Pinnacle player

Chapter 292 Official Dispute

Chapter 292 Official Dispute

Fifth, the village does not belong to whoever occupies it. Two camps compete for an area. It takes a period of time to decide the ownership of the entire area. This period may be a week or a month. Only when the player wins in the end and gets the right to distribute the territory, will the player of his side have the opportunity to obtain the territory.

That is to say, it is not enough to capture it, you have to defend it. If you capture a village, if you lose it later, then the previous contribution from capturing the village will also be emptied.

In addition, even if you keep it, this territory may not be yours. After the battle, players will be rewarded according to their contribution. Only when the contribution reaches the standard of the territory, will the territory be rewarded. If not, there will only be rewards such as money, equipment, and meritorious service.

The territory of the reward is also randomly determined according to the player's contribution. For example, your contribution value can only get a small village. Even if you capture a large village, you can only get the reward of a small village at most. For rewards, one of the villages will be randomly obtained.

Because the contribution of a player alone is extremely difficult to reach the contribution standard of the sealed territory, players can obtain the reward as a team, which is the guild territory or guild resident.

The guild territory is the result of a single guild receiving a reward. In addition to the lord's invitation, the guild resident can also be the product of the cooperation of multiple guilds.

Even if your own side wins, but due to the diplomatic situation, this faction can't really take that piece of land, that piece of land cannot be allocated, because you can't allocate the enemy's territory, but if the player or team's contribution If it is big enough and the lord it belongs to has enough territory, then the lord may award his land to the player.

But the specific situation depends on whether the emperor is generous enough.

After Yun Xiaohan was teleported back to the original place by Liya, he entered the World of Warcraft space.

With the improvement of player level and the popularity of green equipment, now as long as players with a small fortune start to pursue blue equipment.

And because there are a lot of green equipment in the market, it is very difficult to sell low-level green equipment now. In order to prevent the equipment from falling into their hands, players compete to sell it at a reduced price. Therefore, green equipment can no longer be sold at a high price. There is still a market for green equipment, but the price is also not high.

For most players, blue equipment is their main pursuit, and the selling price of one blue equipment is usually equivalent to about five green equipment of the same level.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan is not very interested in killing people and seizing treasures now. Most players can only fight elite monsters, and can only get green outfits. Naturally, those who kill people are also green outfits, and rarely have blue outfits. The very few high-level players who can fight champion-level monsters are not easy to kill. It is not as good as Yun Xiaohan killing champion-level monsters by himself.

And after two days of familiarization, many players have changed their PK mode to PVE mode. Killing them will not only get red names, but the most troublesome thing is that they need to be added to the forced PK list first, and there are still 15 Seconds of protection time, players added to the forced PK list can still see the location of the attacker within 15 seconds.

There is no advantage in the speed of the armored rhinoceros. Yun Xiaohan is also famous. Few players will choose to confront Yun Xiaohan head-on. They will basically choose to leave the battle immediately, and then get on the horse and flee, which makes it difficult for Yun Xiaohan to kill people.

Therefore, Yun Xiaohan intends to honestly fight champion-level monsters. Not only will he have experience to gain, but the gains will also be relatively stable.

While Yun Xiaohan was concentrating on spawning monsters in the World of Warcraft space, his previous actions to break through the battlefield sparked another dispute.

"Choice" official monitoring center.

"What's going on here? Didn't you say that the battlefield will be breached at around level 41-50? Now most players on the first server are less than level 30, and the battlefield is breached. How do you explain it?"

"We have repeatedly tested before, and they are all invincible. Even if the defending NPC army is defeated, it only takes half an hour to refresh, and the refresh interval will become shorter and shorter after that. After the defending NPC army is defeated twice There will also be missions issued to seek support from players in this faction.”

"Then what's going on now?"

"This was completely accidental. When we simulated, the difference in the number of players between the two camps was at most about half. This is already an exaggerated gap in the number of players, but this time the gap in the number of players participating in the two camps is too great.

How could we have imagined that there would be players organizing to break through the battlefield at 0:[-] in the middle of the night!This is completely unreasonable. It is difficult to call many people under normal circumstances during this time period. Most of the activities of the players are organized in the afternoon or evening, so how can they be organized in the middle of the night.

Moreover, this Yun Xiaohan still had a temporary idea, and it took only a few hours to organize so many people. Generally, the guild organization activities have to be notified a few days in advance, and the organization efficiency is too high. "

"That is, under normal circumstances, when the two camps face each other, it takes more than 20 minutes to completely defeat one side. If they entangle each other on the road, the refreshed NPC army will come out and they will not be able to defeat them at all."

"It's Yun Xiaohan again. There have been several accidents with this Yun Xiaohan. The last battle of Sardinia was also the same. The other server empire camps failed to compete for Sardinia. Only the first server empire camp won. , changed the plot drastically, but fortunately we did a relatively detailed plot back then, and after considering this accident, there were no mistakes."

"Yeah, I originally designed this hidden plot and thought it was impossible to be triggered. I just did it just in case, but I didn't expect it to be triggered!"

"Have you done the follow-up plot?"

"The follow-up plot is deduced by the intelligent brain of "Decision". I just provided some setting parameters and conditions for the development of the plot."

"This Yun Xiaohan can be regarded as the strongest player in "Choice". Several accidents are related to him, and he is dedicated to challenging impossible difficulties."

"I think so too, but if the plots are all the same, it's not interesting. It's fun to have some changes, and "Choice" is an online game with the most freedom in terms of plots."

"I don't care about whether the follow-up plot is interesting now. I just want to know whether breaking the battlefield so much in advance will cause game bugs or plot errors. Have you made any plans for this?"

"Don't worry, although it's an unexpected situation, there will definitely not be game bugs. If players can't capture an area at this stage, they can capture a few villages and towns at most. It won't affect the overall situation, and we have made enough plans. And it has already been input into the "Choice" intelligence brain, and there will be no problems."

"That's good, but you'd better arrange someone to keep an eye on it, especially this Yun Xiaohan, you must pay more attention, not only to prevent him from making any trouble for us, but also pay attention to promoting him, such as on the forum Regarding his posts, good posts can give him the top and heat, Mr. Chen intentionally chose him as our game spokesperson last time."

"Let him be the spokesperson of the game? Focus on promotion? I think it's quite appropriate. His performance is indeed good."

"At present, no one is stronger than Yun Xiaohan, okay? This guy is good at playing games."

"Well, don't be in a hurry. You can observe for a while before making a decision, and you need to think about it. After all, it's only been more than a month since the service of "Choice" opened."

(End of this chapter)

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