The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 506 Xiaoyuezi, please come to this palace!

Chapter 506 Xiaoyuezi, please come to this palace!

Liu Yifeng has no face left to stay, and hastily left here. He just wants to go back to the office quickly to settle Wang Dahai's salary. He really can't afford to offend Wang Dahai's evil son. Maybe this is the so-called bullying and fearing the hard... …


"Old Wang, you are fine now, all your salary has been paid to you, you don't have to continue to be tied up by Liu Papi and you can find another way to make a living here."

"Old Wang, I can't tell that your son is gentle and gentle, but his temper is so hot, he is more kind than you, my father."

"Old Wang, I heard that your son is a college student. He will definitely be promising after graduation."

Hearing that the coworkers who work together on weekdays praised Wang Yue, Wang Dahai kept smiling naively on his dull face. He had never received any praise in his life, but now he was praised from his son and laughed from ear to ear. .

What Wang Dahai loves to hear the most is the phrase that Wang Yue is much better than him as an old man. May I ask which parent in the world doesn't want their children to be stronger than themselves.

Wang Yue said to Wang Dahai: "Let's discuss the new job when we go home."

Wang Dahai didn't blame Wang Yue at all, and directly resigned his salary, and said in a naive voice, "Yes."

"Old Wang, why don't you ask your son to help us get our wages?"

"Yes, Lao Wang, we have been working together for so many years, your son can hold Liu Yifeng down and ask him to help us pay our wages."

"Old Wang, this is about you saying a word, you won't even do this little favor?"

The fox tails of those who praised Wang Yue before finally showed up. Their purpose was to make Wang Yue ask Liu Yifeng to get their wages back.

Wang Yue shook his head helplessly. If you want to know how to do everything, you can accept it when you see it. The rabbit bites when it is in a hurry. If he helps so many people to ask for such a huge salary, it will be no wonder that Liu Yifeng is not in a hurry with him.

Wang Yue said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I really can't help this matter. I help my dad pay wages. Liu Yifeng must hate me and my dad, but it doesn't matter because I'm ready to let my dad stop working here. , I'm not afraid that he will wear small shoes for my dad."

"Don't say I won't come out, even if I help you pay all your wages, do you think that Liu Yifeng won't wear shoes for you after that day? Don't you all stop working here as a group?"

Wang Yue's words instantly silenced everyone. It is too difficult to find a job in this year's downturn in the machining industry. Although they can't stand Liu Yifeng's management system, other places are probably not much better. Who let them have no skills? Ability can only work hard.

What Wang Yue said was right, if Liu Yifeng was forced to ask for their salary at this time, Liu Yifeng would definitely wear small shoes for them in the future, after all, they were working under Liu Yifeng.

Wang Yue's analysis made them understand that the salary depends on themselves. At the same time, they lamented in their hearts that Wang Dahai is so stupid. How could he have such a eloquent and cunning son? Envy Wang Dahai, he is simple, but he is also a smart son.

Wang Yue narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said to Wang Dahai, "Dad, let's go home."

Wang Dahai said, "I'm going to wash my hands, it's quite dirty."

Wang Yue said, "I'll wait for you at the gate of the factory."

As soon as Wang Yue arrived at the gate of the factory, a girl with long hair stopped at the gate of the factory on an electric bike. Wang Yue couldn't help smiling and said, "This is not my mother's electric bike. Why did you come here?"

The long-haired girl riding an electric scooter is Xue Bing. She smiled and said, "I've wanted to ride an electric scooter for a long time. I've never ridden one before. Let me tell you, I learned it in 10 minutes."

Hearing Xue Bing's slightly smug voice, Wang Yue's smile became more intense, and he said, "Didn't you go shopping with my mother? Why did you suddenly come to my father's factory?"

Xue Bing said: "Auntie and I have already finished shopping for groceries. Seeing that you haven't come home for a long time, I came to look for you."

With helplessness on Wang Yue's face but unconcealable joy in his eyes, he said, "I said Fairy, you can call me and ask me, what if you get lost if you don't know the place you know well. "

Xue Bing pouted her lips unconvinced, and said, "This girl has a high IQ, how can she just get lost, and..."

Wang Yue asked: "And what?"

Xue Bing stuck out her tongue playfully, and said with some embarrassment: "And...and I miss you a little bit."

Wang Yue smiled all over his face and rubbed Xue Bing's head with his palm. This girl is really likable...

"Where's your dad?"

"The work in the factory is very dirty. I'm washing my hands and face."

Xue Bing pointed at the seat of the electric car with his green finger, and said playfully to Wang Yue, "Come up, little Yuezi, and Ben Gong will take you for a walk."

Wang Yue said with a bitter face: "You just learned it, can you do it?"

Xue Bing pouted Lao Gao, and said: "What's wrong, you don't obey the rules, your mother can tell you, if you dare not listen to me and bully me, let me tell her, she will punish you, believe it or not I'll report you right now."

"Pfft!" Wang Yue was about to burst out laughing, my cute mother, can you be more funny, I dare to bully her, and Xue Bing, dare to be more playful...

Wang Yue sat on the back seat of the electric car, with both hands on Xue Bing's small waist, and said: "Fairy, please ride slowly."

Good guy, when it was too late, then it was too fast, Xue Bing squeezed the handlebar to speed up, and the electric bike rushed out. Although Wang Yue was not afraid of falling, he was afraid that Xue Bing would fall, so he kept letting Xue Bing ride slowly, but Xue Bing seems to like riding an electric bike quite a bit, and it's a wild ride.

At this time, Wang Dahai came out after washing his hands and putting on clean clothes. He didn't see Wang Yue's shadow at the door. He looked at the side road in front of the factory and saw a long-haired girl riding his electric scooter not far away. Chi, the person in the back seat is Wang Yue, both of them have smiles on their faces.

Wang Dahai smiled, grinning all the time, because he hadn't seen Wang Yue smile so happily for a long time.

Seeing that his father was already standing at the door, Wang Yue patted Xue Bing on the waist, and said, "My father is out, let's go back."

Xue Bing was startled and almost failed to support the fast-moving electric car, then stopped suddenly, and said to Wang Yue with a red face, "Come and ride."

Looking at Xue Bing's red face, Wang Yue knew that Xue Bing was embarrassed to see his father, so he jokingly said: "Fairy, don't you like to ride, you just take it with you."

Xue Bing, who is so lazy on weekdays and sometimes doesn't even bother to take care of her hair, said three words in a low voice: "Not a lady."

Wang Yue shaved Xue Bing's little nose with a smile, and then got off the back seat to ride the electric bike. Xue Bing sat quietly on the back seat like a good girl, with two small hands on Wang Yue's waist, gently Leaning on Wang Yue's back.

Wang Yue squeezed the speed handle and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets, roll around at [-] degrees without dead ends, and be cute.



(End of this chapter)

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