Chapter 6425 Get busy!

Seeing Rebecca's refusal, the people around thought it was very reasonable, because this is Rebecca.

If the former Wang Yue saw Rebecca refuse, he would definitely not say anything, because the two of them might not even be considered friends.

Now, Wang Yue said, "Try it, it tastes really good."

When everyone thought that Rebecca refused again, they didn't expect Rebecca to say lightly: "Oh."

Although it was just an oh, but this time he did not refuse.

Everyone looked at Rebecca in surprise, they didn't expect Rebecca to agree.

Even Wang Yue himself didn't expect that Rebecca would agree so easily. He thought that he would invite Rebecca at least a few times before Rebecca reluctantly agreed.Anyway, Rebecca agreed now, which was good.

Wang Yue led Rebecca to the dining table.Wang Yue sat down, and Rebecca sat next to Wang Yue.

Fanny smiled and asked Rebecca: "The last time we had dinner together, it must have been several years ago, right?"

Rebecca didn't answer.

Wang Yue asked the chef, "Master, I just heard you said that there is a dish of boiled cabbage, right?"

The cook said, "Yes."

Wang Yue said: "Then I will trouble you to make a boiled cabbage."

"Okay," said the chef.


When the cabbage bloomed because of the watering of the soup, all the people on the scene were stunned, because they did not expect such a miraculous scene.

Having seen the miraculous scene, they couldn't bear it anymore, and came to the Huaxia chef's booth one after another, expressing their desire to eat Huaxia cuisine.

Those who should be eating steak and salad are now giving up steak and salad and choosing Chinese cuisine.

The reason is very simple, Huaxia cuisine is both artistic and delicious.

Rebecca picked up a piece of boiled cabbage, chewed it, and said to Wang Yue, "It tastes good."

Being able to get Rebecca's evaluation, and it is still a good review, it can be seen that Rebecca is really satisfied with this dish.

Monica said in surprise: "This dish looks very simple, why is it so delicious!"

Wang Yue explained: "On the surface, boiled cabbage is mainly composed of the cabbage's heart, but in fact there is a universe inside. The universe is in the soup. It is not an ordinary soup, but chicken, duck, pork ribs, etc. Boiled broth. Therefore, boiled cabbage has the characteristics of refreshing fragrance and strong soup flavor.”

Monica said: "This is too advanced!"

Jin Baili asked Wang Yue: "Do you have a lot of food in Huaxia?"

Wang Yue said: "Many! There are so many! There are so many cuisines alone. Sichuan, Huaihe, Luyue and Guangdong are the four major cuisines, and the dishes contained in them are countless!"

Monica said: "I want to go to Huaxia to have fun and taste Huaxia's dishes!"

Judging from the eyes of Kimberly and Archibald, they also developed a strong interest.

Originally, the stall that made Huaxia dishes was the most deserted, because only one person who participated in the dinner was from Huaxia.Now, crowds of people stand in front of the stalls, wanting to eat Huaxia cuisine.

The moment they ate Huaxia cuisine, it was like opening the door to a new world, and they also understood why Wang Yue and others enjoyed eating it so much, because it was so delicious.

"The atmosphere is very good."

It was Kiril, the person in charge, who said this.

Qi Lier is the person in charge of the organizing committee of the competition and also the person in charge of this dinner party.

Wang Yue said: "Thank you for your arrangement. If it wasn't for your arrangement, I wouldn't be able to eat Chinese cuisine here."

Qi Lier said: "You don't need to thank you, this is a very reasonable arrangement, and you are entitled to this treatment."

Monica, Evelyn and others, as well as the present and others, all understand that Wang Yue has been treated very highly at this dinner party, otherwise they would not have hired a Huaxia chef to cook here just for Wang Yue alone.

The reason why Wang Yue received this treatment was inseparable from the person in charge, Qi Lier, but Qi Lier did not expect so many people to line up to eat Huaxia cuisine.

With Qilier's arrival, everyone at the scene looked at Qilier.

Qi Lier said with a smile: "You don't need to look at me. Today's dinner is very simple, that is, eating, drinking and having fun. There is no speech or speech. I am here to eat, drink and have fun."

According to the conventional process, the person in charge will generally speak, and then the dinner party will really start.But Qilier is obviously not an ordinary person, and her actions are not ordinary.In fact, few people are interested in speaking, they are not here to listen to the speech, and that kind of boring operation will make them feel bored.Qi Lier directly skipped the speaking part, which shows that her ability is very unusual and she can control the atmosphere of the scene very well.

Qi Lier said: "Everyone can eat, drink and have fun. Later, there will be an e-sports team and e-sports club from country M. If you are interested, you can chat with them. If you are not interested, then concentrate on eating, drinking and having fun. "

The situation was as Archibald guessed yesterday. The specific dinner party was not an ordinary dinner party, but an e-sports team and e-sports club from country M to recruit talents according to the usual practice.

The people who participated in today's dinner are all official contestants of the e-sports All-Star Game. Regardless of their performance, just being an official contestant is enough to make them valued.Although they come from various countries and various teams, it would be great if they could stay in country M and let them play for country M.

Anyone who is well-informed will know this convention. Some people are not interested in this convention, because their idea is to participate in the e-sports all-star game, and they have no intention of playing for country M, while some people participate in the e-sports all-star game. It is to join the famous e-sports team in country M by showing your own strength.

Nibel was also on the scene, but he could be in the corner, and the others didn't care about the failed Nibel.

When Nibel heard that there would be an e-sports team and e-sports club coming, his eyes lit up, because he was well-informed and knew that the Dream Team and the M-country e-sports team would be coming, and if he could make a connection, join Any one of this team will be extremely helpful to his e-sports career.

Not long after Qilier's voice fell, a group of people came to the rooftop. These people were all representatives of famous e-sports teams or clubs in country M.

Some of those representatives stood there waiting for e-sports players to recommend themselves, while others took the initiative to find the e-sports players they had scouted in advance.The atmosphere at the scene became more lively.

It can be said that the arrival of that group of people triggered the atmosphere of the scene. If anyone is unmoved, it is Wang Yue, Rebecca, and Fanny who are unmoved at the table, because they don't need to take the initiative to talk to those people. Person represents contact.With their excellent results in the e-sports All-Star Game, those representatives will take the initiative to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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