The two eggs were so delicious that they were eaten in a bowl.

Two egg custards, just one bowl.

Chen Feng resolutely gave them to the two old people.

The old lady was very happy.

"Big pot, what is this?"

The little girl bit the crab legs and looked at the crab roe.

"This is crab roe, the eggs of the crab." Chen Feng explained patiently.

"Qing, don't give the girl crab roe." Chen Jianjun said: "Children who eat fish roe are not smart."

Chen Feng naturally knew that this statement was wrong. Children can not only eat it, but also should eat it appropriately, because this thing is very nutritious.

"Dad, I can't tell. The Qing Dynasty has fallen, but you are still feudal and superstitious."

Chen Jianjun said seriously: "This is the wisdom of our ancestors. Don't underestimate it."

The little girl pouted immediately when she saw her father digging the crab roe from her bowl.

She was unhappy.

Considering that it was difficult to convince this elementary school graduate with scientific theories, Chen Feng changed his statement.

"Dad, foreigners eat fish roe every day and grow tall and strong. Are they stupid?"

Chen Jianjun asked back: "How do you know they eat fish roe every day?"

Chen Feng shrugged his shoulders and talked nonsense: "Have you heard of caviar? A small box costs thousands of yuan, and you have to eat hundreds of yuan in one bite. This thing is made of fish roe. Many capitalists spend a high price to buy it for their children."

Chen Jianjun calmly tore off the crab legs and said: "I haven't heard of it."

Fortunately, someone here has heard of it.

"I know about this."

The old man was in a good mood to talk, and said, "There was a Marshal Zhang in Hunan who wanted to buy weapons from the German ambassador. I heard that the German liked to eat the Russian caviar, and he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a small bowl."

"Dad, you heard it, right?"

Chen Feng removed the claws of his crab and gave it to the little girl.

"Thank you, big pot."

The little girl didn't give her father a chance to "snatch food". She bit it quickly and ate all the crab roe immediately.

"But crabs are cold in nature. It's not good for children to eat too much!" The old man reminded.

The little girl ate faster, and she wanted to finish the crab in one bite.

She was almost done.

The little girl thought of the turtle she had last night and said, "It's better than yesterday's loach. Daguo, when are you going to catch a turtle?"

Chen Feng also liked eating turtles more and said, "Let's see if I can catch one tomorrow."

"Dad, do you have time on the weekend?"

"What for?"

Chen Jianjun returned a piece of crab roe to his daughter and immediately gained the forgiveness of the little girl.

"Thank you, Dad."

The little girl held up the almost empty shell crab that she had bitten off and put it into her father's mouth.

"Dad, you eat it."

Chen Jianjun ate the whole crab shell.

In fact, it was not only Chen Jianjun, but also Chen Hao.

First, eat the soup and meat on the crab shell, then bite the crab shell directly and eat it all.

The little girl followed suit.

I can only say that the soup ingredients prepared by Shazhu are really good.

Chen Feng replied, "Let's go to grandpa's house. I'll go fishing at the seaside. I guarantee we can catch seafood, which is more delicious than crabs and turtles."

Hearing his words, Chen Hao's eyes lit up.

Little Lili chewed crab meat with her little mouth, her eyes rolling.

Zhou Qing also looked at her husband. She wanted to go back to visit her parents and her eldest brother's family.

"Sea fishing is not easy."

Chen Jianjun wiped the soup stains from his daughter's mouth and said, "The fish in the sea are much more powerful than those in ponds and lakes. Some big fish can even pull people away. Your second uncle's fishing rod can't catch them. It breaks when you pull it."

Chen Feng had a plan for this and said, "We won't go into the sea. We will fish on the beach. There are no big fish on the beach. At most, they are seven or eight kilograms."

The Bohai Sea is now very rich in aquatic products. As the estuary of the Yellow River, one of the two major water systems in China, the Bohai Sea is rich in aquatic products.

It was not until the 1980s that the fishery resources in the Bohai Sea were depleted due to the improvement of fishing technology and overfishing.

