The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next game.

"Brother, let's play a game?" Chen Jianguo came out with a chess set.

Chen Jianjun was tired from going up and down the mountain today, and didn't want to ride a bicycle, so he took his wife out for a walk, just in time to play chess with his brother.

After washing the dishes, Chen Hao wanted to ride a bicycle, but his mother didn't agree.

He had to lie down next to his father and second uncle and watch them play chess.

"Second uncle, my father is going to eat your horse."

"If he dares to eat it, I'll kill him with one shot."

"Dad, eat his horse!"

"Shut up!"

It seems that there is no animal chess these days. Can I make one and give the little girl an animal enlightenment?

Chen Feng watched the two of them fooling around, went into the kitchen, and found some wood.

Animal chess existed as early as the Warring States Period and was very popular in the Song Dynasty. Modern animal chess emerged after the 1970s and was used to enlighten children's wisdom.

There were some firewood and wood for kindling in the Chen family's kitchen. Chen Feng picked a few pieces, took them to the courtyard, sat by the door, and carved directly with a dagger.

The old man looked at the dagger in his hand, stunned for a long time, and finally sighed.

Times have changed!

The old lady laughed on the side.

"Xiao Feng, this sword is not bad."

"It's good. Whether it's grilling meat or cutting wood, it's very useful."

The conversation between the old and the young sprinkled salt on the conservative old man.

Chen Feng used to learn sand painting, and it was easy for him to carve small animals with the wood in the kitchen.

The strong strength and sharp dagger made the wood in his hand almost like sand.

After a while, he carved out a total of 16 chess pieces, including an elephant, a lion, a tiger, a leopard, a wolf, a dog, a cat, and a mouse. He then went to the study to find an ink bottle and dyed the head of one of the wooden carvings black.

Then he drew an animal chessboard on a piece of white paper, with 7*9 grids, and drew traps, rivers, etc.

As soon as he took it out, it attracted the attention of the two little ones.

"Big pot!"

"Big brother!"

Chen Hao and Chen Li immediately surrounded him.

Chen Feng put down the chessboard, put the animals aside, and said, "Come on, Chen Hao, I'll teach you a simpler chess piece."

The rules of animal chess are very simple, and Chen Hao learned it almost immediately.

But he couldn't beat Chen Feng, so he quickly set his sights on others.

"Lily, let's play chess!"


The little girl nodded happily.

Chen Feng: "..."


Laifu shouted at Chen Hao a few times, as if to say I am a dog, but you are really a coward!

Chen Li was only three years old, how could she know how to play chess, and she always hit another chess piece with a chess piece, which made Chen Hao regret it.

After more than ten minutes, the neighbors in the middle courtyard finished eating, and several children who played with Chen Hao came to find him.

Chen Hao had a more suitable opponent.

But the little girl disagreed and held the chess piece tightly.


"Lili, this is a chess piece, not yours."


Seeing that Chen Hao was getting anxious, the old lady came forward and gave the little girl some soft candies.

With the candy, the wood carving immediately lost its fragrance.

"Come on, Xiaoliu, play chess with me."

"Brother Haozi, I don't know how."

"It's okay, I'll teach you."

Chen Hao held the wood carving and said, "This is a lion, do you know it?"

"Lions eat tigers, this is a tiger, wooo!"

"This is a cat, this is a dog, this is a mouse."

A group of children looked at the small animals in his hands, concentrating on them.

"This dog looks a lot like Lai Fu."

"My dad cooked mouse meat for dinner a few days ago, and it was delicious."

A group of children chattered, and the topic was diverted without them noticing.

"Stop arguing, do you still want to play with me, listen to me."

Chen Hao quickly taught them how to play.

"This is fun!"

"It's fun, you guys take turns."

Animal chess is simply the best game for children who lack entertainment programs, toys, and games.

A group of children started a round-robin game, one in turn, playing a game with Chen Hao.

