The hero who crossed the line of fire has a dream

Chapter 6463: Everything is foreshadowing!

Instructor Dashan led Wang Yue and others to visit this small island, not for them to visit at all, but to consume their energy, make them feel tired, and make them return to their rooms and just want to sleep.In this state, when they see a messy room with no way to sleep, they will naturally get full of anger. If they care about this matter, someone will naturally take the opportunity to show off.

As for the person who messed up the room, it goes without saying that it must have been an intermediate student.

Archibald said calmly: "No wonder we were not placed on one floor, but on different floors. The purpose was to cut off our contact and cut off our mutual help, thus leaving us isolated and helpless."

Wang Yue said: "I wonder what the clown killer is like?"

If Wang Yue's guess is correct, other people must have suffered from this situation.

With the control abilities of Fan Ni, Irene, Kim Baili, Monica and others, they can definitely control their emotions, but the arrogant clown killer may not be able to control his emotions.If the killer clown can't control his emotions and takes issue with this matter, he will definitely be targeted.There is a saying that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. Newcomers like them have just arrived on this island. If they fight head-on, there will be absolutely no benefit.

Archibald said: "The reason why Killer Clown is arranged alone and not given a roommate is probably because he doesn't want anyone to control his emotions. It seems that they are fully prepared. Even if we people can control it, Killer Clown She may not be able to control it.”

Wang Yue said: "The clown killer is very capable, but this is the training base of the dream team. Even if it is just one of many bases, it still cannot be underestimated. If the clown killer cannot control his emotions, he is likely to pay A heavy price to pay.”

Archibald said: "There are two roads before us. One is to fall into his trap, argue with them about this matter, and find the person who messed up our dormitory. The other is to stay calm. This kind of operation can prevent us from falling into the trap, but we will be humiliated by them and have to rest in a messy room."

Wang Yue said with a smile: "There are no roads in the world. Only when more people walk, there are roads. In other words, it seems that we only have two roads, but in fact there is a third one."

Archibald asked, "What way?"

Wang Yue said: "The two roads you mentioned are the roads they set for us. No matter which one we take, they have succeeded. If you don't want them to succeed, you can't take the road they set. In fact, it is very simple. We just need to clean up the room and rest. We don't understand the situation yet, so there is no need to conflict with them at this stage."

After saying this, Wang Yue started to clean up. Wang Yue first picked up the quilt on the ground and put it on the bed.

Then, Wang Yue picked up another quilt and placed it on Archibald's body.

Seeing this scene, Archibald said apologetically: "I'll do it myself."

Wang Yue collected the daily necessities scattered on the ground and said calmly: "You don't need to feel that you owe me anything, and you don't need to feel that you have to be taken care of by me. We are friends, and one of the meanings of friends is that I can I’ll help you when it’s helpful to you, and help me when you can help me. In the current situation, I can help you, so let me help you. When you can help me in the future, I will definitely accept it. "

Archibald was born with a disability and uses a wheelchair to move around.The wheelchair made by Archibald is very advanced, but no matter how advanced the wheelchair is, it cannot allow Qibai to move freely like a normal person. In this case, Archibald does not have the ability to clean up the room, especially if it is such a mess. Room.

Archibald was born into a wealthy family, and a nanny had to take care of his food, clothing, and daily life since he was a child. Even though Archibald's legs were disabled, it did not affect his life at all.It's different here. Archibald didn't bring a nanny, so he had to do things by himself. If it was normal treatment, Archibald would not be affected, but the treatment he received was obviously not normal treatment. In this case, Archibald Chibald's life will be inconvenient.

Archibald can rely on his intelligence to live very high in civilized society, even standing at the top of the pyramid, but if he is not in a civilized society, Archibald, who has disabled legs, will be very passive.

Taking the current situation as an example, it is not convenient for Archibald, who has disabled legs, to clean up the messy room. In this case, Wang Yue can only clean up the messy room. Wang Yue did not say anything nonsense and directly cleaned up the room.

After tidying up the room, Wang Yue began to pat the quilt because there were footprints on the quilt and he wanted to remove the footprints.Wang Yue first patted Archibald's quilt back, and then patted his own quilt back.

After finishing this series of things, more than an hour has passed.

Although the room has not returned to its previous spotless state, it can be considered tidy and not messy anymore.

Archibald looked at Wang Yue thoughtfully.The reason why instructor Dashan took them to visit the island was to consume their energy and make them just want to sleep when they returned to the dormitory. In this case, they must be angry when facing the messy dormitory.Most people would not think of tidying up their dormitory under such circumstances because they are already very tired. It would take at least an hour to tidy up.

Archibald knew that Wang Yue must also be tired, but Wang Yue cleaned up the room very quickly.

For children from rich families like Archibald, cleaning the room has never been something they do. For children from poor families like Wang Yue, cleaning up the room is a normal thing. When he was young, he would go to the fields with his parents. Farm.

In addition, Wang Yue was once designed to live under a bridge filled with garbage.Wang Yue didn't give up at that time, let alone now.

After cleaning up the room, Wang Yue poured a glass of water for himself and a glass of water for Archibald.

Archibald said, "Thank you."

During the past hour Archibald had suddenly felt powerless.He was so useless after being separated from civilized society.Even though she has a superb mind and e-sports skills, this cannot completely make up for his physical shortcomings.

After drinking the water, Wang Yue walked to the door with the toothbrush cup and put the toothbrush cup on the door handle.

After doing this, Wang Yue said to Archibald: "We can rest."

From a practical point of view, Archibald was not adapted to such a life.He looked at Wang Yue, who seemed to be very adaptable to this kind of life.In addition, Wang Yue is also very experienced.Putting the toothbrush cup on the door handle is to prevent someone from opening the door and walking in while they are asleep and they have no idea.With this operation, if someone opens the door and comes in, the toothbrush cup will fall to the ground and make a sound, and they can wake up in time.

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