After entering the room, the old man asked Chen Feng to sit in the living room.

In less than a minute, he took out various bills and commodities from the room.

Chen Feng took a look and his eyelids twitched. It was a bicycle ticket.

Ignoring the bicycle ticket, he picked out a cloth ticket, a kerosene ticket and three cotton tickets.

Winter is coming soon. In my memory, the Chen family lacks winter clothes. .

With this cloth ticket and three cotton tickets, at least one coat can be made.

Kerosene is used for lighting.

Nowadays, every household in the city of Sijiu mainly uses candles and kerosene lamps, among which candles are the main ones. Kerosene lamps are also scarce because China is an oil-deficient country and there is a large demand from all parties.

As for electric lights.

Yes, but the popularity is very low, and factories and building areas are given priority.

Especially because of the Great Steel Production after 1958, electricity was given priority to steel mills.

Nanluoguxiang is connected to electricity, but if you want to use electricity, it is not as reliable as candles and kerosene lamps (lanterns).

If you want to use electric lights, you have to wait until the 1970s. At that time, the only household appliance in many people’s homes was tube lights. At 8 or 9 o’clock every night, every house was dark.

In the 1970s and 1980s, during the peak period, the power outages in the city exceeded dozens of times a day.

In 1986, a total of 110,000 power outages were pulled, with an average of 300 power outages per day.

It was not until 1993 that the power grid transformation projects in the city were implemented, and the residents’ electricity was basically not pulled out of the power grid.

“Uncle, I want these five receipts.”

The old professor took a look and nodded with a smile.


"Little friend, if you catch something good next time, you can come to my house to exchange with me."

I'm fine, little brother, I'm fine, little friend.

Uncle, you're a Sichuan opera artist, right?


Chen Feng agreed immediately. If his family wants to go shopping, it's not enough to have money, they must have enough tickets.

But these tickets are basically in the hands of middle and senior management.

Like Zhen Xi's bicycle tickets, the entire Red Star Steel Rolling Mill can only distribute three or four tickets to employees for rewards in a year.

The rest should be reserved for the factory first and distributed to buyers, projectionists, etc.

A factory director, several deputy factory directors, logistics director, security director, purchasing director, guesthouse director, hospital director, labor and capital department (personnel department) director, archives director, finance director, workshop director, dispatch director, eighth-level technical workers in the factory, etc., all these people add up to more than twenty people.

Three or four bicycle tickets are not enough for the factory's senior management.

Not to mention the common class, basically no connections, no way to get a ticket.

Speaking of which, many people may not believe it.

In 1949, there were more than 170,000 bicycles in the city, but that was the accumulated amount, belonging to the rich and powerful. It was not so easy for the lower class to buy domestic products.

There were many factories, but they faced a large market of tens of millions of people, and the whole country needed transportation tools, so it was impossible to supply only one city.

(In 1959, in Ningbo Municipal Bureau, there were only 12 bicycles, a few jeeps, and a few three-wheeled motorcycles registered)

It was equivalent to half a year's salary of an ordinary worker, and few people were willing to spend it.

This old professor seemed to have a lot of connections. Not only did he have electric lights and radios at home, but he also had a sewing machine and a Shanghai brand semi-steel men's watch on his wrist.

The retail price of this watch was 60 yuan.

His father wanted to buy it several times but couldn't bear to spend it.

The monthly salary of an apprentice at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill is only 18 yuan. During the three-year study period, one year of seniority plus 2 yuan, the fourth year internship salary is 27.5 yuan, and after the fifth year, the official first-level technical worker is only 32.5 yuan.

In other words, this watch is equivalent to two months' salary of someone else after five years of seniority.

There was a bicycle ticket in the bills he took out, and I don't know if it was unintentional, or it was to show off and test.

"Uncle, goodbye."

"Okay, little friend, take care."

The old professor was very satisfied with Chen Feng's loyalty and lack of greed, and personally sent him to the door.

"Little comrade, remember, if you have fish and shrimp, you can come to me, especially turtles."

"Okay, uncle."

After bidding farewell to the old professor, Chen Feng did not go home directly, but chose to stay and catch more fish when passing by the moat of the Forbidden City, Tongzi River.

Tongzi River used to have many fish and shrimp.

But now this stream is very clean.

