Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 119 Ling Snake Pill 6 Winged Poisonous Poisonous Poison

Chapter 119 Spirit Snake Pill Six-winged Poisonous Poison


Gong Liang stretched and sat up from the bed.

After digging the Tianxiang tree yesterday, I planted the tree overnight. I worked all night and didn't sleep until dawn. I don't know what time it is.

I stood up, exercised my body, and did some Sanda boxing. I felt that my energy had recovered.

Seeing him getting up, Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji slowly stood up from the soft fur nest and stretched.The two guys performed well yesterday, and Gong Liang patted them on the head as a sign of encouragement.

When he opened the door, he saw Ava and Snakedan sitting outside on the ground playing a small game.Look at the sky again, it is already noon.

Ava held a stone in the palm of his hand, quickly threw it back and forth between the two hands, and asked Snake Egg to guess which hand had the stone.

Snake Egg was dazzled by seeing it, and without guessing it once, Ava drew red marks on his face with red mud one after another; seeing his master in distress, Xiao Chongzi volunteered to help, but he didn't guess it once, and was caught by Ava Wa wiped it with red mud vigorously a few times.The originally colorful spotted body looks even weirder.

They were so engrossed in the game that they didn't even know Gongliang was around.

Gongliang watched for a while, and knew that Ava had done something wrong.

Whenever the snake egg pointed at the hand with the stone, Ava quickly threw the stone in his hand behind.His companion spirit snake named Tunjiu'er was right next to him, and when he saw the stones thrown by him, he immediately moved under him and moved to the back without anyone noticing it, and no one could see it.

Therefore, the snake egg can never win.

"Which hand do you think has the stone this time?" Ava clasped his fists in front of the snake egg.

Snake Dan thought for a while, pointed to his left hand and said, "This one."

"Are you sure." Ava smiled slyly.

"Hmm." Snake Dan nodded affirmatively.

"I guess this hand doesn't have either," Gong Liang said, pointing to the other hand from behind.

"Ah Liang, you've finally woken up. I've been waiting for you for a long time." As soon as Ava saw Gong Liang, he stood up and stopped playing the game.

"Why are you waiting for me?" Gong Liang wondered.

"Wu asked me to come to you, please go over there."

Awa came over a long time ago, seeing that Gong Liang was still sleeping, he didn't call him, and simply played games with the snake egg following him.Adults like him were supposed to be the pillars of the tribe, out hunting.It's just that the last time Ava was almost captured by the people from the Tianjiu tribe, Rui ordered him to stay in the tribe and not go anywhere.

"Then let's go!"

"En." Ava took Gongliang to the main hall where the witch was.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed little bug saw several pebbles on the place where Ava was sitting, and called out to the snake egg.

Only then did Snake realize that she had been cheated, and shouted from behind: "Brother Awa, you cheated."

Ava heard his words, and quickly walked forward.Gongliang watched and shook his head, this guy is really a child.

In the main hall of the Snake Godman, the candles were brightly lit. The witch sat in front of the Godman, looking at Gongliang and Awa who were walking from afar with a smile on his face.

Gong Liang and Ava bowed to say hello, Yuan Gun Gun still hid behind Gong Liang, looking at Wu furtively, and it felt the same awe from Wu as Yan Bu Wu.

Seeing Yuan Gungun, Wu smiled and beckoned to let him pass.

Yuan Gungun stupidly turned his head, looked back and forth, left and right, and asked in doubt: Are you calling me?

Wu beckoned again, this time it was sure that Wu was calling it, and it didn't know what to do!Yuan Gungun looked at Gongliang and asked him to decide whether he wanted to go or not.

"Go!" Gong Liang nodded.

Only then did Yuan Gungun twist his buttocks, walked forward, and rubbed against Wu in favor.Wu Haha smiled and patted its head, then took out a wooden bottle of heavenly fragrance, and poured out a pill for it.Yuan Gungun tilted his cute head and thought for a while, biting his head and ran back to Gong Liang, put it in front of him, and yelled "Aww".For you to eat, this is a good thing.

Gong Liang felt a flock of black crows "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" above his head, he can't help scolding: "The witch gives you to eat, you eat, croak what?"

Yuan Gungun originally wanted to share the good food with him, but he didn't expect him to be ungrateful, so he ate it by himself.

When I was eating, I was still shaking my head and smashing, as if I was enjoying some delicious food.

Seeing it, Gongliang didn't know what to say about it. It wasn't a panacea, just a broken pill. As for acting like that?

