Chapter 1099

Seeing Xiaoshi and the others looking anxious, Gongliang smiled, and communicated with the black mammoth Dorji in his heart.


In the mountains and forests in the distance, a huge black zodiac with a body like a leopard, a spotted head, long pointed ears, and dangerous fangs roared and flew towards the black mammoth Dorji.

Dorje didn't move, just watched quietly.When Hei Zong was about to pounce, the proboscis swung suddenly, like a long whip, with the sound of thunder, it slammed on Hei Zong's neck fiercely.

With a "crack", the neck bone broke.

Heiyue's body was thrown out heavily, hit the giant tree behind, slipped into the pile of leaves below, and never got up again.

Dorje walked over slowly and was about to taste the food.Suddenly a message from Gongliang came in his mind, he quickly picked up the black pole with his Rugou teeth, turned around and ran in the direction where Gongliang was.Although it is big, it runs as fast as the wind, and soon walked out of the forest and set foot on a mountain road.

Xiaoshi and the others waited at the gate of the city for a while, seeing that the huge beast hadn't arrived yet, he couldn't help asking: "Gong Liang, is your mount here yet?"



As soon as the words fell, a loud noise came from a distance, followed by a sound like a drum beating from a distance.

Xiaoshi and the others looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a black shadow running fast, getting closer and closer, the sound became louder, and the ground trembled, like a cow turning over, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

"Could this be Gongliang's mount!!" Wu Ye couldn't help swallowing.

"It should be!" Ang said nervously, holding his companion's hand.

As Dorji got closer and closer, his huge body, huge thick legs, and ferocious long teeth made people daunting.

Every time they took a step closer, Xiaoshi and the others felt their heartbeats quicken. They couldn't stand the pressure, so they hurriedly ran behind Gongliang and hid.

Yanshu didn't feel much when she saw their appearance.After all, Duoji's appearance is indeed too shocking for ordinary people.

Migu was very surprised, what was there to be afraid of Dorje, he was so stupid, he just ate a lot, and his papa didn't let him eat, and told him to catch beasts to eat by himself.She ate less, and Gun Gun ate much more than her.


After a while, Duoji walked up to Gongliang, put down the black scorpion, stretched out his long nose and gently rubbed against Gongliang.

Gong Liang patted its proboscis, turned to Xiao Shi and the others and said, "This is my mount, do you want to come over and touch it?"

"Gongliang, it doesn't know how to eat people!" Xiao Xiaoshi poked his head out from behind and asked.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you with me here."

After hearing his words, Xiaoshi and the others plucked up the courage to touch the black mammoth Dorji's nose lightly, and it was ready to close, but after such a touch, it seemed as if they had touched some treasure, and they all cheered happily. So much so that the tribal guards on the walls and gates looked at them strangely.

After they finished touching, Gongliang took Yanshu to jump on Duoji's back, and took Xiaoshi and others to the forest to hunt.

As for Xiaoshi and the others, they followed behind.

As an ancient true species, the black mammoth Dorje has a pride that cannot be desecrated.

Gong Liang can ride it as a master, but if it is used as a vehicle for mortals, it will seriously damage its dignity as a true blood.So instead of letting Xiaoshi and the others sit up, he let them follow Dorji.

However, judging by the appearance of Xiaoshi and others, it is estimated that they would not dare to sit down if they were asked to come up.

The ferocious beasts near Yanbu had already been emptied, and if you want to hunt, you have to go to the distant mountains and forests.

He hasn't returned to the tribe for a long time, and Gongliang doesn't know where to go hunting, so he can only follow Xiaoshi's instructions and keep walking.

Stepping across the river, over the mountains, through the jungle, the further you go, the deeper you go into the jungle. The trees in the forest have grown for an unknown number of years. Each tree is surrounded by more than seven or eight people, and each tree is covered with moss. Plants such as stone ferns grow attached to trees, and some of them are wrapped around waist-thick mountain vines.

The further you go, the more you can feel the breath of the beast.

A roar of beasts was continuously transmitted by the wind, but all the time, only the sound was heard, and no shadow of the beast was seen.

Migu lay in Papa's arms for a while, then flapped his wings and flew around Dorji's body, sometimes flying to the back to pull his tail, sometimes flying to the front to sit on his long nose, and sometimes grabbing his two ears .

Dorje took care of the little master carefully, and was not angry because of her playfulness.

After playing for a while, the little guy flew onto Duoji's back again, stood on top of Papa's head, and looked around with the awning in his hand.


Suddenly, the little guy seemed to find something, and then flapped his wings and flew into the forest.

The speed was too fast, just as Gong Liang was about to reach out and grab her tail, he saw her go headlong into the forest.Since the little one grew three pairs of wings, it was difficult for him to catch her again.

After a while, Migu flapped his wings and flew out of the forest again, but there was already a little beast in his hand.The little beast looked like a cat, with a black body, a white hair between its eyebrows that looked like a vertical eye, and the soles of its four feet and the tip of its tail were also snow-white.

The little beast was caught in the air by the little guy, screaming in panic.

But the sound is not like a gentle "meow" like a cat, but a fierce "haha"

"Babababa, look, I just picked up a little beast." Migu flapped his wings and flew in front of Paba, happily wagging his nine-colored tail and said.

Gong Liang looked at the little beast, and found that although it was small, its teeth had already grown, but its eyes hadn't been opened yet.

"What are you grabbing it for? Throw it back quickly."

This little thing is always grabbing things to play with, but he doesn't keep them. In the end, it's him who makes troubles.Gongliang himself is too lazy to die, so he is not willing to help her raise these messy things all the time.When Migu heard Papa's words, he wanted to throw away the little beast he had caught.

At this time, Yanshu who was sitting next to Gongliang said, "Mi Gu, show me."

Mi Gu quickly handed over the captured little beast, and kindly reminded: "Sister Yanshu, the little beast has no meat, so it's not tasty."

Little Beast didn't know if he sensed the danger, and suddenly shrank his body, trying to make himself not so conspicuous.

"I will not eat."

Yanshu held the little beast in her palm, and gently touched the little beast's head with her hand.As if sensing her kindness, the little beast's body slowly relaxed, and the bristling hair on its body gradually flattened and became soft.Yanshu held the little beast in front of her and looked at it, and found that the little beast's eyes were covered with thick dirt, so she took out a silk scarf to wipe it off.

After wiping off the dirt, the little beast suddenly opened its eyes, and softly called out to Yan Shu: "Meow meow meow!"

"This little thing is so cute."

The more Yan Shu looked at it, the more she loved her, and she said to Mi Gu: "Mi Gu, can you give this little beast to your sister?"

"Yeah," Mi Gu nodded repeatedly.Gong Liang asked her to throw it away, how could she not want to.

After getting the little beast, Yan Shu hugged it in her arms and stroked it lovingly.The little beast was caught by Migu from nowhere, and it flew around in the air for a long time, worried and afraid. Now under her touch, the frightened heart slowly settled down, and it rubbed against Yanshu's chest, looking for it. He settled into a comfortable place and fell asleep.

Gong Liang glanced at it and teased, "This thing is so small, it's probably still drinking milk. Do you have milk to feed it?"

"Master" Yanshu was very shy when she heard the words.

"Hahahaha" Gongliang laughed heartlessly.

Mi Gu looked at Papa with wide eyes, not knowing what he was laughing at?

(End of this chapter)

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