The old man was very tired.

Because he dug too much mud from the lake yesterday, Chen Feng slept very deeply after falling asleep last night.

Until the morning, he felt someone slapping his face.

"Baby, stop making trouble."

"Dad, Dad calls me baby, Dad, you are my baby."

Hearing the cheers in his ears, Chen Feng woke up and remembered that he was not sleeping on a Simmons mattress.

He felt uncomfortable.

The bed he slept on was a hardwood board with a layer of dry straw, a breeding ground for fleas.

In this era, fleas are not only the most annoying creatures in rural areas, but also the most rampant insects in urban areas.

This thing is similar to cockroaches and cannot be eradicated.

In later times, many communities were still infested with fleas for a variety of reasons.

Although his skin was tough, his senses were also extremely sharp.

He knew immediately after taking a bite.

"Cotton, cotton must be planted first."

He opened his eyes, got up and dressed, and then went to the kitchen to fetch water to wash.

The little girl was pestering Erguo who was sleeping late.

"Baby, Erguo, baby, Erguo, wake up."

Chen Hao was very annoyed with her, but he didn't dare to beat her.

He had beaten her once before, and then he cried even harder than her.

In the morning, they had millet porridge. On the surface of the white porridge, there were pieces of salted fish meat slices after the fish bones were removed... meat scraps.

"Mom, where did the millet come from?"

Chen Feng came in to wash and saw the old lady and Zhou Qing throwing meat scraps in together, so he asked one more question.

"Shh, the millet was brought back by your second uncle last night, don't tell anyone." The old lady whispered.

Chen Feng understood instantly.

Zhou Qing hesitated to speak.

Since it has to be kept secret, he shouldn't tell his son.

Chen Feng naturally prefers millet porridge + salted fish to wild vegetables + porridge.

Because salted fish is added with salt, there is a slight salty taste in the porridge.

With the slight fishy smell of salted fish, the taste is okay.

For Chen Hao and Xiao Lili, this is delicious and tasty. The two little guys drank two bowls of salted fish meat in a row.

After eating, Chen Feng carried the fish bucket, fishing rod and other tools to go out.

"Big pot, are you going fishing?"

The little girl hugged his calf and asked.

"Yes." Chen Feng squatted down and nodded to the little Loli.

"Then you must catch turtles and bring back delicious turtles." The little girl opened her hands and gestured the best image of the turtle in her mind.

Probably the appearance of a thousand-year-old turtle.

Bigger than her.

"Okay, let's go read the comic book." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

"Brother Feng, good morning."

He Yushui came again, not only did he come, but he also brought a handful of pickled cabbage and two taels of pork belly.

This was because Chen Feng wanted to make pickled fish last night but failed. The old man thought it was too extravagant and planned to make it tonight.

However, Shazhu left work early twice in a row, and there was no such thing as three times the limit.

So he had to prepare the ingredients in advance and asked He Yushui to write down the production sequence last night and bring it over this morning.

As for the pork belly, it was a thank you to He Yushui for having lunch here at noon.

Chen Feng came to Tongzi River to fish again.

I don't know if he came too hard, but most of the fish caught this time were small fish of two or three centimeters.

It took an hour and changed more than a dozen places to catch a small half bucket of loach and a few yellow eels.

At the same time, a lot of river mud was dug into the space, doubling the size of the farmland to two hundred square meters.


This time, he didn't take it back directly to avoid being too popular.

I secretly went to a supply and marketing cooperative in Nancheng District.

"Comrade, do you buy loaches and eels?"

The supply and marketing cooperative is a bridge and link between urban and rural areas, workers and farmers, and the government and farmers. It not only sells general merchandise, but also purchases various materials from private individuals, including grain, fish, etc.

It can be called a small trading market.

When the salesperson saw the things in the fish bucket in his hand, he immediately leaned over, lay on the counter, and whispered: "Comrade, if you sell it to our cooperative, the highest price is only 30 cents per pound. Otherwise, you sell it to me and I will buy it at 60 cents per pound."

Chen Feng took a look at the store. Logically, there are usually several salespeople in the supply and marketing cooperative.

"Don't worry, there is pork coming up in Wangfujing Department Store today, and everyone went there to grab pork. Only I am unlucky and got the lottery to stay behind."

The salesperson advised: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"If there is any problem, I will take it."

I don't believe you!

Chen Feng asked: "Do you have any seeds here? Cotton, wheat, rice are all fine."

The salesperson looked at him strangely.

He was looking at him.

"Comrade, don't play tricks on me. If you want to buy seeds, you should go to the supply and marketing cooperatives in the town outside the city. There are seeds there. Who grows grain in the city?"

"Don't, look for it, maybe there is one?" Chen Feng raised his hand and clasped his fists.

"You are so troublesome."

Although he said so, the male salesperson still couldn't resist the temptation of eating meat.

After a round, he came over with a small bag.

"What a hell, which idiot forgot to take medicine and actually bought a batch of seeds and put them in the warehouse to collect dust."

"He should really let him pick up camel dung!" (Describes a person who is tall but stupid, clumsy, and clumsy)

Put the bag on the counter and check the price.

"This bag is a pound of high-quality rice seeds, Guangxi farmer's variety, short, I'll add some peanuts to it and sell it to you a foot of cloth, how about it?"

Chen Feng calculated that he still lost a few cents.

"Okay, give me five more eggs."

The salesperson sighed, "You don't even let me earn a few cents, and I still have to pay for cloth coupons."

"Well, then give me two eggs."

Take the bucket given by the other party and pour all the loaches and eels into it.

After the settlement, Chen Feng left with rice seeds, peanuts, and cloth.

When he walked to an unmanned corner, he scattered all the seeds in the lake mud southeast of the altar.

Rice seeds in one place, peanuts in another.

In order to avoid water shortage, it was specially transformed into farmland and irrigated with three centimeters of well water.

In this way, a 100-square-meter irrigation area is formed, and a 100-square-meter dry area is formed for corn (76), potato (1), sweet potato (1), pepper (16), and peanut (184).

Chen Feng had never farmed in his previous life, so he didn't know that normally, one mu of paddy field (666.66㎡) requires 20-30 kilograms of ordinary seeds.

On average, this 100 square meters of paddy field only needs at least 3 kilograms of rice seeds.

Similarly, he didn't know what it meant to plant 76 corns, 1 potato, 1 sweet potato, 16 peppers, and 184 peanuts on 100 square meters of dry land.

For example, sweet potatoes and potatoes need to be raised as seedlings.

If it were normal land, these seeds would definitely die!

But this place is special.

Chen Feng also specially poured a layer of well water to increase the vitality of the seeds and ensure that they can germinate smoothly. This is a lucky coincidence.

Well water is extraordinary water after all.

"It takes 30 hours for chicks to hatch, and 40 hours for rice seeds, corn, potatoes, etc."

"Arrange the site for the chicks first."

Turned around and went to Shichahai Park. Instead of fishing by the lake, he secretly dug some turf.

Put the turf on the upper layer of the lake mud northwest of the altar to form a small grassland.

Find an unmanned corner and throw the empty hook into the lake.

In less than ten seconds, a fish was hooked.

Why did the empty hook get caught? Chen Feng could only say that the fish hook was poisonous and had an incompatible fate with aquatic creatures.

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