forget that there is also an archer on the second floor. After such a good opportunity, and the fact is exactly what he thought, just when he was moving, the archer on the second floor caught this fleeting opportunity and released the bowstring.

Therefore, Zhang Heng now not only has to face the machete in front of him, but also has to deal with the second arrow from him.

Zhang Heng not at all hesitated to make a choice, because the scimitar had been cut into his chest, he must deal with this near-crisis first, so Zhang Heng waved his Persian dagger, and at the same time The other hand quickly pressed on the hilt of the other Persian dagger.

Almost at the same moment when Zhang Heng blocked the scimitar, the terrible arrow also flew in front of him. Zhang Heng had to use the technique of Blade Technique to pull out another Persian sword before the last minute. After that, he used the method of solving the bow and arrow gladiator at the Flavi amphitheatre, and flew the feather arrows shot at him.

What is certain is that the two assassins in front of him have never seen the performance of Zhang Heng, so when they witnessed this scene, the expression inevitably appeared a little trance.

Because it really doesn’t seem like a human action.

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