The fish was caught in a big hole, and the fish was caught in a big hole.

When they saw Chen Feng put the grass carp into the bucket, a group of people gasped.

"It's amazing. Such a big grass carp doesn't resist?"

"You are lucky, young man. If you use a little force, the grass carp can probably break your line."

When he picked up the fishing rod again, took off the hook, and hung the earthworm, a group of people nearby ran over.

"Brother, sell this fish to me, I'll give you a piece."

Because of the imbalance between supply and demand, food prices are actually very chaotic at this time.

The current pork price is far higher than the actual selling price, and food prices fluctuate greatly. The official price of first-grade meat (fat meat) is about 60 cents per pound, and second-grade pork belly and third-grade lean meat are relatively cheaper.

But in reality, there are too many people and too little meat. As soon as the supply and marketing cooperative has meat, it will basically be snatched up by the "informed people" who have connections with the supply and marketing cooperative.

Many people have extra meat tickets, but they can't buy meat!

The price of meat in the pigeon market and black market in the old city is more than three times higher than that in the supply and marketing cooperative.

Many powerful bosses have become millionaires by relying on the pigeon market and black market.

The price of fish is far lower than that of pork. The market price is about 30 cents per catty, but the private transaction price is much higher than this number.

A three-pound grass carp is offered for one yuan.

It is definitely bullying Chen Feng for being young and ignorant.

But not everyone is like this.

"I'll pay one yuan and fifty cents, little brother."

"I'll pay one yuan and fifty cents and one cent."

"Hey, buddy, have some shame, if you are a man, you can raise the price by one yuan!"

The uncle who started with one yuan and raised the price by one cent was embarrassed, but he was unwilling to give up.

"Two yuan, I'll pay two yuan!" said another person.

"Little brother, I'll pay 2.5 yuan."

An old man spoke up and shut up the others.

Chen Feng bowed and said, "Uncles and uncles, buying and selling is illegal. I'm going to catch fish to feed my family, so please disperse."

After the three major reforms are completed, private buying and selling is illegal, otherwise everyone won't have to go to the black market or pigeon market to exchange in the middle of the night.

Although everyone will not report him for a fish, he has to take risks for one.

The few people who opened their mouths for buying and selling were shocked and quickly retreated.

Although it is not the time for the wind to blow in the future, everyone is still very taboo about the key words such as buying and selling.

In fact, it is very common to exchange food privately.

Everyone is a human being and needs to eat, and the official has turned a blind eye.

So the pigeon market for exchanging goods has always existed.

But public private trading is a slap in the face of the official.

Yan Bugui looked at the grass carp and regretted it very much.

He felt that if he had not changed his position, he might have gotten 2.5 yuan.

Nearly one-tenth of a month's salary!

He lost a lot!

He was so distressed that he almost had a stroke!

Pain, pain, pain!

Teacher Yan, who could not sleep all night for a few cents, was still reflecting on himself and feeling miserable when Chen Feng raised the fishing rod again.

This time, his luck was a little worse. He caught a big yellow eel weighing almost 4 taels.

Wild yellow eels are generally 3-5 taels, and only after more than five or six years will they weigh 6 taels.

The problem is that the climate in the north is extremely cold and not suitable for yellow eels to survive. This thing is more common in the southern water system.

It should be rare in the lakes of the old city.


A group of people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Yellow eels and crabs are not popular with everyone. On the one hand, oil is expensive, and it is difficult to cook without oil. They lack seasoning and are not delicious.

Second, this is the life-saving food for the poor, and urban residents have their own pride.

Of course, every family is so hungry that they have to eat porridge now.

Not to mention this stuff, even mice and grasshoppers with little meat have been roasted and eaten.

Are people who are starving still human?

They are two-legged beasts!

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't catch a big fish, they felt much better.

Yan Bugui cursed in his heart.

Even if it was an eel, it would have 4 taels of meat, which is bigger than the fish he exchanged for!

He lost money again!

It hurts even more!

It's too uncomfortable, I'm going to die!

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Chen Feng raised the rod again.

The hearts of a group of people tightened again, and they didn't even care about their own fishing rods, and their eyes were fixed on his fishing rod.

This made Chen Feng feel that he couldn't fish anymore.

He didn't know that he couldn't fish anymore, and Yan Bugui couldn't watch it anymore.

It hurts so much!

He must change his position back, otherwise he will go to his grandfather today!

"A, A, turtle!"

The uncle next to him said excitedly.


I knew, and thought he had caught it.

"Oh my god, this is too, too, too lucky!"

"What a fat turtle, at least three or four pounds."

"Are you blind, this is three or four pounds?"

"Soft-shelled turtles are good things. If we sell this one, it will be at least ten yuan."

Yan Bugui rolled his eyes, bullshit ten yuan, if it were in the south, no one would eat soft-shelled turtles!

It's just that in the old city, there are many rich people, and they need to nourish kidney water, so the price is raised.

No, I can't bear it anymore!

"I think it's more than that, it's this big!"

"What the hell, we are right next to it, there is no fish, how come the little brother hooks one, is this lake poisonous?"

"Maybe it's age discrimination!"

A group of people gathered around again, staring at Chen Feng taking off the hook and putting it in the bucket at his feet.

