The old man was very happy.

"It wasn't exchanged. I followed my father to the mountains to hunt. I hunted wild boars and sold them to the steel mill. I got some money and I went to the commission point to buy this bike."

Chen Feng explained this specifically.

If he didn't explain, rumors would fly again tomorrow. Maybe someone would suspect his relationship with Lou Xiao'e.

This relationship can't be said casually.

There is an explanation for exchanging a bike, but the relationship between the two bikes is too deep.

Guo Chunhua obviously didn't think as far as Chen Feng thought. Looking at this 50% new bike, the price was guessed in her mind, and she couldn't help but envy it.

Her monthly salary was only more than 30 yuan, and she spent almost three months' salary to buy a bike.


Anyway, my home is not far from here, so I might as well walk.

"Xiaofeng, it seems that you have made a fortune. Tell me, what do you want to buy?"

Chen Feng looked around the things in the supply and marketing cooperative and took out a few soft candy tickets, cloth tickets, etc.

"Give me three feet of cloth and some soft candy."

Guo Chunhua packed it for him and asked, "Xiaofeng, next time you go hunting in the mountains, can you leave some meat for our supply and marketing cooperative? I can find our director and guarantee that the price will not be lower than that of the steel mill."

Chen Feng agreed immediately.

"Okay, I remember the mountain road. Next time I will go up the mountain by myself. Auntie, will you collect the meat?"

"No problem, of course we-"

Guo Chunhua promised at first, then thought of the dangers of Yanshan, and stopped him: "Oh, what am I talking about, Xiaofeng, you can't go into the mountains alone. If you encounter wolves or poisonous snakes, it will be dangerous."

"Uh, okay, I won't go."

Seeing that she was worried, Chen Feng had to comfort her, put the cloth on the back seat of the bicycle, waved to her and went home.

Guo Chunhua felt a little uneasy and planned to go to Chen's house after work to talk about it, so that Chen Feng would not really go up the mountain alone.

There are still many wild animals in Yanshan now, and it is not as safe as in the future.

There are not only wild boars and wolves, but also bears and tigers in the deep, and many old hunters have suffered from their poisonous hands.

In the mountains and forests in the south, such as Guizhou, Hunan, Guangdong and other places, South China tigers are rampant everywhere.

In February 1959, the Ministry of Forestry issued a special instruction, calling on hunters to form a tiger-hunting team and carry out a large-scale "pest control campaign" that lasted for 20 years.

The target is large and dangerous animals such as tigers, bears, wolves, leopards, etc. in the mountains and forests.

For this reason, the newspapers specifically stated the huge harm of these pests.

When Chen Feng returned to the alley, he saw a group of aunts gathered together.

"You don't know, those who suffered from the disaster, every household had dozens of kilograms of rice and sweet potatoes as big as a human head, a full dozen."

Grandma Mao from the No. 92 compound gestured with her hands: "Such big sweet potatoes were delivered directly to their tents."

"They all said they didn't know, and didn't see anyone entering their tents. Are you kidding me? They couldn't hear any sound with so much food?"

"That's right, if it wasn't delivered by people, could it be that five ghosts were carrying it?" The second aunt from the No. 95 compound said enviously.

Jia Zhang was also inside, and said with some jealousy: "That's right, my old Jia has been dead for so many years, and he didn't even know to carry some food to my family."

"Maybe it's really a ghost. There are soldiers watching over there. They can't see so much food going in."

"Nonsense, someone must have stolen it for them. There are no ghosts in the world. If there are ghosts, my dead ghost would have come to see me a long time ago. For so many years, I haven't even had a dream."

"Steal, where did you steal so much food? The rations of tens of thousands of people, all snow-white The millet is the best for making porridge. "

"No, why is the millet white? Shouldn't it be yellow? Are you talking nonsense?"

"I'm not talking nonsense. My second uncle's third cousin is a clerk. He saw with his own eyes that the millet was white, small and white, isn't it millet?"

When Chen Feng passed by them, the aunties who were discussing the food that fell from the sky at the resettlement site for disaster victims in the east of the city were not in the mood to ask. They were all drooling and discussing the "luck" of the disaster victims, wishing that they could also get dozens of kilograms of millet.

Millet is of course yellow, but he gave rice, and it was specially ground into millet.

After all, the old lady suspected that there was something wrong with the rice last time, so he naturally couldn't keep every grain of rice intact.

Back to the yard.

"Big pot, big pot!"

The little girl in the yard saw him coming back, her eyes were on the back seat of the bicycle, and her short legs ran quickly to the back of the car.

"Don't look at it, there are only rice and cloth."

Chen Feng did not take out the candy this time. If he did, the little girl would definitely ask him for it every day.

You can't lie to a child. If you say too much, it will easily set a bad example for her.

"Big pot, I'm hungry."

The little girl hugged his legs and said coquettishly: "Barbecue."

"When dad comes back in the evening, there will be meat to eat." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Hao and a group of children were playing with mud on the threshold between the middle courtyard and the front yard. They looked up and saw Chen Feng coming back with several yellow mud cars he had dried.

"Lily, I'll give you a car."

The little girl saw the dried yellow mud car and immediately let go of her brother's legs. She took a car that would not move and lay on the stone slab at the door under the eaves to play.

It just looks like a car, but it doesn't even have wheels.

But Chen Hao was smart. He used a slender stick to draw small grids on it to represent windows, and put a small mud ball below to act as a car wheel.


Chen Hao wanted to pick up the rice, but Chen Feng patted him.

"Wash your hands first. Look how dirty you are. If mom comes back, she will beat you up."

Chen Hao laughed, "I made several cars today. If Lily hadn't wanted to drive and crashed one, there would be six now."

Chen Feng went to the kitchen with a paper bag containing rice. As before, he added another ten kilograms of rice and secretly added half a kilogram of peanut oil to the oil bottle.

When he came out, he saw little Lily holding the mud car in her hand with grievance, and all four mud wheels fell off.

"Erguo, the wheels fell off."

"It's okay, I'll put them back on for you."

Let's not talk about the two little ones and continue playing in the mud.

Chen Feng went into the old man's room and took out the soft candy. The old lady who was embroidering shoes put the soft candy into the cabinet next to the fire pit.

The old man asked about the harvest and smiled, "If this was in Hunan, Grandpa would have enjoyed a good life. He hasn't drunk tiger bone wine for many years."

"You are old, and you still talk about tiger bone wine. Isn't it shameful!" The old lady laughed.

The tiger disaster in South China, Hunan was very serious. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, thousands of people were killed every year. At the peak, tigers ate 32 people a day.

The conflict between humans and tigers was very intense. Many old hunters received the title and certificate of tiger-killing hero. With their efforts, the fierce beasts in the south were completely exterminated by them, so that wild boars and rabbits began to proliferate 20 years later.

"Grandpa, our family should have connections there, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, what do you want to do?" asked the old man.

Chen Feng thought of the fame of tiger bone wine in the future and said, "The number of tigers is limited after all. If everyone keeps fighting like this, they will become extinct sooner or later."

"Why don't we take advantage of the fact that there are so many tigers now and the meat and bones from hunting are cheap, and collect some to make wine."

"You can't use it, but Dad can, and maybe I can use it in the future."

The old man laughed and nodded.

"That's a good idea. I happen to know a tiger bone formula. I'll write to them now and ask them to send some tiger bones."

Chen Feng glanced at the old man. The tiger bone formula is not common.

The old man always gives him surprises.

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