The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 505 There is a kind of love called father's love like a mountain!

Chapter 505 There is a kind of love called fatherly love like a mountain!

A sentence of "why" with a bone-chilling chill was like a fuse that ignited explosives, detonating the entire workshop.

"Who! Who yelled, dare to challenge Liu Yifeng, do you want a salary?"

"Hiss~~~~~~ If you don't yell, you can use it. Once you yell this sentence, Lao Wang's job will not be guaranteed, let alone his salary."

"Hey, it's so hard to find a job now, no matter who calls Lao Wang, it's terrible."

Liu Yifeng quickly came out of the surprise, his face was stiff and the corners of his mouth were trembling, he didn't dare to say anything else, how dare someone dare to challenge him in the factory where he overwhelmed the sky with his hands?

A young man in black sportswear walked up to Wang Dahai and called, "Dad."

The vicissitudes and lamentations on Wang Dahai's face disappeared, and he said with a naive smile: "Are you back from the winter vacation?"

Wang Yue nodded.

"It turned out to be the son of the old king."

"I didn't expect Lao Wang Mu Nashid to have such a violent son."

"The consequence of being irritable is that Lao Wang's salary for the past six months is all in vain. Just wait and see."

Several workers discussed in low voices.

Liu Yifeng glanced at Wang Yue up and down, and also judged from Wang Dahai's words that Wang Yue was a student, how capable a student could challenge him, he crushed him to death in minutes, and said coldly: "Wang Dahai, don't you Submit to my management?"

Wang Yue said: "Not convinced!"

Liu Yifeng yelled angrily: "You bastard looking for smoke, right?"

Wang Yue narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said, "Yes."

Liu Yifeng was annoyed by Wang Yue. If he doesn't teach Wang Yue a lesson today, how can he manage the factory? If he doesn't suppress Wang Yue, everyone will dare to challenge him in the future. He strode forward and prepared to be nervous. Wang Yue slapped his face and taught this ignorant student a good lesson.

The workers all took two steps back, Liu Yifeng was their food and clothing parents, even if they beat them a few times, they had to endure it, after all, they had to support their families so that they could not lose this job, but even Lao Wang couldn't help it because of his son's ignorance. I have to get a few scratches on my ears.

Seeing Liu Yifeng rushing towards Wang Yue, Wang Dahai, who was much shorter than Wang Yue, stood in front of Wang Yue immediately, with a bent back. This was not a kind of behavior, but a kind of instinct of a father to protect his son.

Even if the son is already taller than the father, even if the son is already better than the father, when people called fathers sense that their son is in danger, they will always stand in front of their son, even if there are thousands of troops.

All the workers are stunned, they are all old workers in this factory and Wang Dahai has known each other for seven or eight years, Wang Dahai has always been submissive, you scold him, he doesn't say a word, you beat him, he still doesn't say a word, the whole thing is left alone Kneading the sponge, but now Wang Dahai's simple and honest face showed a dignified look, as if he would fight desperately with anyone who touched his son.

Wang Yue who was blocked behind looked at his father who stood in front of him. He was much taller than Wang Dahai. Wang Dahai's skinny and curved body couldn't stop Wang Yue at all, but this man still blocked him. In front of him, the speed was so fast that Wang Yue didn't even react.

Wang Yue knew that it was his father's instinctive reaction to protect his son. The father's love was like a mountain. No matter what time this man with a bent back and a simple and honest face would always stand in front of him.

Liu Yifeng became even more angry when he saw that Wang Dahai stood in front of Wang Yue. He was about to slap Wang Dahai and Wang Yue again. Kicked out from behind, Liu Yifeng's forward body suddenly bent into a shrimp and then flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, Wang Yue turned from behind Wang Dahai and stood in front of Wang Dahai, with a light smile on his face, and the kick just now came from Wang Yue's hand.

All the workers were stunned. Lao Wang, this son, was so brave that he even dared to kick Liu Yifeng. Do you want half a year's salary? Do you want to continue working in the factory?

Liu Yifeng was kicked by Wang Yue and his stomach ached and he couldn't breathe. When he felt better, he stared at Wang Yue like a poisonous snake. He was the only one who bullied the workers and no worker's son bullied him. He ran and punched Wang Yue in the face.

Wang Yue spread his palms to block him, and Liu Yifeng's fist just hit Wang Yue's palm. When he retracted his fist and was about to punch the second time, he found that his fist was tightly imprisoned by Wang Yue's palm. .

Liu Yifeng saw that he could not escape, so he threatened coldly: "You little bastard, let me go and kowtow three times to apologize, otherwise you will wait for your father's salary to be wasted and be fired from the factory."

Wang Yue was smiling, and when the palm holding Liu Yifeng's fist was hard, there was a crackling sound, and Liu Yifeng howled then twisted and bent down.

Liu Yifeng grinned his teeth in pain, and cursed: "You little bastard, let go!"

The smile on Wang Yue's face became more intense, and at this time Liu Yifeng's body bent even more and his wailing sound became louder.

Liu Yifeng's face was in pain, and he said in a vicious tone: "I'll kill you, I will definitely kill you!"

Wang Yue's palm clenched Liu Yifeng's fist and snapped violently, Liu Yifeng's body twisted and half knelt on the ground, howling like a pig.


All the workers onlookers gasped. Wang Dahai was famously honest and honest. How could his son be so vicious, with a harmless smile on his face, but his demeanor caused Liu Yifeng to die of pain.

Wang Yue said with a smile: "I'm sorry, my ears are not very good. I couldn't hear what you said earlier. Please say it again."

Liu Yifeng looked at Wang Yue's smiling face in shock, feeling his fists being held in a vise-like manner by Wang Yue's palms, for fear that Wang Yue would continue to forcefully break his bones, how could he dare to say that he was as cruel as before? He immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go."

Wang Yue said coldly: "First, pay all the wages owed to my dad. Second, you don't need to fire us and leave. Third, if you want to make trouble, we can call the police. I think we can find out through legal channels. It is the boss who is in arrears of wages taking advantage, or the workers who are in arrears of wages and working overtime without allowances are taking advantage."

Wang Yue let go of Liu Yifeng's fist. At this moment, Liu Yifeng's fist was pale and completely numb, looking at Wang Yue with a look full of resentment, wishing to cut Wang Yue into pieces, but he couldn't beat Wang Yue.

Liu Yifeng didn't dare to make a big deal about it, because in fact they were the ones who were wronged. They originally wanted to use Wang Dahai to scare the chickens and monkeys, but they caused a bad star. Not to mention the loss of face, it would be a crime. Today, they can pay a lot of face.

(End of this chapter)

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