The old man hadn't come back yet, so Chen Hao and Chen Li divided the fish.

The big fish was for Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, and Daguo.

They divided the small fish among themselves.

"Daguo, can I eat this big fish?"

The little girl pointed to a one-pound crucian carp "given" to Chen Feng and said.

Chen Feng almost laughed at the funny look of this cute baby.

"Little girl, that won't work. Grandpa will come back later and sell the fish."

The little girl was stunned immediately.

In an instant, tears accumulated in her eyes, and she looked like a little man made of water, with a happy smile on her face after having a full meal, and then she burst into tears.

"Woo woo woo, this is my fish, my fish!"

"I won't sell it, big pot, I won't sell it!"

The little girl became emotional and began to speak incoherently again.

Chen Feng hugged the little girl and assured her, "It's okay, sell it, there are more fish."

"No, this is my fish, I want to eat it!"

"I'll catch you some loaches and turtles from yesterday."


The little girl was half-believing and half-doubting, but she changed her mind as soon as she said it.


Chen Feng hugged her and turned around.

"In the future, we will eat meat every day, not fish with many bones, and eat tender and delicious seafood."

"Then we make a promise!"


Chen Hao and He Yushui looked at the little girl with envy.

It is happiness to be loved by someone.

Feeling that the crabs were almost cooked, they were divided between Chen Hao and He Yushui. Chen Feng was responsible for peeling one, soaking it in salt water, and feeding it to the little girl.

"Big pot, this ugly thing is also delicious."

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

"Big pot, you eat it too."

Looking at the crab claws licked by the little girl, Chen Feng was very upset.

The little cotton jacket is leaking!

"No, you eat it yourself."

The little girl immediately put it into her mouth and bit it deliciously.

Seeing Chen Feng soaking in salt water, the two little ones learned quickly and immediately took the crab claws and soaked them in salt water before putting them into their mouths.

After waiting for a few minutes, the old man came with Director Qian from the nearby supply and marketing cooperative. Seeing the buckets in the kitchen, he admired: "Old man, my nephew is amazing. Since this year, he has been looking for food everywhere. Shichahai is crowded."

"Many people go to the supply and marketing cooperative to sell fish, but this is the first time I have seen anyone catch more than 3 kilograms."

"And there are so many. To be honest, if I didn't know that all the lakes and rivers in the city were cleaned up by people organized by villages, street offices, and district governments, I would have suspected that Xiaofeng had secretly caught them."

Chen Feng hugged the little girl and said, "Uncle Qian, even if I dare, I don't have a net at home."

Old Qian laughed and pointed at his head and said, "It's useless for you to hold the net. A lot of people are caught secretly every night. I heard that the Public Security Bureau caught more than a dozen last night."

"Guess how much they caught?"

Chen Feng shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"There's not a single big fish."

Old Qian sighed, "I didn't catch any fish, but I got into trouble."

While they were talking, two clerks from the supply and marketing cooperative weighed the fish one by one.

Chen Hao was a little anxious and blinked hard at Chen Li.

Chen Li puffed her lips and didn't dare to make trouble.

She knew that the big pot loved her, but the old man was strong!

If she cried, there might be fewer ugly monsters at noon.

"Leave this carp and grass carp."

He planned to keep the 5-jin grass carp until the evening and let Sha Zhu make it into pickled fish.

It just so happened that the He family had ready-made pickles, which were pickled cabbage.

As for the carp, Zhuzi was given one yuan in interest.

"Don't, it's such a waste to eat such a big grass carp. Sell it to me, and I will give it to the leader. The leader will have face, and you will also benefit."

Director Qian's words made Chen Feng speechless.

A five-jin grass carp is not a big fish. Not to mention the twenty or thirty-jin ones, it should be at least ten-jin.

"Old Qian, change it!"

The old man made the final decision and only left a carp and a two-jin grass carp.

Not counting the fish in the space fish pond, there were more than twenty jins outside, and the old man exchanged them all for food, cloth, seasonings and sugar.

The little girl watched the fish buckets being taken away, and tears came to her eyes again.

Chen Feng quickly soaked the sugar in sugar water and blocked the little girl's mouth.

"Big pot, delicious!"

The little girl happily held the small bowl,

The face changed so quickly!

Chen Feng wiped away the little girl's tears.

On the other side, Chen Hao

, He Yushui held the bowl and drank the sugar water in small sips.

They knew how to drink sugar water.

It took them twenty minutes to drink just a small bowl.

Chen Feng quietly peeled off a few corns on the cob, peeled off the seeds in the peppers, and picked up a sweet potato and a potato.

This was the food he had just exchanged.

He planted corn kernels, pepper seeds, sweet potatoes, and potatoes in the lake mud in the space and started the farming experiment.

"You drink fast!"

The old man said goodbye to Director Qian and came back with a few bills and a pair of cloth shoes with a smile.

"Grandpa, I'll make it for you." Chen Hao immediately put down the bowl.

The old man waved his hand and said, "No, I bought it for you."

"Drink the sugar water and study hard in the afternoon."

"Yeah." Chen Hao nodded vigorously.

The little girl saw it and nodded.

The old man handed the bills and cloth shoes to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took a look and saw three bills and three yuan. All the bills were daily industrial product purchase coupons.

There are two types of special purchase coupons, one is "daily industrial product purchase coupons" and the other is "non-staple food purchase coupons".

All daily industrial products include: thermos, enamel washbasins or tea mugs, aluminum pots, lunch boxes, nylon socks, books, etc.

After next year, in addition to bicycles, sewing machines, watches, and radios, soaps, light bulbs, batteries, wardrobes, thermos bottles, water bottles, etc., must also have corresponding tickets to be purchased in state-owned department stores.

For example, for oil gluten, water gluten, roasted bran, etc., you can use "non-staple food purchase coupons" (or tick the non-staple food purchase column) to buy a small amount of soy products, bean curd, vermicelli, sesame paste or peanut butter, golden needles, fungus, seasonings, etc.

"Brother, let's buy comic books in the afternoon." Chen Hao looked at the ticket in his hand and immediately suggested.

"Big pot, buy comic strips." The little girl responded quickly.

Comic strips are small books the size of a palm, and they come in many varieties, such as comic strips, pictures and words, and pure text.

There are also some comic strips specifically suitable for children's enlightenment, which are deeply loved by children.

"Comic strips" are scientifically known as comic strips. They emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, reached their peak in the 1980s, and were once a "must-read for Chinese people" that almost everyone had.

In the hearts of many people in the old city, comic strips are unforgettable childhood memories.

Classical literary masterpieces such as "Water Margin" and "Journey to the West" have comic strips, which are not only loved by children, but also adults.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, many excellent works such as "Chicken Feather Letter", "Liu Hulan", "Man Jianghong", and "Yang Men Nvjiang" continued to emerge. Rent a book for 1 cent and buy a book for a few cents.

Reading comic strips has become something that can be seen everywhere now.

The best ones are color comic strips, but the price has doubled, and the cheap ones cost a few cents.

"Okay, I'll go buy it when I'm free this afternoon." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

Facing the hope and desire in their eyes, he couldn't refuse.

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