Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1190 Astronomical Fang Zun's Rotating Mountain Knife

Chapter 1190 Astronomical Fang Zun's Rotating Mountain Knife

"It's also fortunate that you didn't do anything to him, otherwise his master was extremely defensive, and he would probably ask you for an explanation."

Chu Shaosun didn't care what Gong Liang thought, and said again.

"No way!" Gong Liang looked terrified.

"Maybe, he is discussing with Master right now!" Chu Shaosun stroked his long beard, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

As he thought, under Lao Gui outside the master's cave, an old man was sitting opposite him.Changwu held the teapot in his hand and poured him a cup.The fragrance of tea curls up, floating straight up.The old man was also polite, grabbed the teacup and poured it into his mouth.He didn't care whether the tea was hot or not, he swallowed it directly, making a beeping sound.

"Good tea, this should be the Hunyuan Immortal tea that has been cultivated in the void of the outer domain for a hundred years in the Tianmian Holy Realm of Wujing Tianque!"

After the old man put down his teacup, he praised repeatedly.

Chang Wu nodded, but did not speak.

The old man didn't care whether he said it or not, and asked again: "Is this a gift from your two senior brothers, or is it used by the big apprentice to honor you?"

"Big apprentice." Changwu replied.

"It's still hello, there are so many senior brothers and disciples. If there is any good thing, these people will definitely think of you. It's not like I am alone, and even my apprentice is lonely, and no one takes care of me, so that I was taken care of like this time. It is a bit difficult to take out a million spirit stones from the Palace of Law Enforcement. Unlike your apprentice, who guards a valley market and is so rich that he takes out 30 top-grade spirit stones casually."

With a calm face, Chang Wu poured him another cup of tea.

The old man grabbed the teacup and glanced at him. Seeing that he didn't respond, it was hard to say what he said next.

He originally thought that this time his apprentice and his closed disciple were fighting each other, generally speaking, his own apprentice would suffer a little bit, and his closed disciple was so rich, so he wanted him to help pay a fine.Now it seems that it is a bit difficult to handle.

Changwu knew his personality well, knew that he was protective of others, and was shameless, so he simply didn't talk to him and watched his performance quietly.

The old man sat by Changwu's side for a long time, and got nothing but tea.

Seeing his calm expression and his unhurried movements, the old man finally couldn't sit still, took his leave and left.

Chang Wu didn't say anything, he just got up to say goodbye, his expression still indifferent.

"Senior brother, I heard that you have a treasure that can collect mountains, is it true?" Gong Liang chatted with Chu Shaosun for a few words, and finally revealed the purpose of this trip.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Chu Shaosun stroked his long beard, laughed and said, "That's still false." He knew that his junior brother would never come to Heming Junji Immortal Mansion as a guest for no reason, and now he finally couldn't help but express his intentions.

"Can you borrow it for me?" Gong Liang asked.


Chu Shaosun raised his hand, and a square clay basin with turtle feet appeared in his hand.There are continuous mountains engraved on the outside of the pottery basin, and the peaks are either beautiful, handsome, tall, steep, or majestic.

At a cursory glance, Fangtao with turtle feet is very ordinary, but after a closer look, one finds that there is a divine light inside, and the momentum is extraordinary.

"This is the Tianxiang Square Zun, which is refined from the carapace of the Shenao. This Shenao has an extraordinary origin. It is the descendant of the Tianxiang God's Ao that supported the sky with its feet in ancient times. Pan Faqiu Mountain, Lie Su Xuan Wen, dense with Xuan Jin Wuguang, so it can carry Qiu Mountain after refining, which is what you call the thing that collects mountains."

Chu Shaosun handed Tianxiang Fang Zun over, and Gong Liang quickly held it in both hands.

He didn't expect this thing to have such a great history, what if he lost it while borrowing it, he couldn't afford it.

For a while, I hesitated and didn't know whether to borrow or not.

