The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6451 Wang Yue's worry!

Chapter 6451 Wang Yue's worry!
Archibald said: "For those of us who have not even mastered the realm of false masters, the temptation is even more fatal. For me personally, no matter whether I can figure out the truth behind this matter, I still can't. To attend this training camp.”

Monica said: "Then let's enter the training camp together, take care of each other, and help each other. Even if there is any conspiracy in M ​​country e-sports, with our unity and cooperation, I don't think we are completely incapable of confrontation."

Jin Baili said: "We need to discuss this matter with Wang Yue as soon as possible."

Archibald smiled slightly: "Wang Yue is under greater pressure than us. He will not allow himself to have accidents in the training camp. He will definitely make careful arrangements."

Jin Baili said: "Entering that training camp is a sure thing, so let's take a look and see what the ulterior purpose of the M country e-sports department is."


the next day.

Wang Yue, who always gets up early, didn't wake up until ten o'clock this time.

The reason why he woke up so late was because Wang Yue went back to the hotel to sleep at [-]:[-].Before that, Wang Yue and Rebecca went to Chinatown. Many Chinese restaurants are open at night, but not every Chinese restaurant has the dish of stewed crab meat and lion head.Although Rebecca is a local, she has rarely been to Chinatown before, and she almost doesn’t know anything about Chinatown.In this case, we can't count on Rebecca as a local, so we can only search slowly.Hard work paid off, and I finally found a Chinese restaurant that can make lion heads.So Wang Yue treated Rebecca to a meal of stewed crab meat and lion head.After eating, Rebecca went home, and Wang Yue also returned to the hotel to sleep.

After waking up, Wang Yue first checked his cell phone.

Modern people, the first thing they do after waking up is check their mobile phones, sometimes to play with them, sometimes to check messages.

When checking his mailbox, Wang Yue found that he had received an email from the e-sports department of Country M, which invited him to a meeting.The content of this meeting is to participate in the training camp.Regarding this matter, Daisy had already talked about it during the dinner last night.Received the email now, it should be an official notification.

The email gave an address and asked Wang Yue to go to that address at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang Yue has decided to participate in the training camp, so he must do what the email said.

Wang Yue's original plan was to return to China after the E-sports All-Star Game, but now he can only give up this plan.The current plan is to attend the training camp first, wait until the training camp is over, and then return to China.

Since he was going to participate in the training camp in the afternoon, Wang Yue had to arrange the things that should be arranged before that.

Ruoshui Internet Cafe was founded by Wang Yue. It has now established a firm foothold in the South District Internet cafe field and is no longer squeezed out. However, this does not mean that the crisis of Ruoshui Internet Cafe has been resolved, because the North District Internet cafe field is the largest in Nigeria. Bell and others are under the control, and Nibel and others always want to control the Internet cafe field in the South District. In this process, one thing that must be done is to destroy Ruoshui Internet Cafe.

With Wang Yue here, even if Wang Yue does not participate in the battle in the Internet cafe field, Ruoshui Internet Cafe will increase its sense of security.When Wang Yue leaves, this sense of security will disappear.With Ruoshui Internet Cafe's current strength and status, it has the ability to protect itself, but it may not be able to stop the machinations of Nibel and others.

In this regard, Wang Yue's arrangement is to return from sorrow and joy.

Before, Huan Huan came to Country M to help Ruoshui Internet Cafe, but she did not stay in Ruoshui Internet Cafe. Instead, she traveled to Country M to learn about the Internet cafe fields in various cities and prepare for taking over Ruoshui Internet Cafe in the future.

When Wang Yue was around, Wang Yue took care of Ruoshui Internet Cafe's safety. When Wang Yue was away, Ruoshui Internet Cafe's safety was taken care of by Sadness and Joy.

After the E-Sports All-Star Game, Wang Yue sent a message to Sadhuan and told Sadhuan to end their tour, but Ruoshui Internet Cafe took over.In Wang Yue's plan, Ruoshui Internet Cafe is an important bridge between Chinese e-sports players and M country e-sports players, so it must be protected and developed well.

After receiving Wang Yue's message, Sadhuan said that he would return to Ruoshui Internet Cafe as soon as possible.Wang Yue has always been at ease in doing things through joy and sorrow.

Since Ruoshui Internet Cafe has its joys and sorrows, Wang Yue no longer needs to think about Ruoshui Internet Cafe.

In terms of Huaxia E-sports, everything is running in an orderly manner. If there is no external interference and it operates in this way, Huaxia E-sports will become stronger and stronger.

However, no one can guarantee whether there will be any disturbance from the outside world.

In order to deal with this kind of thing, Wang Yue made a special call to Lin Jingxie, meaning that Lin Jingxie could take care of China Esports.

After Wang Yue reformed the national e-sports team, Lin Jingxie was the captain of the first team of the national e-sports team.

Lin Jingxie has a characteristic, that is, he only focuses on e-sports and doesn't care about anything else.

This situation is more or less ignorant of the world, but Lin Jingxie definitely has the capital to be ignorant of the world.Lin Jingxie is not an ordinary person. His family, Lin Jingxie, is one of the top wealthy families in Yanjing.

At the beginning, even though Wang Yue was in charge of the Yanhuang e-sports team and was on par with the deputy minister in terms of e-sports, the conspiracies and attacks against Wang Yue never stopped.The reason is very simple. Qiu Mobei was worried that Wang Yue would replace him, so he wanted to eliminate Wang Yue.

Doesn't Lin Jingxie have the ability to influence Qiu Mobei's status?
Lin Jingxie definitely has this ability, but Qiu Mobei has never taken any action against Lin Jingxie.The reason is that the Lin family where Lin Jingxie belongs is the top wealthy family in Yanjing.

The Qiu family where Qiu Mobei lives is also a very large family, but its base is not in Yanjing, but in Qin Province.Youdao is a strong dragon but not a local coward. Qiu Mobei dared to deal with other members of the national e-sports team, but he definitely did not dare to deal with Lin Jingxie.

Lin Jingxie is extremely powerful in e-sports, and his family also has extraordinary abilities in Yanjing.As long as Lin Jingxie is willing, he can definitely produce huge and terrifying energy.Because of this, Wang Yue called Lin Jingxie and asked Lin Jingxie to take care of Lin Jingxie while he was attending the training camp.

Regarding Wang Yue's request, Lin Jingxie didn't say much, only said three words, "I understand."

Based on Wang Yue's understanding of Lin Jingxie, as long as Lin Jingxie didn't refuse, he would agree.

The national e-sports team has Lin Jingxie sitting and taking care of it, so Wang Yue doesn't need to worry.

There was one place that worried Wang Yue, and that was Jingmen.

Jingmen is the e-sports organization set up by Wang Yue at the largest airport in Yanjing, responsible for defeating those who try to challenge Yanjing E-sports and Huaxia E-sports.In this way, any battles will be held at Jingmen, and it will not affect Yanjing E-sports and Huaxia E-sports.

In the past, scholars were in charge of the capital.

Now the scholar has gone to country E and has not returned yet.

In this case, Wang Yue had no choice but to arrange for others.Nowadays, the people guarding the capital gate are very fast.

(End of this chapter)

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