Chapter 6450 Caught a big fish!

Wang Yue sat on the beach.

Rebecca stood nearby.

There is no communication between the two people.

Half an hour later, the two of them were still in this state.

Rebecca's face did not show the slightest emotional change due to the passage of time, but Wang Yue's face showed more and more unnatural emotions due to the passage of time.

Another 10 minutes passed, Rebecca was still expressionless, and Wang Yue couldn't hold it any longer.

Wang Yue, who was sitting on the beach, stood up and said to Rebecca: "Let's go to Chinatown to try our luck. I don't know if there are any Chinese restaurants open at this time."

Rebecca said, "Yeah."

So, the two people left the beach and headed to Chinatown, looking for a Chinese restaurant that was still open at this time, with the purpose of tasting the stewed crab meat and lion's head.Because this is what Wang Yue promised Rebecca.


A black business car drove away from the hotel where the party was held and returned to the city.

Archibald, Kim Bailey, Erin, and Monica were all in this car.

Seeing that Monica had been in a distracted state, Kimberly asked, "Still thinking about the game just now? Thinking about Rebecca and Wang Yue's dual mastery?"

Monica nodded and said, "Yes. I have been thinking about the dual domination realm used by Rebecca and Wang Yue, and the powerful images of the dual domination realm have been replaying in my mind."

Kim Baili said: "Dream Team always pays attention to reputation. As a staff member of Dream Team, Daisy will never aim for nothing. Since she said that there are courses to teach the Realm of Dominance in the training camp, then she can definitely learn it in the training camp. To the realm of dominance.”

Monica's face was very serious: "To be honest, I really want to master the Realm of Domination! When the training camp starts, I will definitely do my best to master the Realm of Domination."

Kim Bailey nodded to Monica, encouraging Monica's idea.And her inner thoughts were the same as Monica's.After seeing the power of the Realm of Domination and the Realm of Dual Domination, why doesn't she want to master the Realm of Domination in her heart?Eileen said: "In the world of e-sports, I am afraid that only the E-Sports Department of Country M can afford to share the learning methods of the Realm of Dominance, but I don't understand why the E-Sports Department of Country M would do this. I don't think it does this. This matter will be of great benefit to M country e-sports."

Erin is psychologically delicate, and her thoughts are different from Monica's.Monica's focus is on the power of the Dominion and the opportunity to learn it.Erin is concerned about why the e-sports department of Country M is so generous in sharing the learning methods of Realm of Domination.

Monica said: "Perhaps it is to get closer to people like us. We accept training from Country M e-sports, and we are invisibly related to Country M e-sports. If Country M e-sports needs us in the future, we will definitely not Sit back and ignore it. Perhaps M country e-sports has this kind of long-term consideration, so it is willing to generously share the learning methods of the Realm of Dominance with us."

Eileen said: "I agree with the reason you mentioned, but I don't think this reason is the whole reason. I think this reason is only part of the reason, maybe even a small part of the reason. As for the real reason, I think it is definitely a big reason." There are articles.”

Archibald said: "I agree with what Irene said. It is a very special thing for M country e-sports to share the learning method of Dominion Realm. Before that, M country e-sports often did one thing. What’s special, but also very common, is sharing how to use extreme techniques.”

Kimberly's expression also became serious: "Hearing what you said, I also feel that something is wrong."

Monica asked, "What do you mean?"

Jin Baili said: "The E-Sports Department of Country M will share extreme skills with powerful e-Sports players. Whether it is Archibald or Wang Yue, they have never been shared by the E-Sports Department of Country M. In my opinion, the E-Sports Department of Country M This approach has the intention of suppressing Archibald and Wang Yue, and wants to inhibit the development speed of Archibald and Wang Yue. In the matter of extreme skills, the E-sports Department of M Country treats Wang Yue and Archibald. The attitude is stingy. Regarding the Realm of Dominance, Country M e-sports suddenly became very generous, which is indeed strange."

Archibald said: "My previous consideration was that once we enter the training camp created by Country M E-Sports, all our data will be collected by Country M E-Sports. Once the E-Sports Department of Country M has completely collected our data, we They are transparent in front of the E-sports Department of Country M. They can formulate perfect tactics to defeat us based on our data. I had considered this before, so I didn’t want to participate in that training camp.”

At this point, Archibald laughed at himself and said: "The final result proved that Country M's e-sports is even better, and it is actually willing to share the learning materials for the Realm of Dominance. On the one hand, it is the training of the dream team, and on the other hand, it is the Domination This gives us no reason to refuse. Even if we know that this matter is weird, we have to join in. However, one thing is for sure, that is, the M Country E-Sports Department will not lie. Since the promise If we can learn the realm of dominance in the training camp, then there will definitely be an opportunity to learn the realm of dominance.”

Kimberly said: "Yes! The temptation of the realm of dominance is too great! For all e-sports players, who would not want to enter this realm? Rebecca won the championship of the e-sports All-Star Game because of the realm of dominance Rebecca and Wang Yue cooperated to defeat us, relying on the realm of dominance. Take the game just now, in fact, Rebecca and Wang Yue did not use special skills, Wang Yue even used the Buddha jumping sniper, so Wang Yue Yue only needs to rely on the realm of pseudo-lords to occupy an absolute advantage on the battlefield. In this case, no matter how superb our technology and operations are, we are always passive."

Eileen said: "The e-sports department of Country M guessed that we might refuse, so they dropped the bombshell of Dominion, which we couldn't refuse. I don't think there will be any good things that fall from the sky in this world. Even if we really In order to dominate the training camp, we must also make sacrifices in other aspects. Most of the time, fishermen only need to pay a little bait to catch a big fish."

Monica said with a grimace: "Originally, I was very happy to go to the training camp to learn the realm of dominance. But after hearing what you said, I suddenly felt confused. Since this matter is so complicated, should we go to the training camp? "

Archibald smiled and said: "Wang Yue has mastered the realm of false masters and is far ahead of us. Even so, Wang Yue can't help but want to join any training camp. This shows how big the real realm of masters is. The allure of it.”

(End of this chapter)

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