Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1191 Six-Star Earth Turtle Shizhi

Chapter 1191

Collecting the mountain does not mean throwing the mountain knife to cut off the root of the mountain, just use the astronomical fangzun to collect it, but also need to take into account whether there are people on the mountain and whether there are psychic things.In order not to collect it for no reason, hurt people's lives, and let some monsters enter the Miaodao Xianzong through this.

So, Gongliang released his consciousness and went to explore the mountains.

At this time, there was a group of people sitting around the mountainside, two of them were Yao Ying'er and Wen Jia whom Gong Liang had seen when he entered the sect for trial.

Xun Ying'er held the shaped rabbit, and looked around and said, "This time, I only ask for the fifty -star shell alchemy in the planet spots. Make a decisive move, so as not to be taken advantage of by the star-spotted ground turtle and attack in groups, that would be bad."

"Don't worry! Ying'er, if you get ten contribution points for one star, no one will be foolish and refuse." Wen Jia said.

"That's good."

"When will we make a move?" Wen Jia asked again.

Yao Ying'er thought for a while, "Observe for two more days, the star-spotted ground turtles in the crypt are a bit strange recently, they used to come out at night, but now they don't even come out during the day, I'm afraid something happened that we don't know. Just in case, let’s observe first before talking.”


Gong Liang released his spiritual sense to observe, and found that there were three groups of people in the mountain, and one group was picking elixir on the sunny side of the mountain.

Another group was digging in the mountains, and what they dug was the cyanophosite that ignited the fire.

Blue phosphorite can spontaneously ignite at a certain temperature. It is generally used for alchemy and making utensils.

There was still a group of people who were talking together, Gong Liang took a look and found that there were still acquaintances among them.But now is not the time to reminisce and chat, so he sent a voice transmission to the three groups of people: "Everyone, the Law Enforcement Hall has taken a fancy to this mountain and wants to recruit into the sect. Please leave quickly to avoid accidents."

This is a typical example of him doing things like a tiger's skin, but it's a pity that no one knows.

The herb-picking and mining team among the three groups immediately packed up their things and left the mountain as soon as they heard the words "Hall of Law Enforcement".

When Wen Jia heard the sound transmission, she turned to Yao Ying'er and asked, "What should we do?"

"Leave here first." Yao Ying'er stood up and took the lead to leave. After walking a few steps, she suddenly said, "Why does it feel like I heard that voice before?"

Wen Jia thought for a while, and said, "I also have this feeling." Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "It seems to be Gongliang's voice."

Yao Ying'er recalled the sound transmission just now, and nodded, "It really sounds like his voice. Since it was his voice transmission, the person should be nearby. Let's go up and have a look." She didn't leave the forest, and took the Everyone flew away with clouds.

Passing through the dense jungle, I saw a jade boat lying under the mountains, looking inside, Gongliang was in it, and Yao Yinger flew over with people.

Gong Liang saw them flying, so he opened the formation protecting Yuzhou and let them in.

Yao Ying'er entered the jade boat, nodded to Jing Shu and the others, and asked Gong Liang, "What are you doing here?"

"Recently, several mountains in the sect collapsed, and the Law Enforcement Palace wanted to remove the collapsed mountains and replace them with intact peaks. I took the task and came out to find a suitable one. I passed by here and saw that this mountain was good, so I wanted to move it into the sect. Inside."

When Yao Ying'er heard his words, she exchanged a glance with Wen Jia, her heart fluttered.

Back when they were still practicing together, they didn't expect to have such a big distance in just a few years.

They are still working hard to collect elixir and alchemy for their cultivation, but he is already taking on such a lofty task.

Moving mountains, that is something that can only be done with a cultivation level of at least a supreme being, but it is unbelievable that he can do it now.

"What are you guys doing here?" Gong Liang asked.

"There are star-spotted ground softshells in the crypt here. I wanted to find some five-star ground soft-shelled turtles to make alchemy, so I teamed up with them. In the past, star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtles were nocturnal, but recently they gathered in the crypt for some reason. No more infestation. I originally wanted to make a move, but depending on the situation, I had to stop and continue to observe to avoid accidents." Yao Yinger explained.

The function of the star-spotted soft-shelled turtle is to promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis, which is extremely effective in treating internal injuries and repairing meridians.

The juvenile star-spotted ground softshell turtle is only the size of a copper coin, but when it becomes an adult, star spots will grow on its back, which will undergo a huge change.

Every time there is an extra star on the back of the star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtle, the strength will rise by one level, and some will even have supernatural powers, which is very extraordinary.Moreover, the more star spots on the back of the star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtle, the stronger the effect of the medicine. Whether it is sold to shops or donated to sects, it can get a lot of money.

The same is true, the star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtle has always been one of the favorite targets of the disciples of Miaodao Xianzong.

It's just that the star-spotted ground softshell lives in groups in the crypt, and it's not easy to kill. If you're unlucky, you will be surrounded by the star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtle, and then you have to ask the sect for help, which is very embarrassing.That's why Ying'er and the others are so cautious.

"Star-spotted ground turtle, that's a good thing."

Gong Liang said: "However, the law enforcement of the sect wants to move the mountain to join the sect, so I don't want to stay here for too long, so I will help you to see the situation of the star-spotted ground turtle underground? Mi Gu, see what is under the mountain?"


Migu likes to help Papa with things the most. Hearing Papa's words, he happily flapped his wings and flew to Papa's head, put on the awning with his hands, and looked at the foot of Junxiu Mountain.

In an instant, the vertical eyes between the brows slowly opened, shooting out a shadowless and invisible light, penetrating through many spaces, straight to the root of the mountain.

