The old man was very angry, but the old man refused.

Chen Feng was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. He took a bamboo stick and wanted to help the old man go to the public toilet outside the courtyard, but was rejected by the old man.

"It's not time for you to help me yet."

When the old man went to the public toilet on the street outside, Chen Feng looked at the second child with a smile.

"Brother, can you be gentler?"

Chen Hao lay on the stool obediently, raised his buttocks, and turned his head to ask.

This is unimaginable in later generations.

If parents hit them a few times, the children might call the police and ask the police uncle to be their backer.

Not to mention teachers.

But in this era, if parents or teachers want to beat them, they must not only call the police, but also lie down obediently.

"I won't hit you, but you have to promise me that you must study with me from today."

"Brother, then you should hit me!"

"Are you sure?"

Chen Feng showed his arms, and the thick muscles blinded Chen Hao's eyes.

"I have been much stronger recently, and I may accidentally send you to the hospital."

Chen Hao thought for dozens of seconds, and saw that his brother lifted the table with one finger, and he stood up immediately in fear.

"Brother, don't hit me, I will listen to you and study hard."

Chen Feng touched the little guy's head.

"Not bad, a man who knows the times is a hero, little brother, I am optimistic about your future."

"Big pot, I want you to touch it too."

The little girl opened her hands and hugged his calves.

Put the little girl in his arms, touched her head, and drew a few small animals for her.

The little girl was very happy.

If the sand painting could only be placed on the table, maybe they would have taken their "masterpiece" to the middle courtyard to show off to the children of the neighbors next door.

When grandpa came back, Chen Feng took the green bamboo fishing rod made by his second uncle and told the old man to go fishing in Shichahai.

"Don't go, your second uncle went there a while ago, and he didn't catch many fish in a day, and he was gone in one bite."

"Grandpa, my second uncle is unlucky, but I am different!"

Chen Feng poured a cup of hot water for the old man and said, "Don't worry, if I can't catch anything, I will come back."

Chen Hao looked at his eldest brother eagerly, but Chen Feng ignored him.

After all, the old man is old, and the family must have a sensible caretaker.

"I'll take you next time."

Carrying a bucket and a fishing rod, he walked out of the compound.

"Big pot, I want to eat small fish." The little girl stood at the door and said very seriously.


There were not many people on the street, and it seemed very deserted.

It costs money to take the bus, and Chen Feng has no money.

So he chose to walk.

Nanluoguxiang and Shichahai are separated by a street, with the Forbidden City as the center, Nanluoguxiang in the northeast, and Shichahai Park in the northwest.

It is less than two miles away on foot.

He remembers that he went to Shichahai to fish several times with his father and second uncle, and each time it was crowded.

When he came in the afternoon, there were already good places on the shore, such as guardrails and embankments.

From 1949 to 1950, the government organized various forces to carry out comprehensive dredging and management of Shichahai, build embankments, and add guardrails, which led to the appearance of Shichahai today.

"Chen Feng, you are here too!"

Chen Feng heard the shout and looked over.

It was Yan Bugui, the third uncle of the yard No. 95 next door. Among the beasts in the yard No. 95, this elementary school Chinese teacher who calculated everything for his whole life was barely a pseudo-cultured person with integrity.

Compared with the others, he was not too bad, and his calculations had a bottom line.

"Uncle Yan, how was the catch?"

Yan Bugui smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He pointed to his bucket, where three finger-sized fish were swimming happily.

The official autumn fishing activity in Shichahai is carried out every year. Although its scale cannot be compared with Chagan Lake, the catch when the net is closed is very impressive.

The official net is a drag net, with mesh as big as a child's palm. Usually only fish under one pound can slip through the net and continue to grow.

The fish caught are mainly silver carp and grass carp. The original body had seen a big grass carp before. The fisherman picked out the gills and carried it past him. The fish was bigger than a child.

However, no matter how many fish there are, they cannot withstand the official autumn fishing and the private fishing of the people after the autumn fishing.

