The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 507 Father's Bent Back!

Chapter 507 Father's Bent Back!

The workers in other workshops who didn't need to work overtime asked Wang Dahai who was standing at the door with a silly smile, "Old Wang, what are you looking at at the door?"

Wang Dahai was silent, just kept giggling.

At this time, Wang Yue stopped at the gate of the factory with Xue Bing on his electric bike, and shouted at Wang Dahai: "Dad!"

All the workers understood that it was no wonder Wang Dahai's son was so happy when he came back from winter vacation. We have worked together for so many years, and everyone knows that Wang Dahai treasures his son the most.

Wang Yue parked the electric car and got off, Xue Bing also got off the back seat and stood beside Wang Yue.

All the workers stared blankly at Xue Bing beside Wang Yue, looking at Xue Bing's pink and delicate face and noble temperament, and used their inner subtext to say that this girl is a fairy from which family. Pretty is also a little too much.

Wang Yue took Xue Bing's little hand and introduced: "Dad, my college classmate Xue Bing is also my girlfriend."

The parents were very shy when they met for the first time, Xue Bingqiao blushed and called to Wang Dahai: "Uncle, my name is Xue Bing."

Wang Dahai's face was naive, and he said with a smile from ear to ear: "Okay, okay."

The lathe processing workshop cancels the lunch break and overtime work, and the rest of the workshop does not work overtime. There are nearly [-] workers returning home from get off work gathered at the door, and all of them stare wide-eyed and their jaws are about to fall to the ground. Lao Wang's daughter-in-law?

This, this, this... is this true? What good things did his old Wang family do in his previous life, and there is such a girl who looks like a fairy to be their daughter-in-law? Fate, but his son Minghao found a beautiful and decent girlfriend. This is really the rhythm of jealousy.

Wang Dahai said to Wang Yue and Xue Bing: "You go home by bike, I will walk back in a while."

Wang Yue said to Xue Bing: "Ride your bike home first, I will walk back with my dad, please ride slowly on the way."

Knowing that Wang Yue wanted to walk with his father, Xue Bing nodded and said, "Well, I'll cook with Auntie first when I go back."

After Xue Bing and Wang Hai said goodbye, they rode their electric bikes home first.

The jaws of all the workers were about to be shattered all over the floor. They originally thought that a girl as beautiful as Xue Bing must have a bad temper and know how to respect others. However, Xue Bing was just the opposite. In the case of Wang Yue, they both work in the same factory. Why did the gap suddenly widen? Fate!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the faintly smiling Wang Yue. He was dull, honest, and useless, but he gave birth to a capable kid. His old Wang family is blessed...

On the road.

Wang Yue and Wang Dahai had very few topics of communication since they were young, because neither father nor son are the kind of people who like to talk, but at this moment Wang Dahai took the initiative to say: "That girl is very good!"

Wang Yue narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said, "I know, I wouldn't even be able to come back alive without her."

Wang Dahai said: "Treat him well."

Wang Yue nodded and said, "En."

After a few simple conversations, Wang Yue and Wang Dahai stopped communicating, and the father and son walked on the road without saying a word.

Wang Dahai didn't ask Wang Yue what happened in the past few months when he went to college, he didn't ask what Wang Yue experienced, and he didn't ask Wang Yue's academic performance, but simply said a few words to ask Wang Yue to treat Xue well. Bing, that's all, because this honest man always firmly believes that there is nothing in this world that can stop his son.

Wang Yue and Wang Dahai walked side by side. Wang Yue's back was very straight, and Wang Dahai's back was slightly curved. This is a testimony of father's love. The father exchanged the curved back for the son's straight back, and the father's aging bought the son. growth.

When Wang Yue and Wang Dahai returned home, they found that the table was already full of meals. Usually, Wang Yue’s house had two dishes and one soup, which was very simple. Now there are more than ten dishes, which shows that Zhao Yulan attaches great importance to this meal. degree.

The slim Xue Bing came out of the kitchen with a pot of wax gourd pork ribs soup, Wang Yue looked at it with a smile, Xue Bing looked a bit like a newly married daughter-in-law.

Zhao Yulan's voice sounded from the kitchen: "Wang Yue, his father, you two hurry up and wash your hands and eat."

After 3 minutes, the dining table was full of food. Wang Yue leaned against Xue Bing, Wang Dahai leaned against Zhao Yulan, and the whole family sat around the square dining table. The small hut was full of warmth, which belonged to the family. smell.

During the meal, Zhao Yulan kept picking up food for Xue Bing, because she was very satisfied with Xue Bing's future daughter-in-law, and of course she kept asking questions.

Zhao Yulan asked, "Xue Bing, where is your home?"

Xue Bing said, "My home is Yanjing."

Wang Yue squinted, Yanjing is the capital city, where elites, dignitaries and rich people from all walks of life are gathered there. Wang Yue did not expect Xue Bing’s home to be in Yanjing. Wang Yue suddenly felt that Xue Bing’s family should be Simple, but Wang Yue didn't ask too much.

Zhao Yulan wanted to continue asking about Xue Bing's family situation, but Wang Dahai said, "The child is eating, why ask so many questions."

Zhao Yulan was also afraid that Xue Bing would be frightened by too many questions, so she said repeatedly: "Don't ask, don't ask, let's eat."

Feeling the warmth of a family meal, this made Wang Yue more determined in his inner thoughts, no matter what the price, he must find his sister back.

Wang Dahai was in a very good mood and drank a few glasses of water wine brewed by himself.

Xue Bing squinted and smiled. She enjoyed the small but warm feeling of her home very much, and Wang Yue's parents were also very kind to her. He is dull and honest, but in Xue Bing's heart, it is a kind of great wisdom that is truly hidden in the city.

After the family finished dinner, Zhao Yulan and Xue Bing were clearing the table, while Wang Yue and Wang Dahai were watching TV.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Wang Yue went to open the door, only to find that Aunt Li and a young man in overalls were standing at the door. Wang Yue knew that this young man was Aunt Li's son, whose nickname was Huzi.

Zhao Yulan probed her head and found that it was Aunt Li and Hu Zi. Although she didn't know what the purpose of their mother's visit was, she immediately said, "Aunt Li and Hu Zi are here, come in and sit."

Aunt Li and Hu Zi strode in through the door, then sat on the old sofa and chatted with Zhao Yulan who was washing dishes in the kitchen without saying a word.It's all trivial and useless things to talk about.

Just as Wang Yue was about to close the door, Aunt Mei and his son also came. Although they didn't know the reason for coming, they still greeted them. When Wang Yue closed the door again, Aunt Zhang also came with her son. Wang Yue and the others The small living room at home suddenly seemed full.

(End of this chapter)

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