Chapter 1100

After staying for a while, Gongliang and the others continued to walk forward.

The dense branches and leaves of the ancient trees in the forest blocked the sunlight above, making the forest extremely dark and emitting bursts of cool breath.

This kind of environment breeds a lot of weird insects. Fortunately, Gongliang has Tianlongzhu on his body, and Xiaoshi and others also have witch-made insect repellent medicine for protection. Otherwise, walking in this vast forest will lead to unpredictable consequences.

After Yanshu got the little beast, she put all her heart on it, sometimes hugging and stroking it, sometimes grabbing it to look at it, and sometimes talking to it intimately, having a great time playing with it, showing her daughter's innocence.

Gong Liang shook his head again and again, it seems that there is another cat slave in this world.

After a while, Yanshu named it "Si'er".Because the four paws of this kitten-like thing are white, and the hair on its body is smooth as silk, so it is named.

Hearing the name she chose, and looking at the name he had chosen for his pet, Gongliang felt ashamed.

Looking at the little beast, he suddenly thought of Yanbu.

After Yanbu received the weapons and armor provided by him, his combat power was greatly improved. Coupled with the unique inheritance of the tribe, he had some survival skills in the wild jungle.It's not like before, where you can only struggle to survive under the mouth of fierce beasts in this vast forest.

But that doesn't seem to be enough.

After all, people only have two legs, no matter how they run, they can't outrun a four-legged beast.

Therefore, Gongliang planned to catch some ferocious beast cubs to be raised by the tribe's tribe. After raising them, these would be the tribe's mounts.

In the past, even if there was a cub of a ferocious beast in front of him, people from the Yan Department would not dare to take it back to raise it.Because the tribe hunted and killed not enough meat, how could it be possible to raise ferocious beast cubs?But now the tribe has the animal meat paid by the elites of the wilderness, plus the beasts hunted by the warriors of the Yanbu, it is enough to raise these things.

Thinking of this, Gong Liang stopped hunting with Xiao Shi and the others, and began to think about catching some ferocious beast cubs to raise.

Since it is a mount, it should not be too small. It is best to help carry things. If there are more in the future, you can kill them to eat meat.

After thinking for a while, Gongliang finally thought of a beast, that is Xiqu.

The rhinoceros has a body like a cow and a voice like a baby. It can eat people, but it also eats grass.Its temperament is not fierce, and it is best used as a mount.

He hasn't returned to the tribe for several years, and he doesn't know if the rhinoceros group he saw while hunting before is still in its original location.So, he turned his head to Xiaoshi and asked, "Is the rhinoceros canal we encountered before hunting still there?"

"Run early."

Xiaoshi said: "Now we all run to a large lake in the west, where there is a large group of rhinoceros canals. What are you asking?"

"I see that you don't have any mounts, so I want to catch some cubs and bring them back for you to raise. When they grow up, they can be used not only as mounts, but also to help carry things. I just don't know if you are willing to raise them. "

"Willing, willing, willing," Xiaoshi and the others said hastily.

But after finishing speaking, Xiao Shi hesitated again: "The rhinoceros is not easy to mess with, can you catch it?"

Gong Liang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't have any other skills. It's still no problem to catch the cubs of fierce beasts."

"That's fine, that's fine."

After the matter was settled, the group of people stopped moving forward and turned to the great lake where Xiqu was located.They have gone deep into the jungle, and they have to go back to the big lake where the rhinoceros canal is located, so they can't go back to the tribe in a day, so they found a place to rest in the forest at night.

In the jungle, there are many towering ancient trees surrounded by a few or a dozen people, and it is inevitable that there will be dead old trees.

Gongliang and the others found an old tree with a rotten root and a big hole, cleaned it up, and lived in it.

It was the time when the beasts were active at night. To prevent the beasts from entering, Gong Liang found a huge stone to block the entrance, and opened a few small ventilation holes in the tree to prevent the air from being blocked.

When Xiaoshi and the others were busy with Gongliang, they also divided their labors to collect firewood and hunt.

After a while, a bonfire was lit in the tree hole, and a plump horned deer was skinned and roasted on it.

The inside of the tree hole is wide, about [-] square meters, and it still feels empty when several people sit in it.

The antler deer was slowly cooked under the flame, and a smell of meat began to waft out from it. Drops of golden meat oil continued to drip on the firewood, making chirping noises, and bursts of rising flames.

Since the scent of the horned deer wafted out, Mi Gu sat in Papa's arms, staring at the barbecue on the fire without blinking.

Although she disdains horned deer with no aura content, she still likes the taste of meat.

Si'er, lying in Yanshu's arms, also stared at the horned venison without blinking, and let out a deep growl from her mouth, obviously extremely greedy.


At this moment, Dorje's roar came from outside.

Gongliang released his consciousness to look forward, and found a group of ferocious beasts around Dorji at some point.These ferocious beasts look very strange, their feet are hooves, their bodies are like wolves, their mouths are long and narrow, and their tails are pigtails.No matter what Gongliang said, he was also someone who had read the Great Wilderness and Dongtu species illustrated books. After thinking about it for a while, he knew that this thing was called a wart.

There is a pair of crescent fangs in the mouth of the wart, the size of a cow, surrounding Dorje and barking ferociously, as if it is a meal on the plate.

The black mammoth Duoji didn't take these things to heart at all, but just stood quietly by the old tree, quietly watching the performance of the warty pig.

After barking for a while, a ten-meter-long warthog shouted loudly, and all the warthogs lowered their heads together as if they had received a message, and rushed towards Dorji with a pair of sharp fangs


With a loud roar, Duoji stood up, and stomped heavily on the two warts rushing in front of him with both feet. With a sound of "嘙", the two wart pigs were trampled to pieces, and the rear wart pigs continued to charge.Duoji bowed his head, and rushed forward with his Rugou teeth.The wart that was rushing forward was too fast. Unexpectedly, Duoji would run over. He couldn't stop, and automatically bumped into Rugou's teeth, and was immediately stabbed to death by Duoji's sharp long teeth.

Dorje threw away the dead wart, and swung his proboscis around like a whip.

All of a sudden, the rushing warts were ejected one after another.

But in the blink of an eye, several warts died tragically.But the tragic death did not deter the rest of the warts. The blood of the dead warts stimulated the remaining warts, making them rush towards Dorji frantically.

Duoji was so annoyed by them that Xiuran stood up and stepped heavily on the ground with both feet.

With a bang, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

The rushing warts could not stand still and fell to the ground one after another. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Duoji rushed forward, stepping on, throwing or stabbing.In the blink of an eye, a group of warty pigs were killed.

A pungent bloody smell wafted out and permeated the forest.Some ferocious beasts smelled the smell of blood and followed the smell one after another.

Too many ants killed elephants, and if this continued, Dorje would definitely be injured.With a thought in his heart, Gongliang put Duoji into the fruit space, and threw the dead warts into the small black pool to decompose and turn them into nutrients for space growth.

(End of this chapter)

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