Chapter 6417 Playful little girl!
What Wang Yue didn't expect was that Rebecca seemed to be concerned about this matter. It was originally an ordinary speed, but under Rebecca's acceleration, it continued to increase.

Rebecca's operation made Wang Yue stunned, because he couldn't understand why Rebecca cared about this matter at all.

As Rebecca's speed became faster and faster, Wang Yue felt a little scared.This fear is like that of someone on the back of a motorcycle.Even if a motorcycle driver rides fast, he will not feel afraid, because he holds the accelerator and direction in his hand.The people sitting in the back row have neither the accelerator nor the direction, so they will feel scared.At this time, Wang Yue felt this way.

Wang Yue has an adventurous spirit, but Wang Yue’s adventurous spirit is in a forced situation. Under normal circumstances, Wang Yue actually cherishes his life very much, because he still has a lot of things to do, and he has not provided for his parents.Therefore, Wang Yue will not drag racing with each other just because of the provocation of strangers.

At this moment, Rebecca suddenly went racing, either Rebecca's brain had a convulsion, or Rebecca knew that person.

Wang Yue felt that it was very likely that Rebecca knew that person.

For the moment, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Wang Yue checks whether the seat belt is fastened, because Rebecca's speed is getting faster and faster.Wang Yue is not the one who is worried, but Wang Yue thinks that racing is meaningless, even if he knows each other, there is no need to go racing, because it is very dangerous.Whether it was the speed of the red Ferrari or Rebecca's, they were all very fast.

Wang Yue observed Rebecca's expression. Judging from Rebecca's serious expression, she seemed determined to catch up with the red Ferrari.

In this situation, Wang Yue had no choice but to follow Rebecca's wishes. After all, Rebecca was the one in charge of the steering wheel, and the speed of the car was very fast. It was better not to disturb Rebecca.

So, the two cars drove at high speed on the spacious asphalt road.

Whether it's the person driving the red Ferrari or Rebecca, the racing level of the two of them is no less than that of a professional racing car, which Wang Yue did not expect.

Rebecca and the red Ferrari drove for half an hour without any intention of stopping, which made Wang Yue very helpless.Wang Yue was puzzled by Rebecca's performance, because Wang Yue felt a kind of stubbornness from Rebecca at the moment.Before this, Wang Yue had never seen such a strong emotional expression on Rebecca.

Wang Yue said cautiously: "You seem to know each other, and your relationship doesn't seem to end in a short time. Why don't you stop temporarily, put me down, and then compare? If you leave me in the car, my weight will increase The weight of the car will affect the speed of the car."

The following words are completely nonsense by Wang Yue, the purpose is to get off the car, after all, this kind of drag racing is really scary.That is to say, in a foreign country, otherwise he would have been arrested long ago.

Rebecca stared at the speeding red Ferrari in front of her, and said to herself, "Damn thief!"

Although Rebecca was talking to herself, although Rebecca's voice was still low, Wang Yue, who had keen hearing, still heard Rebecca's words.

Wang Yue was taken aback. Is the man driving the red Ferrari a thief?

The situation is getting more and more complicated.No matter who the man driving the red Ferrari is, that man's identity is definitely special, because he can make Rebecca's emotions fluctuate.

Wang Yue saw with his own eyes that Manager Rebecca did not have any emotional fluctuations during the kidnapping incident, and was so calm that he vented his anger.Why does Rebecca have such big mood swings at this moment?
Rebecca's driving skills are very good, but the red Ferrari's driving skills are even better.

When passing a sharp turn, there happened to be a car coming from the opposite side.The red Ferrari rounded the corner with great skill and avoided the oncoming car.This action was noticed by Wang Yue.Wang Yue couldn't help feeling that this action was really cool.While this action is cool, it can be dangerous.

In addition, Wang Yue noticed that Rebecca seemed to want to do the same, which made Wang Yue's expression serious.

Rebecca glanced at the serious Wang Yue out of the corner of her eye, and then the speed of the car slowed down.

Because of the speed of the car slowing down, Rebecca easily turned the corner and avoided the oncoming car very easily.

The driving just now was very safe, but this safety was bought by slowing down, and because of this, the red Ferrari has disappeared.In this case, even if you chase fiercely, you can't catch up.

Rebecca didn't turn back, but kept going.

After going forward for about 10 minutes, a gas station appeared.

Wang Yue observed the gas station and found that the red Ferrari that had disappeared before was parked in the gas station.

Until the car driven by Rebecca also entered the gas station, the red Ferrari was still parked there.

Although it is not clear why the red Ferrari suddenly stopped there, it is an opportunity to meet the owner of the red Ferrari.

After Rebecca stopped the car, she got out of the car, and Wang Yue also thought of it from the car.The direction of the two people is the red Ferrari.

When Wang Yue saw the red Ferrari, he found that the driving seat was empty and the driver was nowhere to be seen.

A note pasted on the glass of the car caught Wang Yue's attention.

The note said: You are still far away!
In addition, there is a stick figure on the note, which shows a playful little girl sticking out her tongue.

After seeing the words on the note and the stick figure of that playful little girl, Rebecca's expression became very indifferent.

Wang Yue observed carefully and found a name engraved on the steering wheel of the red Ferrari, and that name was Rebecca's name.

Wang Yue was taken aback.Rebecca's name is engraved on the steering wheel of this Ferrari. Could it be that this Ferrari belongs to Rebecca?

Although this Ferrari looks very new, Wang Yue can tell that this car should be several years old, that is to say, this Ferrari has belonged to Rebecca for several years.

Wang Yue recalled the thief Rebecca just mentioned. Could it be that someone stole Rebecca's car?
Thinking about it carefully, Wang Yue denied this idea. If the serious one was a thief, he would not have parked the car here, nor would he have left the keys in the car.In addition, the playful little girl on the note also made Wang Yue feel that the relationship between that person and Rebecca was unusual.

The truth is, the red Ferrari was a birthday present from Rebecca's grandmother.

There was only one person who secretly drove this car out, and that was Rebecca's mother.

The person who drove the red Ferrari and Rebecca was also Rebecca's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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