Chapter 6461 Rookie!
The female staff member immediately said, "Okay. My brother always keeps his word."

The e-sports minister of Country M smiled and said, "I want to see you on the A-team roster of the Dream Team."


A week later, a list of members of Dream Team A was sent to the office of the e-sports minister of Country M.

The e-sports minister of country M took a look at the list and looked at the new name with a smile on his face.

He circled the new name with a pen, giving him his official Dream Team codename: Number Ten.

This incident is regarded as a legend among the dream team.Because the e-sports minister of Country M has a sharp eye for pearls!The most important thing is that he acquired a rare talent with an inclusive mentality!

It took ten excellent Dream Team coaches three years to train no e-sports players who could beat the members of the Dream Team, but an unknown e-sports player was actually able to do so.

This act of No. [-] directly broke the history of the Dream Team, because he was the first person to do this.

It is precisely because of this special manager that No. [-] has a very good relationship with the e-sports minister of Country M, not an ordinary one.

Everyone knows the reason, because the Minister of E-sports of Country M gave No. [-]’s sister a chance and gave No. [-]’s sister plenty of time.It was precisely because of this incident that No. [-] joined the dream team and played for the Minister of E-sports of Country M.

As for No. [-]’s participation in the selection of coach Shashe, it was No. [-]’s sister who went there without No. [-]’s knowledge. However, coach Shashe did not have the luck and vision of the e-sports minister of Country M, so he missed out on talents, and No. [-] was too lazy to use himself. level of e-sports, so he failed on purpose.

Now, No. [-] is already a legend of the Dream Team, representing the highest level of e-sports in the world!
The e-sports minister of Country M once summed up the ultimate plan and the strength of No. [-] at a meeting. He said: You can cultivate a ferocious wolf, but you cannot cultivate a wolf king.The Wolf King has to stand out in the most brutal fighting, not through training.Perhaps this is why those e-sports players who receive training are not as good as No. [-].


Coach Shashe looked at the direction No. [-] was leaving, recalling the past about No. [-] in his heart.He still regrets that he didn't have the insight to recognize the pearl.

From the perspective of training e-sports players, Coach Shashe is really good!

As long as Coach Shashe is given good talents, Coach Shashe will definitely be able to train him into a powerful e-sports player.

However, no one is perfect, and Coach Shashe also has his weaknesses, which is that he always makes mistakes in his vision.

This is not the first time that Coach Shashe has made a mistake. He used to make a mistake with No. [-], and later he made a mistake with Wang Yue.

Coach Shashe thought to himself, I wonder what kind of sparks will be created when Wang Yue and No. [-] come into contact?


The plane landed slowly at the island's airport.

This small island is surrounded by the sea. Without very advanced transportation, it is completely impossible to leave this small island by one's own strength.

After Wang Yue and his party got off the plane, they started to learn about the situation on the island.The environment of this island is particularly good, and with the deliberate design, the entire island is like a garden.

Daisy said: "I will take you to your accommodation first. I will also stay on this island. If you need any help with logistics, you can come to me. I don't have any authority for other matters." Yes. On this island, the person with the greatest authority is your instructor. Regarding instructors, there are two chief instructors on this island, namely male instructor Jesses and female instructor Susanna. Both of them are very Excellent instructors have cultivated many pillars of the Dream Team. Don’t underestimate the pillars of the Dream Team. They have the opportunity to become members of Team B, and maybe they may become members of Team A in the future.”

Daisy led Wang Yue and others to the dormitory. On the way, she roughly told the situation on the island, giving Wang Yue and others a basic understanding of the island.In fact, it's simple. It's not easy to gain a foothold on this small island. To gain a foothold, it's very simple. You just need to have absolute strength!
A group of them walked through a road in the forest and came to a playground. There was a building not far from the playground, which was the dormitory.

The playground is very large, with hundreds of people running in an orderly manner.

Running, it's a very, very good cardio exercise.When running, your body will sweat, which is also a very good way to relax.No matter which training base it is, there are arrangements for running.

Because there were hundreds of people running there, and Wang Yue and the others were the first people they saw when they came to the island, they all turned their attention to it.

Their run wasn't monolithic, but it wasn't messy either.The state is just a group of people running there.

There are a dozen people standing still on the playground. They should be ordinary instructors.

The chief instructors on this island are Jessie and Susanna, in addition to some ordinary instructors.

Wang Yue and the others looked at the group of people running.

When the running group ran behind Wang Yue and others, they also looked at Wang Yue.

The difference is that the eyes of Wang Yue and others are curious, while the eyes of that group of people are full of provocation, and there is disdain in the provocation.

"Hey, rookie!"

I don’t know who shouted this first, and then the rookies shouted one after another.

"Little rookie, we will play well with you!"

"Give you little rookies a punch!"

The group laughed.

While running, they laughed at Wang Yue and others.

"There is also a little rookie in a wheelchair who is interesting and interesting. I have my eyes on them. Don't fight me!"

"Little rookies, this is your first time seeing us. It's understandable that you don't know the rules, but I tell you, the next rule is to bow your head when you see us. If you don't follow the rules, I will hit you with a fist. On your face, I don’t care whether you are a boy or a girl! In my eyes, you are all rookies!”

It can be seen from their performance that they look down on Wang Yue and others who have just arrived here, calling them rookies.

However, they were not directly targeting Wang Yue and others, but the people who had just arrived on this island.

Any newcomer who comes to this island will be bullied.

And when those bullied e-sports players become powerful players on this island in the future, they will bully the newcomers who have just arrived on the island.

In short, anyone who is new will be bullied. This is a characteristic of this island.

The Dream Team has not corrected this feature because it hopes that this wild existence can inspire e-sports players to improve.

If you don't want to be a rookie, if you don't want to be bullied, you must become stronger.

However, the newcomers who have just arrived on this island are no match for the old students, and it is difficult to be bullied.

At this moment, Wang Yue and others are new members. Of course, those old members must bully Wang Yue and others according to the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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