This time it was a big turtle weighing more than three pounds (actually more than that).

No matter what era, as long as it is in China, soft-shelled turtles are a great tonic.

"Rihuazi Materia Medica": It can replenish qi and regulate the middle, treat leucorrhea in women, and treat blood clots and waist pain.

"Riyong Materia Medica": It can replenish fatigue, strengthen yang qi, and greatly replenish the deficiency of yin.

"Suixiju Diet": It nourishes the yin of the liver and kidneys, and clears the heat of deficiency and fatigue. It is mainly used for prolapse of the anus, uterine bleeding, scrofula, and lumps.

Because Chinese medicine regards them as medicines for nourishing yin and yang, and there is a lack of artificial breeding technology, wild soft-shelled turtles are rare, especially now, the price of this thing in Sijiucheng is much more expensive than meat.

For some rich people who need nourishment, it can indeed be sold at a high price.

If it is outside Sijiucheng, especially in the countryside where wild soft-shelled turtles crawl everywhere in the south, farmers will not be very hungry.

Because of the lack of seasoning, oil, and cooking technology, wild soft-shelled turtles are not delicious and are generally fed to ducks!

(Don't compare wild turtles with modern farmed turtles. This is like comparing wild boars with domestic pigs. It's a boring comparison.)

As soon as it was brought out of the water, people nearby were shocked.

The old man who bought fish just now came over again. This time he directly carried a fishing rod and a fish bucket.

"Little brother, I am a retired professor of Peking University. My daughter-in-law gave birth to a child not long ago and urgently needs nutritional supplements. If you trust me, come back with me. I promise to bring good things and exchange them for your turtle."

Chen Feng thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Bartering is allowed by policy. Even in the windy 1970s, bartering was a normal behavior.

Although he didn't understand why a Peking University professor didn't fish in the Old Summer Palace or Kunming Lake, but ran to Shichahai more than ten kilometers away, this was not something he needed to care about.

Noticing the looks of the crowd, he smiled and said, "I know everyone wants my position, but there is only one, so--"

"I'll trade this pack of cigarettes with you."

There were some smart fishermen nearby who immediately started to grab it.

They all felt that it was not because of their poor skills, but because of their good luck in their position.

Otherwise, why couldn't they catch any fish? This little brat repeatedly challenged their bottom line.

"I have three taels of meat tickets here."

"I have coal tickets, five catties."

Seeing a group of people rushing over.

Yan Bugui shouted, "Let Xiaofeng go, let me come."

"Kid, I'll give you all the fish, just give me the position."


A group of people all mocked.

How shameless!

With the attitude of "I'm a good person", Chen Feng agreed to Yan Bugui's application.

"Uncle Yan, the seat was originally yours. I won't change the fish. I'll give it to you."

"Is this kid stupid?"

"Idiot, others respect the old and love the young."

"No, I can pay."

"Okay, okay!"

Yan Bugui was slightly surprised, then a little excited, and hurriedly praised: "See, this is the good son of the old Chen family in Nanluoguxiang. He was my former student. He always got the first place in every exam. He is a very good person and respects the old and loves the young. Why is he lucky? Naturally, it's because he is a good person..."

Old Yan praised a lot. He is worthy of being the most educated person in No. 95 Courtyard. He said more than a dozen sentences without repeating himself.

Although he is not young, his hands and feet are very quick. He occupied the space where Chen Feng moved at the first time, fearing that others would occupy the seat.

"Good people are rewarded. How could I be so unlucky that I couldn't catch a pound of fish in a day?"

"Forget a pound, I didn't even catch five ounces."

"I'm a good person, too. Why don't I have this good luck?"

Although he kept complaining, everyone's impression of him became friendly, and the previous jealousy and envy also dissipated.

Obviously, he could exchange for bills, and at the very least, he could get his fish back.

However, Chen Feng refused these benefits and returned the position to Yan Bugui.

For a good and moral child,

If you are lucky enough to catch a few fish, their tolerance is obviously much higher.

If Chen Feng really accepted the ticket, cigarettes, etc., someone might report it immediately.

The old man who wanted to buy his fish and turtles also nodded secretly.

Without spending a penny, Chen Feng successfully established the first impression of "good people are rewarded", and eliminated potential crises.

As for Lao Yan, I hope he will not feel a big loss because he can't catch any fish, and miss the "fish school", resulting in sleepless nights for several consecutive days!

Carrying the fish bucket and the fishing rod, I followed the old man for 3 miles and came to the Dongcheng District Government Compound.

The old professor lived in a building in the compound, which is a common six-story brick building in the future.

Because this new collective housing has good heating, water supply, toilet and other systems, and the people living here are either officials or senior technicians.

So in the eyes of the public at present, buildings are more precious than courtyards without electricity, toilets and other facilities.

This idea continued until the 1980s and 1990s, when many Hong Kong and coastal merchants went north and bought the ownership of courtyard houses at a relatively low price.

Those who sold their courtyard houses often bought buildings as soon as possible and were proud of it.

It was not until the 1990s that they realized they had missed a few small goals.

(In 2000, the price of a courtyard house in the old city was 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per square meter, and in a good location, it was as high as 40,000 yuan.)

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