"You guys play, I'm going to rest."

Opening the space to dig mud consumed a certain amount of energy, Chen Feng wanted to see if sleeping could replenish it.

Zhou Qing came back at noon with a few kilograms of cotton, cloth and kerosene.

To be honest, the old man didn't understand why the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at it for a whole morning for just three tickets.

Shouldn't they just buy it and leave?

"Mom, the big pot has caught a lot of ugly monsters. Can we eat them for lunch?" The little girl saw her mother coming back and immediately came forward to show off her big brother's new achievements.

"Ugly monster?"

Zhou Qing was stunned. What is this new term?

Chen Hao covered his mouth and laughed: "Mom, it's crabs."

"Ugly!" the little girl said solemnly.

"Okay, you are pretty, it's ugly."

Zhou Qing put down the things and walked to the kitchen.

The two little ones followed behind.

"Where did Xiaofeng catch the tiger?"

Zhou Qing was from Tianjin. Chen Jianjun met her in Tianjin and they got married in Tianjin.

Later, Sijiucheng surrendered and the Chen family settled here.

In the past, the Chen family ate a lot of crabs in Tianjin every year.

But that was Chen Feng's childhood memory. Chen Hao couldn't remember it, and Chen Li had no chance at all.

"Mom, my eldest brother went to bed and said he would eat crabs at noon."

Chen Hao cleverly didn't say that he wanted to eat, but brought up his eldest brother.

But they were destined to be disappointed.

Zhou Qing took the crabs out of the salt water and said, "Eat them in the evening, wait for your father and second uncle to come back together."

The little girl was a little disappointed.

"Then, then mother, can we have fish for lunch?"

She was a little lacking in courage and pointed at a grass carp.

"Can we eat it?"

Zhou Qing touched her head and said, "Little pretty, eat wild vegetables for lunch and tiger for dinner."

The little girl's nose twitched immediately. She didn't want to pay attention to her mother. She turned around and rushed to the other side of the study with her short legs.

Soon Chen Feng felt something on his chest.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was the little girl lying on it crying.

But she was afraid of her mother and didn't dare to cry loudly.

"Little Lily, what's wrong?"

"Big pot!"

The little girl shrank her head in his arms, tears streaming down her face.

"Mother won't let me eat ugly things, she said to eat porridge."

"Big pot, porridge will make me hungry."

"Look, my stomach is flat."

"Mother, I'll go catch more crabs in the afternoon, so the ones caught at noon don't have to stay at night, lest they die." Chen Feng was lying on the bed, shouting across the wall to the kitchen a few meters away.

Dead crabs are prone to breed a large number of bacteria and toxins, and eating them may cause food poisoning.

Zhou Qing, who grew up eating crabs, naturally understood this principle.

The little girl listened with her ears erect, and her tears stopped flowing.

"Okay, I got it."

"Big pot, you are so awesome!"

The little girl sat on his chest and said happily, with admiration in her eyes.

At noon, Zhou Qingqing steamed eight crabs, plus porridge and wild vegetables.

Chen Feng ate one and gave the remaining one to the little girl. Together with the one given to her by the old man, there were three crabs.

"Second pot, I have three, more than you."

The little girl was overjoyed and very proud.

Chen Hao bit the crab leg and flattered: "Little sister, you have so many, give me half."


The little girl immediately protected the bowl with both hands, with a strong sense of prevention.

Fire, theft and second pot.

Zhou Qing helped the little girl to take out the crab roe.

The old lady and the old man ate one together, Chen Hao and He Yushui each one.

"It's a pity that Shazhu is not here. With his skills, he can definitely make it very well." The old man bit the crab leg and swallowed it together.

"There were a lot of these things in Tianjin City back then, but now you can't buy them even if you want to." The old lady sighed a little.

"Grandpa, I want to go to my uncle's house in Tianjin. I plan to go to the beach to catch some good things." Chen Feng put down the bowl and said.