Under the mountains, in a stalactite cave, there are countless star-spotted ground turtles.

Some of these star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtles have only one star on their backs, some have two stars, and some have three stars. The outer edges have fewer star-spots, and the more inner star-spots there are. Near the center, there are all four-star and five-star star-spotted ground soft-shelled turtles. , but at the very center is a six-star ground turtle.

At this time, the six-star ground soft-shelled turtle was gnawing on a stone half a person's height, constantly sucking the stone juice.

The stone, as black as lacquer, is crystal clear and emits colorful streamers.It's just that under the absorption of the six-star ground turtle, the color gradually dimmed.On the back of the six-star ground turtle, a star spot slowly appeared, as if it was about to advance to seven stars.

Gong Liang communicated with Mi Gu, and when he saw the colorful stones in the stalactite cave through her vision, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

I remember that there is a kind of elixir called Shizhi recorded in the "Illustrated Book of Dongtu Products":

"There are many types of Shizhi. Among them, there are Shixiangzhi, which are like flesh, with heads and tails and four legs. The red ones are like corals, the white ones are like cut fat, the black ones are like lacquer, the green ones are like emerald feathers, and the yellow ones are like purple gold." , all bright caves are as clear as solid ice, and there are famous mountains in the corner of the sea, and there are rocks on the edge of the island. If you get it, smash it with a hundred and eight thousand pestles, and take a square inch dagger. If you eat a catty three times a day, you will be a thousand years old; Ten catties, long live.

There is also Yuzhi Zhizhi, which was born in the mountain with jade and often lives in dangerous places.

The jade paste flows out, and after ten thousand years, it condenses into sesame, which has the shape of a bird or a beast.

The color is impermanent, mostly like beryl of black water, and some are as bright as water essence. If you get it and grind it, mix it with the juice of Wuxin grass, and it will turn into water in a short time. Take one liter of it, you can get a thousand years old.

There is also Shi Mizhi, born in a grotto deep in the mountains, who can live long if he takes a fight.There is also Shi Guizhi, born in the cave of the famous mountain, resembling a cinnamon stone, about a foot high, as big as a diameter foot, bright and pungent, with branches, pounding a catty can give you a thousand years old.

There is also the yellow seed in the stone, which is born in the big stone, and the red and yellow dissolve, just like the chicken in the shell.The stone is always moist and not dry, and it can be obtained by breaking the stone dozens of times.

Drink it as soon as you get it, if you don't drink it, it will harden into stone, and you won't be able to take it anymore.If you break a stone, if there is more, there will be one liter, if there is less, there will be a few liters, if you take three liters, you will live a thousand years.

There is also Shinaozhi, among the raw talc, the five colors are bright and automatic, and it is also like the yellow seed in the stone. It is very rare. If you break a large talc a thousand times, you can get one piece, and take a liter of it to get a thousand years old.

There are also Chijing of stones and Huangzhi of stones, which are soaked between the cliffs and banks. Those who are wet can be taken as pills, and those who are firm can be taken loosely. If you take them, you will live forever. "

In the past, when Gongliang saw the record in "Dongtu Products Illustrated Book" that taking a little Shizhi could lead to a thousand years of life, he took it as a joke, thinking it was exaggerated by the predecessors, and there was no such thing in the world.Now looking at the stone bitten by the six-star ground turtle, it is clearly the Shi Zhi recorded in the book, only to realize that I seem to be wrong.

According to the current situation of the six-star ground turtle, taking Shizhi may not allow people to live a thousand years, but it should be of great help in improving their cultivation.

Seeing such a good thing being ruined by the six-star ground turtle, Gong Liang couldn't help frowning.

After thinking for a while, he asked Migu to beat the drum to drive away the birds, beasts, snakes, mice, ants and other things on the mountain peak.Then he took out the Xuanshan knife, read the formula, and threw the Xuanshan knife away.The Mountain Revolving Knife turned into a stream of light, submerged into the bottom of the mountain peak, whirled and swirled, cut off the mountain roots connecting the peaks and ridges, and flew back again.

Putting away the Xuanshan Saber, Gong Liang took out the Tianxiang Square Zun and put it in his palm, thinking about Fa Jue.

Tianxiang Fangzun spewed out a ray of light to cover the mountain peak, and the mountain gradually became smaller under the shroud of the ray of light, and flew into Tianxiang Fangzun.

The stalactite cave where the six-star ground turtle is still at the bottom, has not been disturbed, and is still intoxicated in the fantasy of absorbing stone juice and about to advance to seven stars.

Ying'er and the others were stunned when they saw that the mountain was collected by Gongliang.

The three Jingshu sisters, Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang were also very curious.The little boy Mi Gu even flapped his wings and flew to Papa's side, and looked at Tianxiang Fang Zun with his head, and found that the mountain peak had become so small, smaller than her poop.

According to her small head, no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't understand why such a big and high mountain became so small.

Gong Liang was also very curious when he looked at the handsome mountain peak that had shrunk countless times inside the Tianxiang Fang Zun.No wonder Tianxiang Fang Zun is listed in the sect, but now it is miraculous, so it is strange that he is not included in the sect.

After looking at it for a while, he put away the celestial phenomenon Fang Zun, and drove the jade boat to fly forward.Almost in the blink of an eye, there was no mountain peak, and the mountain was flattened by the rotary mountain knife.

Gongliang put away the jade boat, walked to the middle of the mountain, released his consciousness to explore down, it was the stalactite cave where the six-star ground turtle was.

(End of this chapter)

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