The other people in the nearby offices all came out and were pleasantly surprised to see the two big wild boars and three small wild boars tied to wooden sticks. They kept saying "good guys" and looked envious.

"Section Chief, let me go hunting next time. I will definitely be able to catch a big wild boar."

"Me too."

Guo Dahai smiled and nodded, but he was actually very uneasy.

He knew very well that there were indeed a lot of prey in the mountains outside the city of Sijiu, but now it was not just the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant, but also various mountain villages, towns, agencies, and even the army went up the mountain to hunt.

No matter how many prey there were, they could not withstand such a practice.

Besides, hunting in the mountains is not an easy thing. The Yanshan Mountains are tall and dangerous. It is easy to get into trouble if you enter such deep mountains and old forests.

Even experienced hunters dare not go in and out casually.

This time, it was thanks to Chen Jianjun's comrades and good luck. It may not be the same next time.

Chen Jianjun said: "Section Chief, this pig belongs to the guide who led the team. Without him, there would be no harvest this time, so it is weighed separately."

Guo Dahai smiled and said: "No problem, it should be, Xiao Wang, take out my box of Zhonghua cigarettes and give it to Lao Chen."

"Lao Chen, talk to your comrade and ask him if he is willing to work with us. As long as there is a wild boar every time, six months, at most six months, I will apply for a quota for him."

According to the plan, the security department of the Red Star Steel Rolling Plant went up the mountain three times a month, which means that as long as 18 wild boars were hunted, Wu Weiguo could become a member of the security department and eat the rationed food for urban residents.

Chen Jianjun agreed of course.

Wu Weiguo was his old comrade-in-arms, and they had a life-and-death friendship, so he would help him if he could.

This time he specifically asked him to go hunting, and he actually wanted to match him with Corey.

"Okay, I'll ask him when I see him."

In the end, all five wild boars turned into 1,186 yuan and some food coupons and oil coupons.

Niu Genshen rounded it off and gave 1,200 yuan. The twelve people who went there got exactly 100 yuan each, and recorded three kilograms of wild boar meat and some tickets.

As the leader of the team, Chen Jianjun received an extra sewing ticket.

And Wu Weiguo's fat pig was packed up and taken away by the purchasing department.

A total of 263 kilograms (one leg was missing), which was calculated to be 394.5 yuan. Chen Jianjun used 34.5 yuan to exchange some food coupons, oil coupons, and cotton coupons for Wu Weiguo, leaving 360 yuan.

This pig was almost the annual salary of a worker at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, and the work points of a farmer for several years.

The rest of the team members had no objection to this distribution method.

They knew very well that if Chen Jianguo had not led the team and brought Wu Weiguo in, they would probably be like the previous hunting team, with at most some wild rabbits and pheasants.

It was very unlikely that they would find wild boars.

They followed him up the mountain and did nothing from beginning to end, just responsible for carrying the wild boar down.

It was no problem for Chen Jianjun and Wu Weiguo to take half, not to mention that they only took a sewing ticket.

"Zhu Zi, Xiao Feng, this is yours."

Chen Jianjun gave Sha Zhu a hundred yuan in loose change and five kilograms of food coupons, and Chen Feng got a hundred yuan.

"The money is given to you, keep it yourself, don't spend it recklessly, especially to buy snacks for Chen Hao and Lili."

"I know."

Chen Feng guessed that it was because the old man gave him the dagger, so the money was not confiscated this time.

"Uncle Jianjun, I don't need it, I didn't do anything." Sha Zhu was a little reluctant, but still didn't dare to take it.

"Who said you didn't do anything? The barbecue you made is very good." Chen Jianjun smiled and said, "Everyone who sees it gets a share. This is the rule of our Red Star Hunting Team."

Chen Jianjun still had things to do, and Sha Zhu had to go to the kitchen to process wild boar meat.

Chen Feng took the money and prepared to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy something.

On the way, he passed a consignment store and immediately went in.

A consignment store is a state-owned second-hand trading store, most of which have good credit.

Once a customer consigned to sell old furniture, the clerk found a cloth bag at the bottom of the box, which contained gold rings, silver dollars and other items. He immediately reported it to the store and notified the seller to claim and take it back, which was rewarded with cheers.

When he went in, the salesperson inside was reading.

"I don't know who cut out the fine leaves, the spring breeze in February is like a pair of scissors."

Chen Feng joked: "Spring is here, but we don't have the little beauty of spring breeze in our city. The spring breeze in February may be like a pair of scissors, or it may be a crescent moon scimitar or a dragon-slaying sword. The whistling wind will directly blow you through your defense."

The young female salesperson carried

At first, seeing Chen Feng's face, a round face that looked like Liang Jingru couldn't help but blush.

"Hello, what do you want to buy?"

Chen Feng looked at one of the second-hand bicycles and asked, "How much is this bicycle?"

The bicycle he was interested in was almost 50% new and was a Forever brand.

Forever bicycles were one of the three major national brands along with Phoenix and Fei Ge. At its peak, Forever accounted for one-third of my country's bicycle production (28,767 units in 1952).

"This Forever brand is only 80 yuan." The salesperson replied quickly.

"I'll buy it!" Chen Feng took out the money and bought it without thinking.

The salesperson didn't think much about it. 80 yuan was expensive for the working class and peasant class, but in the old city, many young people with good family backgrounds could afford it.

Issue invoices and certificates.

"Hello, please tell me your name, work unit or neighborhood committee."

"Chen Feng, No. 93 Nanluoguxiang."

"It's ready. You need to take the certificate and the purchase invoice to the police station to get the license plate." The salesperson reminded carefully.

"Thank you!"

Chen Feng took the purchase invoice and certificate and rode his bicycle to the police station.

These days, bicycles have license plates, and they are unique. The last license plate was made by Chen Jianguo.

Riding a bicycle on the road is the same as driving a car on the road in the future. Only after obtaining a license plate and a license, can it be legal to go on the road, but you don't need to take a driver's license test.

At the same time as getting a license plate, you also need to apply for a bicycle license. You also need to use a hammer to hit the "steel stamp" on the handlebars and tripod of the bicycle. The bicycle license plate number, bicycle license number and steel stamp number are all the same set of numbers.

It's easy to apply for a license plate. Chen Feng's uncle was transferred from the police station, and his connections are involved.

In less than an hour, the metal plate "京·东城·1666288" was hung on the bicycle. Chen Feng was very satisfied. This was the license plate number he carefully selected.

There is an advantage of installing a license plate and stamping a steel stamp on the bicycle. If the vehicle is lost, the chance of finding it back will be greater. The owner can go to the police station to report the case. Once the police solve the case, the owner can go to the police station to collect it with the bicycle license, purchase invoice and proof from the unit or neighborhood committee (there was no ID card at that time). After verification, it will be returned to the owner.

Similarly, stealing a bicycle is a major criminal offense and is very serious in nature.

Normal people will definitely not do this.

"Uncle Han, thank you."

"It's okay, it's a small matter."

Holding the certificate, Chen Feng rode his bicycle all the way back to the supply and marketing cooperative in Nanluoguxiang.

"Xiaofeng, you're back." Guo Chunhua had sharp eyes and saw Chen Feng at the door and waved.

Then Chen Feng stopped and stared at the bicycle for a few seconds.

"You changed your bike again?"

What does "again" mean?

Chen Feng felt a little happy and distressed.

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