"Okay, you catch more fish these days, and I'll go to the pigeon market to buy some food, and we'll bring it to your grandparents on the weekend."

After Chen Jianjun finished speaking, he picked up a piece of crab meat and gave it to his wife, indicating that he was in charge of the matter and no more words were needed.

A daughter who is married off is like water spilled out.

Every family is short of food, and they are frugal.

It is not something that an ordinary family can afford to give food to their father-in-law's family.

Compared with the inland areas, the life of fishermen on the coast is actually not bad, at least they will not starve to death. At the coast in this era,

As long as you are not lazy, there is no problem in having enough to eat.

During the Republic of China period, many poor people survived by relying on crabs, shells, etc. on the seashore.

"Xiaofeng, go find Zhuzi tomorrow and ask him to prepare some seafood seasoning for you." The old man said, "Prepare more."

Chen Jianjun was surprised and said, "Dad, Xiaofeng may not be able to catch seafood."

The old man said with great disdain, "My grandson is not you, he is a hundred times better than you."

"Grandpa, what about me?" Chen Hao couldn't help asking.

"Forget about you." The old man smiled.

After the family finished eating, Chen Feng held the little girl and told her the story of the comic book, and asked the little girl to read it.

The old lady and Zhou Qing made cotton clothes together.

Chen Jianjun counted the food supplies at home and divided the gifts to be given to his father-in-law's family with the old man.

"We have to exchange some coarse grains."

The old man suddenly said, "Chen Hao, did you eat the potatoes and sweet potatoes I brought back?"

Chen Hao shook his head quickly.

"Grandpa, it's not me."

Chen Feng casually said, "Grandpa, I'll roast it and eat it."

The little girl stepped on the stool and asked, "Big pot, is it delicious?"

"Well, I'll roast it for you next time, and you'll know when you try it." Chen Feng glanced at the space, and the potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and peppers inside had all sprouted.

The maturity cycle of potatoes and sweet potatoes is about 60-120 days, and that of corn is 90-120 days.

According to the time calculation, potatoes and sweet potatoes can mature in about 42 hours, and corn in 46 hours.

That is two days.

It was not until after nine o'clock in the evening that Chen Jianguo came back tiredly.

"Have you eaten? I left crabs and porridge in the coal stove for you." The old man who had been waiting for him to come back said at the door.

"I ate a steamed bun, but I'm not full."

Chen Jianguo walked over and whispered, "Dad, there was a temporary notice from above that we were going to the black market to catch a group of grain resellers, but the news leaked out and the other party didn't come tonight."

The old man whispered, "The people behind the black market are not easy to mess with. Many of them are powerful and have big guys in their hands. Remember to stand behind and don't offend anyone."

"Dad, don't worry, I know."

Chen Jianguo turned on the boiler with the light from the coal stove that had not yet gone out, smelled the fragrance, and his face was intoxicated.

"My nephew is getting better and better. He can even catch so many crabs."

Based on his understanding of his father, being able to leave three for him means that everyone can eat at least two.

"Humph, of course my grandson is amazing."

The old man said dissatisfiedly: "You told me that if you have to find your own match, when can you find it? Do you have to wait for a few years and become a bachelor that no one wants?"

Chen Jianguo laughed and said: "Dad, two grandsons and a granddaughter, aren't they enough for you to amuse yourself?"

"Let's talk about it after the disaster. Now the family is short of food, and even little Lili is very thin. More people mean more mouths to feed, maybe a few more."

"What are you two arguing about in the middle of the night? What if you wake up the child?"

The old lady held a bright kerosene lamp to illuminate her youngest son.

"Mom, why waste this oil? I can see it." Chen Jianguo tore off a few crab legs and put them into his mouth and mashed them up.

"Zhu Zi's craftsmanship is beyond words. I think I can let Haozi learn from him, and we will enjoy it in the future."

The old man said disdainfully: "How can someone from my Chen family learn this kind of work of serving people!"

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