Looking at the fishing gear in Chen Feng's hand.

Yan Bugui smiled and said, "Xiao Feng, how about a deal? I'll give you the spot and the earthworms. If you catch a fish, give me one, okay?"

Chen Feng thought about it and nodded.

"Thank you, Uncle Yan."

There was no way. There were almost no people lining up in the good spots near the guardrail, and there was no space for him to get in.

Besides, he didn't want to dig earthworms.

Although Old Yan only had one and a half earthworms, he could still catch fish several times after breaking them.

It seemed that this exchange was a bit of a loss.

But the problem was that he had 100% fishing rods!

The time he spent on finding a location and digging earthworms was enough for him to catch a bucket.

Moreover, he also needed a public opportunity to explain the origin of the fish meat in his family.

Now this was his best performance stage.

The actor was already in place!

"Come, this seat is very good. Look at the others, who didn't catch anything all day."

Giving up the seat, Yan Bugui didn't leave with the bucket, but sat aside and smoked a Daqianmen that seemed to be given by someone, obviously waiting for Chen Feng to catch the first fish.

Currently, there are economic cigarettes and brand cigarettes in various places.

The famous Qianjin brand cigarettes, white packaging, 2 cents a pack.

Daqianmen is also considered an economical cigarette, but the quality is very high. A pack costs 33 cents in the old city.

Old Yan's salary is actually not low, and his family is very rich. As the "invisible rich man" who owns a "BMW 8 Series" bicycle in No. 95 Courtyard, he will buy a TV in the future.

When eating pickles at home, he will divide the pickles into small pieces, and he knows how to live the best.

But he is really stingy!

Just like now, one small puff, one small puff, I wish I could smoke this cigarette until Macau returns in 1999.

Chen Feng changed the fishing rod halfway.

He sat down, hung the earthworm, and gently shook it, shooting the fishing line into the water.

In less than ten seconds, the fish was hooked.

Slightly pull the rod back.

The fish is not big, but it is also about 3 taels.

"Oh, what a skill, you caught the fish so quickly."

Yan Bugui rubbed his hands excitedly. Seeing the small crucian carp weighing more than half a catty brought to the surface by the fishing line, he felt that he had earned several hundred million.

He had not been able to catch more than 3 taels of fish in the whole morning.

Without waiting for Chen Feng to bend down, he took the initiative to step forward and put the "big fish" into his bucket.

He raised his hand to pat Chen Feng's shoulder, but Chen Feng dodged.

"Uncle Yan, don't, you have fish scales on your hands."

"Ah, yes, haha, Xiaofeng, what a skill, you caught it so quickly."

Yan Bugui praised Chen Feng fiercely. Anyway, good words don't cost money, but they just cost saliva.

"What a great guy, he caught a big fish right away!"

"Yeah, we've been sitting for almost a day and haven't caught a big one."

"Don't mention it, I've been sitting for almost a day and my bucket is full of water."

The other fishermen were extremely jealous, but they kept their composure and congratulated Yan Bugui and Chen Feng.

No one was jealous of Chen Feng's fish.

He was just lucky.

There aren't many big fish like this in Shichahai.

Then, they all threw their hooks to the place where Chen Feng had just fished, as if there was a school of fish at that location.

Chen Feng hooked again, and this time he deliberately waited for a few minutes.

He lifted it gently.

It was estimated to be a grass carp weighing at least three pounds. Without any resistance, it was easily hooked by Chen Feng and put in his bucket.

A group of people were all stunned. They were also hooked now. More than a dozen people had their own gains, but they were all small fish.

"Oh my god!"

"It's in broad daylight, what a ghost."

Not to mention Yan Bugui who was still praising.

He moved his lips, but couldn't say that he wanted this big fish.

As a cultured person in the No. 95 compound, he still has moral integrity.

But he felt so sad.

One is half a catty, and the other is three catties.

Six times more!

Enough for him to eat for three weeks!

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