The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 504 The mother-in-law, the filial piety, Xue Bing's approval!

Chapter 504 The mother-in-law, the filial piety, Xue Bing's approval!

Wang Yue's mother is Zhao Yulan, an ordinary worker who works in a garment factory. When she sees Wang Yue coming home suddenly, she is at most surprised and will recover soon. Who is the girl who looks like a fairy coming out of the painting?

Wang Yue broke the silence and called, "Mom."

Zhao Yulan agreed, "Hey."

Although Zhao Yulan promised Wang Yue in her mouth, she didn't mean to pay attention to Wang Yue, her eyes were always focused on Xue Bing, staring blankly at this fairy-like girl...

Xue Bing's pretty face was red, and after a while she called out: "Hello, Auntie, my name is Xue Bing!"

Wang Yue also forgot to introduce Xue Bing to his mother. He took Xue Bing's little hand and said, "Mom, this is my girlfriend. We will go home together after school's winter vacation."

Zhao Yulan was taken aback, she couldn't believe her ears, this girl with a pretty face and a bit too much was his son's girlfriend?

Surprise is surprise and curiosity is curiosity. The most important thing is that she is very satisfied with Wang Yue's girlfriend, and said hastily: "Xue Bing, right? I happened to buy some fruit. You and Wang Yue go to eat some fruit first. Buy vegetables at the vegetable market and eat soon.”

Originally, Zhao Yulan had already bought a few vegetables. When Wang Yue was not at home, he and Wang Dahai both ate casually. Now that Wang Yue has not only returned home but also brought his girlfriend back, the meal must be sumptuous!

Xue Bing said, "Auntie, let me go shopping with you."

Wang Yue was quite surprised. Xue Bing, who usually fell asleep while walking lazily, took the initiative to follow Zhao Yulan to buy vegetables. Such a diligent Xue Bing really was the sun coming out from the west.

Zhao Yulan smiled from ear to ear and quickly nodded in agreement. She was really more and more satisfied with Xue Bing, but she didn't know how his son abducted this little fairy back.

Zhao Yulan said: "Wang Yue, Xue Bing and I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. You go to the factory and ask your dad to let him finish work early today and come back for dinner."

Zhao Yulan and Xue Bing went shopping together, and Wang Yue went to the factory to find his father.

Wang Yue's father is an ordinary machine tool worker who works from dawn to dusk almost every day. He is so tired because of this family. His father is a simple and honest man, but in Wang Yue's heart, he is a great man. , It was he who propped up this family, and it was he who propped up the sky for Wang Yue when he was young.

inside the factory.

The task of the workers today is to clean the workshop and wipe the machine tools. This kind of cleaning work has a high degree of freedom. While wiping the machine tools that belong to them, the workers chatted and chatted. There is only one middle-aged man with a slightly bent back. The man was cleaning the machine tool earnestly without saying a word, looking very dull and honest.

"That kid in our family is very capable. He called me yesterday and said that he made a girlfriend outside, and he plans to take it home to show me during the Chinese New Year."

"My son is not bad. He has just worked for less than two months and his salary has been raised. Now he earns 2500 yuan a month, which is 500 yuan more than me as an old man."

"The wild boy in my family has no other skills but has many buddies. Last time our family moved, seven or eight buddies came with just one phone call. The originally complicated move was easily handled."

In the chats of several workers, all of them were showing off their sons, either bragging or real.

At this time, the worker who had previously boasted that his son earns 3000 yuan a month said to the dull man who worked hard: "Old Wang, everyone is talking about their own son, so you should talk about your son too."

This hard-working, dull, and honest middle-aged boy is Wang Yue's father, Wang Dahai. Wang Dahai first wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his simple and honest face showed a touch of pride when he mentioned his son, and said: " My son is in college now!"

It was embarrassing to hear Wang Dahai say that those who boasted about their sons before his son went to college, because none of their sons were admitted to college, and they all finished junior high school, went to technical school and then entered social work.

The bald man who had previously praised his son for having many buddies said, "Old Wang, what university did your son go to?"

Wang Dahai didn't flatter or hide anything, and said in a straightforward manner: "He went to a medium-sized university in Huacheng."

The bald man said: "It turned out to be a secondary university. Nowadays, many famous college students can't find a job after graduation. It's a bit difficult to find a job after graduating from a secondary university..."

Wang Dahai smiled innocently and said, "It's okay, he can do whatever he likes."

In this regard, Wang Dahai showed considerable generosity. He never asked about Wang Yue's affairs or interfered with Wang Yue's affairs, because he knew that Wang Yue could handle everything well by himself.

At this time, a young man with a somewhat arrogant face came in and shouted to the busy people in the workshop: "Let me announce that I will work overtime at noon today until I leave work at 8 pm."

This arrogant young man is the son of the director of this factory, named Liu Yifeng, and his current position is the deputy director of the factory. A typical vampire will cancel lunch time and work overtime at every turn and continue to work overtime until night.

The wages of this factory are calculated according to the number of days, which means that no matter how long they work overtime, there will be no overtime pay. This is why the leaders of the factory often make them work overtime. At the beginning, some people made a fuss, but it was still useless and they were deducted. With no salary, and the fact that the current job is really hard to find, everyone endured it.

Someone couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Factory Director Xiao Liu, there is no urgent work in the factory today, just cleaning, so it is not necessary to cancel the lunch break and overtime work until 8 pm. My niece got married and held a wedding banquet at 6:[-]. I have to go to participate."

Liu Yifeng shouted: "My word is an order, and disobedience to my order is a violation of the factory's system. If you don't want to do it, you can leave. There are people waiting for this job. It's not your marriage that matters when your niece gets married."

The man stopped talking. Many people gritted their teeth and swallowed back the words of refusing to work overtime without overtime pay. They had lost their sense of resistance and had to endure it after being completely smoothed by society.

The bald man said: "Xiao Liu, the factory manager, the wages have been in arrears for more than four months, and it's almost the Chinese New Year, so I need to buy some new year's goods. Tomorrow is the time to pay wages. Look..."

At the mention of Qian, Liu Yifeng's face showed a look of displeasure, and he said impatiently: "Isn't it just a few broken money, as for the nagging that I talk about every day, I have already asked the financial manager to pay you a month's salary." The bank card has been loaded, and we will talk about the remaining three months."

Although they are still in arrears of three months' wages, they are very satisfied to be able to pay one month's wages, and all of them are happy.

Liu Yifeng said to the dumbfounded Wang Dahai: "Wang Dahai, the factory only set aside a part of the money for salary payment, but when it was actually paid, it was found that it was not enough, so your salary will not be paid for now, and you will work overtime tonight. 11 o'clock, that's it."

Originally, Wang Dahai was overjoyed when he heard that his salary was paid and he heard that his salary was not paid and he worked overtime until 11 pm. .

Liu Yifeng grinned proudly, he knew that Wang Da would not dare to resist his order, so he showed the monkey through Wang Dahai's killing of chickens, to frighten some people who are not very obedient, and glanced at the many workers and said: He didn't dare to say too much for fear of causing trouble to his upper body, he nodded proudly because he was satisfied with his plan.

At this moment, a bone-chilling icy voice sounded: "Why!"

(End of this chapter)

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