Several workers in the middle and back yards who were going home late saw their sons squatting here when they passed by. They smiled at the animal chess on the ground, greeted the old man and old lady of the Chen family, and didn't care.

But when it got dark, these children went back and started crying and making a fuss, asking for animal chess.

Toys are luxury items, and the wood carvings carved by Chen Feng can not only be used as chess pieces, but also be the favorite toys of children.

"Erguo, dog."

The little girl ate the candy and held on to the two wooden sculptures before going to bed.

Chen Feng waited until it was dark, then took the fishing rod to Beihai.

"Dad, I'm going to find duck eggs."

"Come back early."

Chen Jianjun was no longer worried. He felt that since he had even gone to the ghost market, his son was very capable, so it would be no problem for him to find some duck eggs at night.

The main thing was that it was useless for him to say it.

Chen Feng went to Sha Zhu's house first. Sha Zhu had finished eating and was sitting at the gate.

His family had two sets in the No. 95 compound. He lived in the main house facing north and south. This was the best suite in the courtyard, divided into three rooms.

His sister He Yushui lived in the wing room, together with the Jia family.

When Chen Feng came in, Qin Huairu was watering the cabbage planted at the door of her house.

The raised buttocks were like two round moons, which made Sha Zhu so fascinated that he didn't even notice Chen Feng approaching.

"Zhu Zi, drool is flowing out."

Sha Zhu quickly covered his mouth and found that Chen Feng was talking nonsense.

"Don't talk nonsense, she is Jia Dongxu's wife."

"Oh, you still know." Chen Feng laughed and said, "Don't look at it, the meat in other people's bowls has other people's saliva, don't tell me, you still want to eat?"

"How could it be, don't talk nonsense." Sha Zhu said with a guilty conscience.

Chen Feng took out four wild duck eggs and one yuan, and said, "Give me some seasoning, I want roast chicken and roast duck."

"No problem, Ma Xiao from the 90 compound asked me to order roasted mallard duck, I just finished it, and I'll give it to you." Sha Zhu went into the room and quickly took out the prepared seasoning bottle and crispy water bottle.

Roast duck is very popular, especially the recent arrival of mallard duck, which has added a lot of meat to the city.

But it is not easy to roast duck.

Many people can't afford chefs like Sha Zhu, and lack ingredients such as star anise and cinnamon, so they have to buy seasonings and crispy water (seasoning for duck skin) from him and go home to make it themselves.

"Xiao Feng, I don't want the duck eggs and money. Take me with you next time you go into the mountains."

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "I won't go next time, and I suggest you don't go either."

Things are precious because they are rare. If he hunts big wild boars every day, how can he highlight his father's ability.

Going with his father once a month is enough for their family to get a lot of benefits.

On the contrary, if he goes too often, it will give them some kind of illusion, and then a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

"Ah, if you don't go, then I won't go either."

Sha Zhu believes in Chen Feng's luck and thinks that if Chen Feng doesn't go, it will be difficult for the hunting team of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill to catch large wild boars.

This is not superstition, but as far as he knows, the hunting teams of other factories and agencies have a low chance of hunting wild boars in the mountains in the second half of the year.

The mountainous area near Sijiu City has been swept back and forth several times this year by the militia, the military, and the hunting team.

Wild boars are not leeks that can grow back immediately after being cut.

Chen Feng took the bottle away, said goodbye to Sha Zhu, and turned around to the park.

Beihai Park was still as lively as ever, with people fishing for ducks and picking wild duck eggs.

I found a place and first caught three mallards. I put one male duck and one female duck into the space to form the best distribution method of one emperor and three queens.

As for the remaining unlucky male duck, it can only be used as tomorrow's rations.

Then I caught a lot of small fish in Beihai and put them into the pool in the space.

The super big crucian carp, which already weighed dozens of kilograms, was still in the fish pond. I don't know if the bulging belly of the fish is fish roe.

This crucian carp was unlucky. There was no male crucian carp, and all the fish roe accumulated in its belly.

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