Chu Shaosun saw that Fang Zun was frowning as he looked at Tianxiang, but he didn't know what he was thinking, "You don't need to worry, junior brother, just take it and use it. This thing has been listed in the sect, and it has the imprint of my Miaodao Xianzong, and I also have it." A trace of soul is attached to it, even if it is lost, I have a way to get it back. Besides, in the land of Eastern Land, no one has the guts to take away the treasure of my Miaodao Xianzong."

Hearing what he said, Gongliang finally relaxed, "Then I'll borrow it and use it, and I'll pay you back in a few days."

"Just take it."

Chu Shaosun waved his hand indifferently, and said, "Although this object can be used to collect mountains, it must be cut off with an object to cut off the roots connecting the mountain peaks to the ridges. Otherwise, how to collect them?"

Gongliang thought about it for a while, but he didn't know if his heavy halberd and natal magic weapon could cut off the mountain.

After Chu Shaosun finished speaking, he took out a small curved knife from his sleeve, "This is a rotating mountain knife. After you hit the mountain peak, throw this knife, and it will fly along the root of the mountain, cutting off the mountain root connecting the mountain peak and the ridge. Then you can use Tianxiang Fangzun to collect it."

Gongliang didn't expect his senior brother to have such a treasure in his hand, so he quickly took it from his hand with thanks.

As soon as he got the Xuanshan knife, he found that although the knife was small, it was extremely heavy, and it contained a strange light, which was very extraordinary.

Chu Shaosun then told him the formula for controlling the Xuanshan Saber.

After Gongliang remembered it, he chatted with him for a while, then took Mi Gu to leave.

When the little boy returned to the valley, he proudly showed off to Sister Jingshu, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang the treasure that Baba borrowed from Chu Shaosun, and said how powerful the pot is, and he will go to collect it tomorrow. high mountains.

Yuan Gungun had never seen such a miraculous baby before, and clamored to follow him to see it.

Jingshu and the other three sisters are also curious about the treasure that Gongliang borrowed from Mount Shou, and want to go and see it together.

Gongliang doesn't care.

So, early in the morning of the next day, he drove the jade boat, took Jing Shu and the other sisters, the little ones, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang, and flew out of the Miaodao Xianzong.

Collecting mountain peaks naturally cannot be collected in the Zongmen, otherwise it is no different from destroying the Zongmen's mountains and rivers.Gongliang had made up his mind early in the morning, planning to find some beautiful peaks in the endless mountains beside the Wangyuan River.It was also the place where he practiced when he entered Miaodao Xianzong. He vaguely remembered that the mountains there were tall and steep, which was very good.

Leaving Zongmen, passing Wangyuan River, looking down, there are countless boats passing by in the river, and the ports on both sides are extremely busy.

Gongliang didn't come out to play, the time limit given by the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall to restore the landform was three months.

Unavoidable accidents occurred during the period, he did not dare to waste time, and directly flew over the Wangyuan River in a royal boat and headed for the Endless Mountains.

After entering the mountains, he slowed down the jade boat and drove over the vast jungle among the endless mountains to observe the nearby peaks.

To restore the landforms around the Hantan Valley, it doesn’t mean that you can just find a few mountains and put them on top of the destroyed peaks. You must also make the found peaks fit the topography of the valley, otherwise they will not fit with the valley. It doesn't match the environment of Miao Dao Xianzong, how can it be regarded as recovery?

Therefore, as soon as he entered the mountains, Gong Liang stared wide-eyed and carefully searched for the peaks that fit the topography of the Hantan Valley.

The Endless Mountains are located near the Miaodao Xianzong. It has always been a place for the trial of the uninitiated disciples of the Miaodao Xianzong, and it is also a place for some new disciples to do tasks.

Some people couldn't help but take a few extra glances when they saw the jade boat flying at low altitude.But it was just a few more glances, and he continued to busy himself with his own affairs.

After searching for a while, Gong Liang found a nice mountain in front of him, so he drove his jade boat and flew over.

But after a while, the jade boat flew to the front of the mountain. Looking around, the mountain is beautiful, with exotic flowers and grasses, towering ancient trees, springs, waterfalls, and strange rocks. It looks very good.

After watching for a while, Gongliang decided to put the mountain away.

(End of this chapter)

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