Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 118 Spirit Plant

Chapter 118 Spirit Plant

"I have my own way." Gongliangshen said with a mysterious smile.

After hearing this, Rui was thoughtful, and then suddenly realized: "Your Yan family is really rich, and you even have such treasures. If that's the case, come with me!"

So Rui got up and walked out with Gongliang.

Gongliang saw that the direction he was walking was not outside the tribe, but around the high mountain where the main hall of the snake training department was located, and came to a valley between two mountains.

The valley is quiet, the birds are chirping on the tall green trees, and a bend of spring water flows quietly from the forest.The flowing water is gurgling and ding-ding-dong-dong, as if singing a Jiangnan ditty.

The wind blows and the leaves rattle.A gust of air with the wilderness rushes towards us, it is so natural.

The trees were full of green grass, and Rui continued to walk forward, and from time to time, he could see snakes with strange colors sticking their heads out of the grass and forest.Yuan Gungun was taken aback, and hurriedly followed Gongliang, almost hugging his thigh.The chick was not afraid, and looked at the snakes with big eyes.

Gong Liang was also terrified at seeing it. At this time, the two-headed dragon viper poked its head out from his wrist and took a look at the snakes, which disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Passing through the woods, another scene suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

I saw a spring on the mountain, pouring down from above like a waterfall.Looking from a distance, it looks like a shining silver ribbon, inlaid among the green hills, dazzling and eye-catching.

Where the spring passed, there were exactly three stones.When the spring hits it, countless drops of water splash out like flying flowers and broken jade.Under the refraction of the sun, those tiny drops of water shone with colorful colors, so beautiful and so extraordinary.

There is a small wooden hut beside the spring, and an old man sits cross-legged in front of the hut, closing his eyes and resting his mind, thinking about the sky.

Behind the wooden house is a tall, straight and verdant Tianxiang forest, which is full of fruits and flowers, and a fragrance floats from far and near.

Rui brought Gongliang to the old man, and stood respectfully, not daring to disturb him.

After a long time, the old man opened his eyes, and a ray of light disappeared in a flash, as if it had never appeared.

"Sigong," Rui stepped forward and called out respectfully.

"You're here." Sigong glanced at Rui, then turned to Gongliang, "I think he is the Gongliang who helped us bring back the orb inherited from the old dragon viper from the ancestral land!"

"Yes, Sigong. He likes Tianxiang trees and wants to dig some to plant, so I brought him here."

"Go! Go! Anyway, it's useless to leave the extra there. Our snake club is still too small." Sigong said with a sigh.

Rui stepped back respectfully, and led Gongliang to the Tianxiang forest behind the wooden house.

Gongliang came here, looked at the Tianxiang tree, and felt that the Tianxiang tree inside was a little different from the ones outside, as if it carried an aura, with more spirituality.Those Tianxiang fruits hanging on the branches also look fresher and fresher than the outside, and seem to be filled with aura, and even the air here is much fresher than outside.

Walking under a Tianxiang tree, I saw a strange sound from Rui's mouth, and then saw a thick-wristed snake come out of the woods, climbed up the tree, and slapped two Tianxiang fruits with its tail.

Rui reached out to catch it, and handed one to Gongliang, "Eat it!"

Gong Liang took a bite, and the fresh and sweet juice entered his mouth, turning into a stream of coolness and escaping into his stomach.For a time, the mind is refreshed, and the five internal organs are clear.

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Rui asked while eating.

Gongliang nodded, "It's really good, it seems to be different from the outside."

"Naturally different, these heavenly fragrance trees are heterogeneous spiritual plants, which only grow in places with abundant spiritual energy. There is just a small spiritual vein here, which can be planted with hundreds of heavenly fragrance trees. It will become the same as the outside world. The reason Sigong said just now that our tribe is too small is because if we are strong enough, we can go to the middle of the Great Wilderness Temple and grab a few spiritual veins. Plant some heavenly fragrance spirit trees. Unfortunately, that is simply impossible."

"Can't we go now?" Gong Liang wondered.

"Of course not."

Rui Zhengse said: "There are so many tribes in the central region. There are both large tribes and medium tribes. Those small tribes are just vassals who rely on the middle tribes and large tribes to survive. Our snake tribe is after the snake gods. There used to be infinite scenery, how could it be possible to become a vassal and seek refuge in other tribes. But if you don’t seek refuge in other tribes, you will simply survive there. Although the clan will not be wiped out, it is certain that you will suffer heavy losses. Forget it, let’s not talk about that, you Go dig a tree!"

"Which one to dig?" Gong Liang asked as he looked at the tall Tianxiang spirit trees.

"Go inside and dig an old tree first, then dig three smaller ones, and then dig out the rest."

Rui led Gongliang inside.

Gongliang naturally listened to Rui's words. Originally, he only wanted to dig up the ordinary heavenly fragrance trees outside. Now that he can dig up the heavenly fragrance spirit tree, he has nothing to be picky about.

So, under the leadership of Rui, he dug ten Tianxiang spirit trees, and planted ten seedlings in the dug tree pits.After another ten years, these seedlings can grow into big trees again.

The Tianxiang Spiritual Tree dug up was collected by him into the fruit space, and it was not without price to collect the Tianxiang Spiritual Tree.Every time he collects it, he consumes a lot of energy and blood, and even his spirit, so that he feels a little dizzy.Fortunately, there are blood-tonifying pills to replenish Qi and blood at any time. After digging a tree, it will be fine to rest for a while before digging.

Rui watched him put away the Tianxiang fruit trees, and couldn't help but once again lamented the wealth and profound heritage of their Yanbu.

Gongliang didn't explain much about this.

After digging out the Tianxiang spirit tree, I went outside to bid farewell to Sigong.Sigong threw a bag over, which contained more than twenty spirit stones.

"The spirit energy of those spirit trees will gradually lose after they leave the soil. You'd better find a place with plenty of spirit energy to plant them. You should put these spirit stones next to the spirit tree and let them absorb them. Otherwise, after losing their spirit energy, these spirit trees will be destroyed. will become useless."

Gong Liang quickly thanked Si Gong.

"You don't need to thank me, I also want to thank you for helping our Snake Faction Department to send back the inheritance orb of the Old Dragon Viper Ancestor God. Otherwise, the Ancestor God Yitianjiu has a vicious heart, and our Snake Faction Department will definitely be doomed this time. If we go Great Yan Department, remember to greet Han Mu, the elder of the Great Yan Department, and tell him that the things owed to me should be paid back."

"Uh yes."

After speaking, Si Gong closed his eyes, and Rui hurriedly took Gong Liang to leave.

Once outside, Rui pointed to the Tianxiang trees all over the mountains and plains and said to Gongliang, "You can dig as many of these trees as you want."

He didn't continue to accompany Gongliang, and turned back to the tribe, letting Gongliang dig by himself.

The most important thing for the tribe is the Tianxiang spirit tree inside, and the outside is like the tree species in the jungle. Although it is not dispensable, it is not very important.

Gongliang didn't want too many people to know about the fruit space, and letting Rui know was just a last resort.At that moment, he specially chose a remote place to dig the Tianxiang tree, and dug up a hundred thick old trees. He saw that there was no space to plant them, so he gave up. During the period, with the help of Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji, he surrounded a group of small trees. Sweet porpoise, put it in the fruit space to raise, who makes the small fragrant pork so delicious?

(End of this chapter)

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