The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6418 You are dating Wang Yue!

Chapter 6418 You are dating Wang Yue!

When Rebecca came home, Rebecca's mother was lying on the sofa watching an idol drama.

Rebecca walked to the sofa with a blank expression.

Rebecca's mother didn't react at all, and she was watching with gusto because of the hug between the hero and the heroine in the rain.

After a while, Rebecca still didn't speak, but she made a move, leaving the Ferrari's car keys on the sofa.

Rebecca's mother reacted. After glancing at the car keys, she said, "Don't throw things around. If you throw them on me, you will murder your own mother!"

Rebecca said calmly, "Aren't you my sister?"

When Rebecca was young, every time Rebecca's mother took Rebecca out, she would tell Rebecca not to call her mother outside, but to call her sister.

Rebecca's mother suddenly became aggrieved, her appearance became pitiful, and said: "My daughter is getting older and disobedient, and she has started to criticize her beautiful and capable mother."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and didn't want to say another word.

As Rebecca turned to leave, Rebecca's mother yelled, "You forgot your car keys."

Rebecca said lightly: "Since you like driving this car, then this car is for you."

Rebecca's mother said proudly, "Hee hee, my driving skills are good, right?"

Rebecca said, "Average."

Rebecca's mother said unconvinced: "You can't even see my taillights, and you even said that my driving skills are not ordinary. What? Are your driving skills good? Don't forget, who drove You go racing."

Rebecca said, "I don't seem to agree."

When Rebecca was young, her mother who loved racing would actually take Rebecca, who was not able to resist, directly into the car, and then go racing.

Rebecca's mother suddenly smiled and said, "You take the key away. You know, I often lose things. You are responsible for safekeeping, and I will go directly to your room to get it. How convenient it is."

Rebecca's mother threw the key directly to Rebecca, and Rebecca could only catch it.

Rebecca's mother said: "I'm hungry, what are you going to do for me to eat? By the way, I want to drink orange juice, my daughter who is very beautiful but a little worse than her mother, you go squeeze an orange juice chant."

Rebecca said, "I think you could drink Mistral today."

Rebecca's mother said: "Your beautiful and loving mother bought you your favorite mangosteen today, but you let me drink northwest wind. I think I need to re-examine our mother-child relationship Now, it feels like the relationship between us is no longer number one in the world.”

Rebecca was speechless.

After being speechless, Rebecca said: "As long as you can take out the mangosteen now, I will make you whatever you want to eat today."

Rebecca's mother said: "You have already eaten the mangosteen. How can I get it? When I was in the supermarket, I picked the biggest and freshest mangosteen and put it in your shopping cart."

If Wang Yue was here, when he heard what Rebecca's mother said just now, he would definitely think of two words in his heart, that is, sure enough.

In the supermarket, through clue analysis, it was determined that the mangosteen that suddenly appeared in the shopping cart was put by Rebecca's mother.Just now, Rebecca's mother proved it.

Rebecca said, "And then?"

Rebecca's mother giggled and said, "Later, I followed you and found that you had a picnic in a place with a particularly beautiful scenery, and you also ate a food that looked very delicious, that is, put vegetables and meat in a pot The kind to heat it up and then take it out to eat."

Rebecca said, "And then?"

Rebecca's mother said proudly: "Later I showed you my driving skills. Did I drive super fast?"

She was like a child reporting good grades to her parents, very proud and proud, regardless of Rebecca's eyes becoming more and more indifferent.

Rebecca said, "You're so idle!"

Rebecca's mother said: "My stupid daughter, although you have inherited a little of your beautiful mother's beauty, but in terms of dating, you obviously have not inherited your mother's superb ability as a love master. In order to let you I have a perfect date, so I secretly followed you, so that I can find a way to correct you when you are wrong, and thus create a romantic date for you invisibly."

Rebecca was taken aback: "A date?"

Rebecca's mother said gossipingly, "Aren't you and Wang Yue dating?"

Rebecca said bluntly, "Do I need to beat Wang Yue up now to prove it to you?"

At the same time, Wang Yue, who was lying on the bed and was going to sleep, suddenly sneezed.


Rebecca's mother asked, "Could you squeeze a glass of orange juice for me?"

Rebecca said, "No."

Rebecca said, "Can you cook for me?"

Rebecca said, "No."

Rebecca's mother said excitedly, "Great! Since you can't squeeze orange juice and cook for me, we can go out to eat!"

After finishing speaking, Rebecca's mother stood up directly from the sofa, and walked outside with Rebecca's arm on her arm: "Let's go eat the one you ate at noon today. Put the vegetables in the pot and cook them before taking them out." Food to eat, I think there must be in Chinatown.”

Rebecca was speechless.

Rebecca's mother took Rebecca's arm and walked a few steps outside, only to find that Rebecca was not leaving.

Rebecca's mother asked, "Angry?"

Rebecca said, "The keys are still on the couch."

Knowing that Rebecca agreed, Rebecca's mother smiled and said, "Okay, I'll get the key."

After taking the keys and returning to Rebecca's side, Rebecca's mother kissed Rebecca on the face, saying that the two of them are the best in the world.

Rebecca said speechlessly, "Your lipstick."

Rebecca's mother said, "It's okay, I'll wipe it for you."

A few minutes later, the two sat in the car.

Rebecca's mother raised her hand, like a child happily going out to play, and said happily: "Let's go, go eat something good!"

Rebecca said speechlessly, "Fasten your seat belt first."

Mama Rebecca said, "Okay."


Back at the hotel, Wang Yue lay down on the comfortable bed and slept comfortably.

Except for the inexplicable sneezing when I was about to sleep, which made me feel obedient, I slept very comfortably and relaxed this time.

When Wang Yue opened his eyes, it was already five o'clock in the morning of the next day.

It was already getting bright outside.

Wang Yue planned to go for a run outside.

Now that the eSports All-Star Game is over, he can rest for a few days.

When Wang Yue finished washing and was about to go for a run, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After seeing the number on the phone, Wang Yue, who was originally relaxed, suddenly became nervous.

After experiencing the Baimange incident, Wang Yue became mature and steady.

(End of this chapter)

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