48 Hours a Day

Chapter 887

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At the moment when the assassin holding the machete was slightly distracted, Zhang Heng’s flying Persian sword had been received again, and then a strange arc was drawn in the air, waiting for the machete assassin to see it At the same time, I saw the blood on the blade. I do n’t know when the Persian sword edge had cut his neck and chin from bottom to top.

“It’s not a good habit to make a small mistake when fighting.” Zhang Heng said while flashing behind the stone pillar, and the body of the machete assassin fell slowly after he put his back on the stone pillar.

Zhang Heng one against two, successfully killed an assassin when the other party was prepared, but he was not happy because these assassins chose to attack him tonight, which means his identity was finally revealed And, worse, it also shows from the side that the Blade of Balance is likely to have been defeated in the war with the Hound and Otterus.

What’s more, unlike the cannon foul assassins who sent to death by the team on the bridge, waiting for his assassin in his Domusri tonight is obviously of a higher rank and better skill. If nothing else, they are probably the core members of the Hound.

In terms of personal strength, the Assassin of the Hound is slightly inferior to the Assassin of the Balanced Blade, but it is also the level of the current Peak. The pure assassination skills Zhang Heng ca n’t keep up with these murderous machines of thousand hammers, hundred refinements, but there are lv4 Blade Technique, once the opponent’s 1st Strike misses, there is a high probability that he will not be his opponent in frontal combat.

But the bad news is that the other party obviously doesn’t plan to have one-on-one tonight.

In fact, when Zhang Heng killed the machete assassin, two more assassins flicked lightly behind the other two cylinders. They glanced at each other and then touched the cylinder where Zhang Heng was hiding.

Because there are archers on the second floor, Zhang Heng can’t go out to observe the situation outside, which means that he can’t see the danger of quietly approaching, but after the two assassins touch the cylinder, they wave out their hands. Dagger, when he was about to make a fatal blow, he found that there was no one there.

Fortunately, the reaction of the 2 people was also very quick, and immediately looked up at the top of the head, and noticed the shadow under the eaves, which was just enough to accommodate a person’s figure to climb over without being found.

One of the assassins immediately reminded, “Be careful, he has left the original position, probably for you, Divine Eyes.”

The archer named Divine Eyes on the 2nd floor hearing this suddenly felt tight. He had seen the battle of Zhang Heng when he was by the bridge before, and he was clean and neat when solving 3 assassins. Almost no use of second move, and just bent The sword assassin also died in the opponent’s hands. It can only be said that the champion of the gladiator of Flavian Amphitheater really is name in not vain. As an assassin who is good at bows, unless he is desperate, he certainly does not want to fight Zhang Heng fought at close range.

Therefore, he didn’t hesitate to hear the reminder of his companion, immediately began to alert all around while concentrate attention completely, while maintaining a semi-squat posture, quietly began to move.

Because he knew that the previous 2 arrows had exposed his position, it was a very dangerous thing to stay in place, and his move also saved his life. Zhang Heng was like a ghost, turning quietly. On the second floor, his silhouette was not discovered by the latter’s companion until the silhouette of the archer assassin had fallen.

At this moment, the archer assassin had moved a distance, hearing this immediately turned and filled the bowstring.

His whole set of actions in one go did not waste a second, but unfortunately his opponent’s actions were faster. Just when he released his fingers, Zhang Heng had cut off the wooden bow in his hand with a sword. So the arrow that was about to leave the string was also unloaded most of its power, and finally fell diagonally to the ground.

However, Zhang Heng failed to expand the results afterwards, because then another assassin rushed out of the room beside him, stopping him. The latter was obviously quietly ambushing here waiting for secret calculations, but didn’t expect Because Zhang Heng wore the [Kreus Heart], there was no movement when he moved, so he lost the opportunity to attack Zhang Heng immediately with the archer assassin.

And Zhang Heng didn’t expect the hound to look up to him like this. In order to kill him, he actually dispatched at least 5 Peak assassins, and I do n’t know if there are other people ambushing in his Domus, Zhang Heng did n’t want to fight, Although he failed to kill the archer assassin, the destruction of the latter’s weapon was considered his goal.

In the next moment, Zhang Heng hurried down the two assassins to climb to the front of the second floor, forced the opponent in front of him with his Persian sword, then ran a few steps and rolled into the room where the little slave girl lived, Fortunately, there are no assassins in the house.

Zhang Heng pried open a floor with the fastest speed and took out the [Blood Bow] and [Paris Arrow] hidden inside. When the assassin behind him came in and saw that Zhang Heng had already held the bow and arrow His reaction was unpleasant, and immediately retracted his body behind the door when he saw it.

Under normal circumstances, he was already safe at this time, but the arrow that made him didn’t expect to fly out of the house actually turned a corner, and then hit his forehead, and the silhouette of Zhang Heng also followed closely from behind , Pulled out the [Paris’s arrow] inserted on the body, and kept walking, jumping directly onto the roof.

As expected by Zhang Heng, the hound seemed to intend to put him to death. He also arranged the manpower on the roof, and formed a surrounding net, basically blocking all his routes.

However, Zhang Heng didn’t panic when he saw the expression. He glanced at the enemies approaching from all directions and jumped directly into the air, and immediately behind him he opened a pair of huge shadow wings. Er Fei wing flew over the heads of the stunned assassins with the weight of him who should have fallen to the ground, and plunged into the darkness in the distance.

It wasn’t until long after that the assassins of the hounds woke up in their dreams, realizing that their mission had failed, but it was not the question of how to communicate, but the mythical scene just now.

Some of them have heard some rumors about the Eastern Gladiator before, but no one has taken those apparently ridiculous rumors to heart, until now they have seen it with their own eyes.

Fortunately, the leading assassin opened the mouth and said, “The blade of balance is over. It is not at worst to let him be an alternate core member, regardless of whether he is a human or something … It is no longer helpful, and Waiting for tomorrow, his wanted portraits will be all over the streets and alleys. If he is acquainted, he should leave Rome overnight, otherwise he will not find any shelter in this city. “

His words somewhat diminished some of the huge impact that the previous scene had brought to the hearts of everyone, but the assassins could still see doubts and uneasiness in each other’s eyes, but now that victory is in sight, most people still choose to suppress Doubts in my heart, try to forget what happened just now.

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