That cute and silly look made Wu Haha laugh.

After laughing, Wu said: "This is the spirit snake pill, which is specially rationed for the spirit snake. It can help your two dragon vipers grow faster. I specially prepared some for you, and they are all in this box. Put it away!"

Wu pushed out a large box next to him, and Gong Liang put it away, not politely.

"There is also a prescription in the box. After eating the spirit snake pill, you can configure it yourself according to the above method, but remember, it cannot be passed on to others. This is the foundation of our snake-fighting department's survival in the wilderness. If it spreads, it will cause a lot of trouble. .”

Gongliang quickly swore that he would never pass on the prescription.

Wu nodded and said: "The two dragon vipers are still young, and it takes half a month to fully absorb the power of the spirit snake pill. You can feed it once every half a month, and you can shorten the time as appropriate when you grow up. Your two little beasts You can also eat it, but you can't eat too much. After all, it is a medicine specially formulated for spirit snakes. Eating too much is not good for their growth. When you go to the temple, you might as well look for it in the human shop over there. There are some special medicines for spirit snakes. Drugs prepared by animals."


"When are you leaving?"

Gong Liang thought that he had nothing to prepare, so he said, "Let's do it early tomorrow morning!"

"Let the Dragon Viper Ancestral God give you a ride then."

After Wu finished speaking, he thought for a while and said, "If you want to go forward, you have to go through the Tianzhen Department. If possible, you'd better take a detour, and the ancestor god can only send you to the edge of the tribe, so as not to cause conflict between the two."


"It's an injustice to say it,"

The witch sighed: "The ancestor god of the Tianzhen tribe, the six-winged poisonous poison, was originally a heterogeneous bloodline formed by the mating of the ancient poisonous phoenix and the snake-eating dove, and the people of the Tianzhen tribe were born from the crossbreeding of the six-winged poisonous poisonous beast and the barren man. Wing, because he inherited his ancestral bloodline, he likes to eat snakes. Our snake-manipulating tribe is also famous for snake-manipulating. There are countless spirit snakes in the tribe, which happens to be the food for the Tianzhen tribe to advance, so the two tribes cannot avoid conflict. Shanghao has always been They restrained each other and did not cause too much harm. This time, the Tianzheng tribe rushed into our department. There were reasons for the new Dragon Viper Ancestral God, and there were also internal conflicts among the Tianzheng tribe, which was very complicated.

Therefore, you must be more careful when you pass by, and if you see something wrong, you will turn back, and when we go to worship the temple next year, we will go on the road together. "

Gong Liang quickly responded, but to be honest, he really couldn't bear to let him wait here for another year.

Coming out of Wu, Ava kept his head down, very unhappy.It wasn't until the door of the house that he raised his head and asked Gongliang, "Are you really going to leave? You won't stay for a few more days."

In just a few days, he had already regarded Gongliang as a very good confidant, and when he heard that he was leaving, he would feel sad.

"We have to go after all."

Gong Liang smiled, and took out a string of bracelets strung with Tianxiang wood beads from his pocket. The bracelets were all jet black, exuding a mellow and elegant fragrance, and even shone brightly in the sun.

"This bracelet is for you. Wearing it on your body should be able to ward off evil spirits."

"Just give me this! I gave you this?" Ava said dissatisfied.

Gongliang laughed out loud, and Ava didn't know what he was laughing at.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sun jumped out of the horizon, climbed up the mountain, and cast the first ray of sunlight on the snake operation department, Gong Liang had already packed his things, and walked out of the snake operation department with Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji.

Many people came to see him off, including Wu, Awa's family, Moa's family, Snakedan's family, as well as young and old from the Snake Fucking Club.

Gongliang is a person who doesn't like parting, because parting is sad, and it usually takes a while to calm down, so it's better to leave quietly, just as he came quietly.But now it seems that it will not work.

Standing in front of the crowd, Wu held a clear spring in his left hand and a green branch in his right. He slowly walked up to Gongliang, dipped the green branch into the clear spring, and sprinkled it on Gongliang while reciting a blessing incantation.

The water droplets dripped on the face, and it was cool.

After reciting the incantation, Wu said to Gongliang again: "If the road ahead is difficult, then come back. The Snake Manipulation Department will always be your home."

"Yes," Gong Liang suppressed the urge to cry, and clasped his fists at the snake-manipulating club, "Everyone, take care."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked forward with Yuan Gungun and Xiaoji standing on the body of Ancestral Dragon Viper who was waiting in front.

(End of this chapter)

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