"It's too far. Wait until your dad takes a vacation and then go together."

The old man didn't agree that Chen Feng could go alone. He was worried.

Nanluoguxiang is nearly 170 kilometers away from Tianjin Tanggukou. It takes more than 3 hours to take a train.

With the Chen family's relationship, it is not difficult to buy a train ticket or get a letter of introduction from the street office.

The difficulty is that even if you catch fish, how can you get the fish back through the railway department?

Unless you don't take the train, choose to hire a horse carriage and ride for seven or eight hours.

However, hiring a horse carriage is expensive, and there are many places to go through.

of danger.

"Okay, then I'll go fishing for loaches."

After lunch in the afternoon, Chen Feng went to Tongzi River and continued to compete with the loaches there.

He was very lucky. He changed more than a dozen positions, dug a lot of surface river mud, and successfully caught a turtle, a large number of loaches, and a dozen crabs.

"It's better to dig mud directly, but my head is a little dizzy."

Wait until the evening, and go to the old professor's house, use the turtle and some loaches to exchange ten yuan and a candy ticket.

Candy tickets are also rare. Only the elderly and children with urban household registration can get them. One or two taels of sugar tickets are allocated to each person every quarter, and they are purchased according to the tickets, and generally only yellow-brown brown sugar can be bought.

Less than a mile down the building where the old professor lives is the famous Wangfujing Street No. 99, the "first store in New China" Wangfujing Department Store.

The department store closest to Nanluoguxiang in Dongcheng District is also here in Wangfujing.

Less than 2 kilometers away from Nanluoguxiang, just go down from Siheyuan Hutong and follow the street to get here.

The department store opened in September 1955, and the original body came here with his parents.

The customer flow on that day reached an astonishing 164,000 people, all of whom came to watch the excitement. Chen Feng almost got lost.

Chen Jianguo's own shoes were gone.

It is said that after the store closed, they picked up two large baskets of shoes that customers had lost.

"Hello, buy books."

The bookstore salesperson was a good-looking girl, but because she was too young and might not be married yet, Chen Feng did not dare to call her beautiful girl or beautiful sister.

In those days, there was no "hooligan crime" specifically for dealing with hooligans. That appeared 70 years later, but there was a similar punishment.

Most of the ordinary gangsters before liberation fell under the relevant laws.

Once they were mistaken for hooligans, they would eat peanuts, which was completely different from the ticket sellers on the bus before.

The salesperson was reading a comic book of Dream of the Red Chamber when he heard the voice and looked up.

He glanced at Chen Feng and stayed there for several seconds.

In an era when people were pale and thin and had rough skin, it was rare to see a man like him who was full of energy and spirit.

"Hello, what do you want to buy?"

Being able to be a salesperson in Wangfujing, the service level of the employees here is very high.

The exaggerated behavior of "beating customers" in later generations is rare in the old city.

Because the customers here are too special, maybe the old man you beat up has a senior official standing behind him.

The service tenet of "no beating or scolding customers" in state-owned stores flourished after the wind started, because radical class equality went too far, and power, qualifications, money, etc. all became targets to be overthrown.

The wind formed by class equality flourished in the 1970s and 1980s until the end of the wave of going into business in the 1990s.

Now, many salespeople here have a strong sense of serving the people.

Chen Feng picked three books and said, "I've picked them. Please check out."

"Three books, 60 cents in total."

"This one is 0.1 cent, this one is only 0.5 cents, and this one is 0.35 cents."

The salesperson patiently explained that the thicker the book, the more expensive it is, and they are not all the same price.

She suggested, "But I suggest you buy color pictures. Although the price is twice as high, the paper is thicker and better, and it can be kept longer and is not easy to be torn."

Chen Feng never listened to the salesmen in department stores before, and only bought according to his own plan.

However, the salesmen of this era do not have the profit income of salesmen, so he can rest assured to listen to their advice.

"Okay, thank you, change it."

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