"Rookies, let's play slowly later!"

"Haha, little rookies, remember my name, my name is Hungry Wolf."

They laughed, their laughter filled with contempt.

There were multiple instructors at the scene, but the instructors seemed not to notice this situation and had no intention of stopping it.

The reason why the instructor didn't stop him was simple, because this was the rule of this small island, and new e-sports players had to experience being intimidated.

The e-sports players who can come to this island all have outstanding abilities in e-sports. In this case, they may not be [-]% willing to obey the training arrangements. In order for them to obey the arrangements, showing off their power is an indispensable link.To put it bluntly, the purpose of showing off one's power is to tame the e-sports players who have just arrived on this island.

Daisy was very calm, because it was not her first time coming to this island. She clearly knew the rules of this island, and she also knew the existence and necessity of being aggressive.

Daisy led Wang Yue and others toward the dormitory building while narrating: "There are three levels of e-sports student atmosphere on this island. They are lower-class students, middle-class students, and high-class students. The lower-class members are This island has the lowest status, and high-level students have the highest status. Those of you who have just arrived are low-level students, and the group of people who provoked you on the playground are middle-level students."

It can also be seen from the hierarchy that this island wants to give new e-sports players a chance to show off.

No matter what kind of e-sports promotion and glory you have in the outside world, as long as you come to this island, you will be a low-class student.

Wang Yue, Fan Ni, Archibald, Jin Baili and others are all famous figures in the e-sports all-star game and well-known figures in the world of e-sports. However, they have become low-class students here.However, this island is the training base of the Dream Team, and the Dream Team is qualified to treat other e-sports players in this way.

Daisy introduced: "There are two dormitories. One dormitory is for lower-class students and middle-class members, and the other is for upper-class members."

Wang Yue and others who had just arrived on the island were all lower-class members, so Daisy led them into the dormitory building where the lower-class members lived.

After entering the dormitory building.

Daisy said: "The dormitory is for two people. Wang Yue and Archibald live in one room on the 10th floor. Fan Ni and Irene live in one room on the 11th floor. Kim Baili and Monica live in one room. Live on the 12th floor. As for the clown killer Felix, you rent a separate room and live on the 12th floor."

The crowd nodded.

Daisy told Wang Yue and others the room number, and said: "You go to your room first and take a look. In 15 minutes, you go to the first floor. The instructor will be waiting for you there. The instructor will be responsible for the rest. As for I will also stay on this island recently. If you have any special matters, you can ask me to deal with it. If I can help, I will try my best to help."


Wang Yue and Archibald entered their room. The room was very neat and tidy, so neat that it could be described as spotless.

Wang Yue has lived in many dormitories, but this is the first time he has seen such a neat and clean dormitory.It's not that the dormitory where Wang Yue lived before wasn't tidy and clean enough, but that this dormitory is really too tidy and clean.

There are two beds in the room. There are neatly stacked quilts on the bed, and basic daily necessities are placed on the bedside table.

Wang Yue looked at Archibald and said with a smile: "I don't know if I should say that it is indeed the training base of the dream team. The conditions are so good."

Archibald said: "When I heard that the upper-class students lived in a dormitory building, and the middle-class members and lower-class members lived in the same dormitory, my inner thought was about hierarchy. In this case, the residence of the upper-class members The environment is definitely better than the middle and lower-class members. What I didn't expect was that the living environment of the lower-class members was so good." Wang Yue said: "Maybe the living conditions of the upper-class members are better."

Wang Yue is an ordinary person, and his requirements for food, clothing, housing and transportation are not very high.Archibald is not an ordinary person. His background can be described as wealthy.Even so, Archibald felt that this dormitory was very neat and clean, which showed how neat and clean this dormitory was.

Fifteen minutes later, Wang Yue and others came to the first floor as Daisy said and saw the instructor waiting for them.

The instructor said straight to the point: "My name is Dashan. From this moment on, I am your instructor and I am responsible for your training. Because you have just arrived on this island today, there will be no special training today. The special training starts tomorrow. Next, I will take you to visit this island."

Instructor Dashan's arrangement made Wang Yue and others unexpected, and he actually took them to visit this small island.

The next step is to visit this small island. The environment of this small island is very good and there are many places worth visiting.

The group visited until [-]pm.

After having dinner in the cafeteria, instructor Dashan said: "The value of visiting this island is not only during the day, but there are many places to visit at night. I will take you to continue visiting next."

So they visited until ten o'clock in the evening.

Instructor Dashan is right, this island has many places worth visiting at night.

However, traveling for such a long time during the day and for such a long time at night took a lot of physical energy.

When instructor Dashan announced that they were going back to the dormitory to rest, Wang Yue and others all wanted to go back to the dormitory and have a comfortable sleep to prepare for the formal training tomorrow.

They returned to the dormitory building and headed to their rooms to prepare for a good night's sleep.

When Wang Yue entered the room, the scene in the room made Wang Yue squint his eyes.Archibald beside him also frowned.

Wang Yue looked at Archibald and said, "It seems that our living environment is not very good."

Archibald said: "It turns out that everything is a preparation for this moment."

After finishing speaking, Wang Yue and Archibald looked at each other. With their wisdom and such an obvious scene, both of them understood what was going on.

At the beginning, when Wang Yue and Archibald came to the dormitory room, their first impression was that the room was very neat and clean. However, the room at the moment was in a mess. The quilts that had been neatly stacked were still on the floor, and there were still things on them. There are obvious footprints.The daily necessities that were originally arranged as a whole were also in a mess.

The originally clean and tidy dormitory was now very messy, as if it had been looted by bandits.When people see a messy scene, they will feel irritated, angry and angry.

The reason why the dormitory is clean is to give Wang Yue and others an impression, so that it can be in sharp contrast with the messy dormitory.

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