Chen Feng had some evil taste and wanted to try it out. What can this 100% fishing rod do without fish?

As a result, the facts told him that without fish, it would not work.

There are no other aquatic creatures.

The first rod caught a 2-liang flower loach.

The second rod caught a turtle as big as an adult's palm.

The third rod caught another 3-liang loach.

The fourth rod caught a 2-liang yellow eel.

The fifth rod...

"Damn it, where do so many loaches come from in this place!"

Chen Feng wanted to complain.

The high-yield period of loaches is between June and October every year, especially from June to August when they are the fattest and most active.

But it's cold in Sijiu City this year. It's the end of September now, so this thing should be hiding in the hole at the bottom of the water.

"Forget it, small loaches are also meat, it's better than nothing."

The empty hook caught more than 3 jin of loach, a turtle, 3 yellow eels, and several small crucian carps weighing 3 liang.

Then he went back with the bucket.

When he was almost home, he heard shouting behind him.

"Crazy, walk slower, wait for me."

Chen Feng turned his head helplessly when he heard the voice.

The one who spoke was none other than the master who dominated the No. 95 compound next door, the future king of licking dogs, and the big fool in the mouth of the old man of the Chen family - He Yu·Sha·Zhu.

As a cook of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, Sha Zhu is not a chef yet. It is not his turn to be in charge of the small canteen for entertaining VIPs in the factory.

It is only now that it is the era of iron rice bowls. Even if the leader is very unhappy, at most he can only report the criticism and hold up the promotion and salary increase.

Dismissal, that is impossible!

The chef is one of the eight major members, and he is very valuable.

Sha Zhu caught up with him, and his eyes lit up when he saw the bucket.

"Crazy, Brother Zhu wants to negotiate with you. You have so many loaches, sell half to me, and I promise not to let you suffer a loss."

Sha Zhu is a half-apprentice of Chen Feng's father, learning martial arts.

So he is obviously older than Chen Feng, but he is of the same generation as him.

The original body used to call Sha Zhu a fool, so Sha Zhu gave him the nickname of a madman.

But the madman knows Fengzi, and because Sha Zhu used to give him a lot of buns, the original body endured it.

Sha Zhu is a fool, and he cares about face. Now he doesn't care about the things he gets, unlike in the future, when he was led astray by Qin Huairu and learned to steal public food to feed a group of people in the Jia family.

He can eat enough, but not well.

"Zhu Zi, buying and selling is illegal."

He Yuzhu said disdainfully: "If you don't say it and I don't say it, who will know?"

He hugged Chen Feng's shoulders with one hand, looking like a good brother.

"If you agree to sell, I'll show you my new Sichuan cooking skills tonight. I guarantee you'll want to eat more."

Before Sha Zhu entered the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, his father He Daqing should have arranged it before he ran away. He learned Sichuan cuisine at Hongbinlou in Tianjin (famous for its halal cuisine, but there are Sichuan chefs), and Shandong cuisine at Fengzeyuan. Together with his own family-inherited Tan family cuisine, he can be said to be a master of all three schools in the chef world.

Hongbinlou is a famous halal restaurant, and Fengzeyuan is a master of Shandong cuisine.

Without the connections of his elders, Sha Zhu, who was alone with his sister He Yushui at the time, was unlikely to learn from a master continuously.

It just so happens that there is a classic dish called roasted loach in Sichuan cuisine.

"Zhu Zi, how about this, you help me cook soft-shelled turtle, grass carp and loach, you are responsible for the oil and seasonings, and I'll give you a pound of loach."

Seasonings and oil are not cheap, and are even more expensive than meat.

"Okay, crazy guy, you're so loyal!"

Sha Zhu felt that he spent an hour helping Chen Feng to process soft-shelled turtles, grass carps, and loaches, and only spent some seasonings and oil, and he got a pound of loaches, which was a big profit.

Chen Feng felt that instead of letting his family waste the ingredients, it would be better to take out a pound of loaches in exchange for Sha Zhu's help.

Compared with eating a few delicious meals, a pound of loaches is nothing.

There are a lot of these things in the moat.

One in ten seconds, and you can catch a bucket in ten minutes.

After all, soft-shelled turtles are really not delicious without a master to cook them!

So both of them felt that they had made a lot of money.

Win-win cooperation, mutual benefit!

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