The meat is not cooked, but the meat is cooked.

"Big pot, there is no meat to eat tonight." The little girl came in disappointedly to tell a tale.

Chen Feng had no idea how to cook wild boar meat, and thought that it could be eaten directly after it was cooked and seasoned.



The little girl couldn't explain it clearly, she could only say what she saw.

"Soak it in water."

What does it mean?

Chen Feng watched the little girl gesture for a long time, but he didn't understand.

Why soak the wild boar meat?

"Chen Hao!"

"I'm here, big brother."

"Won't grandma cook wild boar meat tonight?"

"Well, grandma said wild boar meat is not delicious. It must be soaked dozens of times first, and then soaked in rice washing water tomorrow before it can be cooked."

"Is it so troublesome?"

In his impression, those novels all killed wild boars, chopped the pork directly, and then cooked and eaten?

Still need to soak dozens of times?

Chen Feng didn't care about this little bit of meat. If he was hungry, he would be full after drinking some well water.

Not to mention, the well water tasted very good, 10,000 times better than Evian, San Pellegrino, and Vals, and it didn't produce artificial fertilizers.

But the little girl and Chen Hao liked to eat meat. Even if they drank water mixed with solar well water every day, they were not hungry.

But they were young, and they had an extremely pious attitude towards eating, especially meat.

"Take a look" at the male pheasant in the space, and say sorry in your heart.

He turned over, packed up what he had taken out in the morning, and took out the male pheasant with a broken neck.

"Give it to grandma to cook."

"Big bird!" the little girl blurted out.

Chen Hao's eyes were straight.

He looked at the backpack with a pair of eyes, and he suspected that there were still good things in it.

Every time he thought that his elder brother had run out of delicious food, there would always be more delicious food.

"Why are you standing there? Send it to the kitchen quickly. If you go too late, mother will be reluctant to cook it."

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Chen Hao immediately ran away.

Chen Feng looked at the pheasant in his hand.

"He is stupid!"

"Big pot, roast the little bird." The little girl reached out and grabbed the beautiful tail feathers of the pheasant.

The tail feathers of male pheasants are very long, fresh and beautiful, which is their strongest weapon to attract females.

Unfortunately, this beautiful feather is purely a decoration in the eyes of the little girl.

"Okay, let's go."

Chen Feng carried the pheasant, and the little girl grabbed the feathers. The big and small left the room and went to the kitchen.

"Brother, I'll help you get it."

Chen Hao ran over and quickly took the pheasant.

"Xiao Feng, don't cook the pheasant. Save it for tomorrow. For dinner tonight, add cabbage, potatoes, boiled duck eggs, and dried knife fish. It's enough for us to have a good meal."

The old lady looked at the pheasant and advised: "It's a little delicious, don't eat it all at once."

Chen Feng naturally knew this truth. The problem was that there were three families of pheasants in the space. At this rate, if they didn't eat them quickly, they couldn't keep up with the speed of the pheasant family's expansion!

"Grandma, let's eat it. Without the pheasant, there are still mallards."

"That makes sense."

Chen Jianguo, who came back at some point, was processing wild boar ribs and nodded seriously.

"What a nonsense, you just eat!" The old lady said to her son, turned around and smiled at her grandson: "Okay, then roast half a chicken and eat the remaining half tomorrow."

"Grandma is smart!"

Chen Feng gave a thumbs up.

"Grandma is the best!" Chen Hao also complimented.

The little girl imitated her two brothers and said, "Grandma is good."

"It's a pity that there is no pepper, ginger and soy sauce as seasoning, otherwise it would be better to marinate and make it into beggar's chicken." The old lady said with some regret.

At first, beggar's chicken had no seasoning. It was wrapped in lotus leaves and yellow mud and baked.

But if you want it to taste good, you still have to use seasoning.

Most of the Chinese delicacies require special seasonings.

Otherwise, it will only have a taste and taste ordinary.

"Grandma, I will, I promise!" Chen Feng smiled.

"Xiaofeng, let's talk about it. Lend me your bicycle." Chen Jianguo flattered.

"No, I need it these days, let's talk about it after a few days."

Chen Feng plans to go into the mountains tomorrow under the pretext of looking for beehives, female wild rabbits, honeysuckle and other medicinal materials.

"By the way, second uncle, I heard that someone sent food to the resettlement site in the east of the city. Is it true?"

Chen Jianguo put down the knife and put the cut ribs in the rice washing basin, trying to soak all the bones with the rice washing water.

"Yes, the higher-ups attach great importance to this matter and have asked the relevant departments to investigate

. "

"Are you going?" the old man asked.

Chen Jianguo smiled bitterly and said, "I was named as a member of the special task force."

"But the problem is that there is no clue at all. The military has used military dogs, but they can't find any breath. All the dogs are like dying, and they lie down when they go in."

The old man narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This is not something that ordinary people do."

Chen Jianguo said, "Dad, you are talking nonsense. Can ordinary people do this?"

The old man smiled and said, "Xiao Hao, bring grandpa's stick."

"Okay, grandpa!"

Chen Hao immediately went to the old man's room excitedly to get a long stick.

Chen Jianguo waved his hands and admitted his mistakes, saying, "Dad, I was wrong, I'm a bad mouth."

"The boss means to investigate, but if there is really no clue, put it aside for the time being and continue to investigate when clues are found. In short, for such a strong man who may live in the city of Sijiu, it is better to register it. "

"Our director said that if anyone knows them, they should take the initiative to make friends with them and never offend them. They are the people's friends."

Chen Feng curled his lips.

Politics is the dirtiest, and politicians are the most untrustworthy!

Unless you have a hundred minds, you will be sold out without knowing it.

"Okay, don't talk about what's happening outside at home." The old lady patted the table and said.

"Some things are better known." The old man said: "Knowing the general situation, we can better protect ourselves. "

Zhou Qing was frying Chinese cabbage. He fried the dried fat meat that was not used up last time in the pan again. After frying the last bit of oil, he started to fry the vegetables.

Chen Feng shook his head as he watched. This amount of oil was less than the instant noodles in the future!

Because they had to roast the chicken at the last minute, dinner was delayed by more than half an hour.

Roast chicken is a classic Shandong dish. Many elderly people in the north know how to make it. The old lady did not have all the ingredients, but there was enough peanut oil.

After a while, the kitchen was filled with the strong aroma of meat.

"It smells so good!"

The family looked at the half chicken and two chicken legs in the pot and their appetites were whetted.

As before, the family hid in the kitchen to eat, closing the doors and windows.

Two chicken legs, one for Chen Feng, and half each for the little girl and Chen Hao.

Chen Jianjun did not ask his son why he had shot a pheasant and hid it in his bag.

He was an upright person, but sometimes he was really not stupid.

"Big pot, big bird tastes good. ”

The little girl didn’t have a big stomach, but she ate very slowly. It took her more than half an hour to finish a small bowl of eggs and chicken, and then she was completely full.

“Lily, this is called pheasant.” Chen Feng taught.

“Pheasant.” The little girl followed and learned.

“Right!” Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Hao had a bad habit. He would always take the delicious food first, pick it up and put it in the bowl, then eat the dishes on the plate first, and finally slowly eat the meat he had saved.

Zhou Qing didn’t know how many times he scolded him for this, but he could never change.

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