Chapter 6464 Living Materials!

The reason why Archibald is not adaptable is because he has never experienced a life and death crisis, and the reason why Wang Yue has rich experience is because Wang Yue has experienced too many life and death crises.

Archibald is not a flower in the greenhouse, but because of his disabled legs, many things are inconvenient for him.In some special matters, if Archibald has no one to take care of him, his ability to live is very weak.Having said that, with the wealth of Archibald's family, even hiring a thousand nannies to take care of Archibald would be a piece of cake.This time things were a bit special, so Archibald didn't bring anyone to take care of him.Another reason is that he underestimated the atmosphere of this island, which is so demeaning to newcomers.

The first lesson for newcomers coming to this island is not e-sports training or physical training, but showing off their skills.

Because they were new here and didn't know much about the situation here, Wang Yue and Archibald chose to accept this threat.

After finishing washing, Wang Yue and Archibald left the dormitory building and went to the playground to reunite.

Before disbanding last night, instructor Dashan said that we would meet at the playground at seven in the morning.

Wang Yue and Archibald did not come to the playground at this time, but came to the playground at 06:30.The purpose of being half an hour early was to have enough time to observe the situation, so as not to be led around by others.

When Wang Yue and Archibald arrived at the playground, Fan Ni and Irene had already arrived.They arrived earlier than Wang Yue and Archibald.

Archibald asked: "Why did you come so early?"

Fan Ni said: "I have investigated Wang Yue's habits. Whenever Wang Yue goes to a new environment, he will arrive 15 minutes or 30 minutes early to observe the situation. Because we know Wang Yue will come early, we go earlier I’m here to wait for you.”

Wang Yue said: "It seems that you also experienced something last night."

If Fan Ni had not experienced something, they would not have come to the playground so early to wait for them.

Fan Ni smiled and said: "No! You are wrong! If my roommate was not Irene, and Irene's roommate was not me, we might encounter special circumstances, but if the two of us were roommates, we would not Suffer any situation.”

After listening to Fan Ni's words, Wang Yue understood what Fan Ni meant and shook his head with a wry smile.Background is indeed universal.

Fan Ni is an e-sports player from Country X. This is his superficial identity. However, she has secretly joined the dream team. This is her hidden identity.

Now, Fan Ni's hidden identity is no longer a secret, but this does not mean that Fan Ni has no secrets.

Fan Ni has a profound background.Wang Yue tried his best to investigate this, but couldn't find it at all.The less he can find it, the more it shows that Fan Ni has a terrifying background.

Because Fan Ni has a terrifying background, she will not be bullied.

Erin's background is very obvious, she is from the e-sports hell school.E-sports Hell School is the world's leading large-scale training base in the field of e-sports. It has cultivated countless e-sports talents for world e-sports. Because of this, E-sports Hell School has a very broad network of contacts.As the granddaughter of the principal, Eileen naturally receives special treatment in the world of e-sports, including at the training base of the dream team.Archibald said: "When I communicated with Wang Yue last night, I mentioned that whether we are placed on different floors or we are given roommates, it actually makes sense. Now it seems, Sure enough."

Archibald looked at Fan Ni and Eileen and said: "You two have special backgrounds. Because of this, you two must be arranged together. If you are arranged together with other people, there will be no way To show off, if you use your background to block them, it will be difficult for them to deal with them. So I simply put you two people with special backgrounds together and won't take any action against you."

Fan Ni smiled slightly: "The actual situation is the same as your analysis, but this kind of special treatment is inevitably a bit boring. The reason why I came so early to wait for you is to hear how you were treated last night."

Archibald told Fan Ni and Irene about the treatment he received last night.

Archibald said: "Placing the two of you together is because you have a special background. This is what you have in common. If Wang Yue and I are arranged together, Wang Yue and I must also have something special. In terms of resistance, I cannot resist directly because of my disabled legs, and Wang Yue has never been impulsive, so he will not resist. Only by placing two people who do not resist in the same dormitory will they have the opportunity to give us a full A show of force."

Eileen looked at Archibald and said: "Whether it is the F country e-sports you represent or the Chinese e-sports represented by Wang Yue, its development momentum has been good in the past few years, although it is far from the level that threatens the M country e-sports. level, but it is also a potential threat to the e-sports of country M. Perhaps it is precisely because of this situation that I gave you a serious blow last night."

Fan Ni smiled and said: "Wang Yue is really good. He actually spent an hour cleaning up the room before going to sleep. Before that, Instructor Dashan had been taking us to visit this island to consume our energy. It seems that Instructor Dashan was colluding with them. of."

Wang Yue said: "It can be said to be collusion, it can be said to be the norm. Except for you and Irene who have special backgrounds, others will definitely experience the stage of showing power."

Not long after, Kim Bailey and Monica also arrived at the scene, and their spirits didn't look very good.

Kim Bailey and Monica told everyone about their experiences last night.

The lights in their dormitory were broken. It wasn't that they didn't turn on, but that they stayed on and couldn't be turned off.

Neither Kimberly nor Monica like sleeping with the lights on, so they had a bad night's sleep last night.

Obviously, this was a humiliation given to Kim Bailey and Monica.

This kind of intimidation is estimated to be effective on Jin Baili and Monica. If it is placed on Wang Yue, Wang Yue will close his eyes or wear an eye mask and fall asleep in minutes.

From this obvious and accurate targeting, it can be seen that the dream team's information collection work is very complete and very terrifying. It not only collects information on e-sports, but also on life habits.

When Kim Baili and Monica learned that Fan Ni and Irene had not received any special treatment, their expressions were full of helplessness.

When they learned about what happened to Wang Yue and Archibald, they suddenly felt that their encounter last night was nothing.What they suffered was that the lights were always on, while Wang Yue and Archibald were faced with a dormitory that had been deliberately destroyed, and had to endure the humiliation of cleaning up the dormitory late at night.

(End of this chapter)

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