Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1200 Red Nosed Old Man

Chapter 1200 Red Nosed Old Man

Migu, Yuangungun, Xiaoxiangxiang and Nvnv and other aquarists had nothing to eat after eating the fried green loach.

Although there were other fried things, but Gongliang refused to give them, they had no choice but to sit by and watch eagerly, drooling from greed.

At first, Migu sat on the sidelines with everyone and watched Baba fried things, but after watching for a while, he couldn't help it anymore.

So, the little guy flapped his wings and flew around the pots of fried loach, chrysalis pupae, slippery fish, etc., but Papa said he couldn't eat it. She was a good and obedient child, so she had to not eat it myself.After flying for a while, the little guy finally couldn't help his gluttony, looked left and right, and found that his good friends were all concentrating on watching Baba cooking, and with a whimper, he flew away without a trace.

The female and female waited for a group of aquariums to find that their good friend was missing, and turned around curiously to look around.

After searching for a while, he didn't see his good friend, so he stopped looking, and turned his head to stare at Gongliang frying things.

Migu quietly flew to the top of the city gate building, looked left and right, saw no one was there, so he sat cross-legged in the corner, took out half a pot of chrysalis chrysalis that was secretly hidden from the storage ring, and placed it in front of him, grabbed one with each hand, Chewed with big mouthfuls.

"Cracky and crispy, so delicious, I like eating things made by Papa the most."

The little guy muttered while eating.

The chrysalis chrysalis was hidden quietly when she was robbing food just now, this is the habit of grabbing food with Yuangungun before, if you eat with it, if you don't keep a hand, the good things will be robbed long ago.

"click, click"

"Well, it's really delicious. It would be great if Baba fried insect pupae every day."

Thinking of the scene where Papa fried insects and chrysalis for her to eat every day, the little guy was so happy that his eyes narrowed into little crescent buds.

"Little guy, what are you eating?"

Suddenly, a voice rang in his ears, scaring Migu to put away the chrysalis in a hurry, for fear of being stolen.

The red-nosed old man saw her, with black lines all over his hair. Does he seem like the kind of person who would snatch children's food?

Migu feels like it, very much like it.But Papa said, be polite to the elderly.If people don't want to harm us, we can't just spit on others, this is a good boy.Seeing that the red-nosed old man didn't hurt her, Migu proudly took out a chrysalis pupae and gave it to him, "This is a chrysalis pupae. It's fried. It's delicious. Gun Gun, Xiao Xiangxiang and Nv Nu I ate a lot."

After finishing speaking, he also took out a big bite and started to bite.

She originally took out half a pot of chrysalis chrysalis and placed it in front of her, grabbing a bold one with one hand and eating it.

But now that the red-nosed old man came, for fear that he would steal his things, Mi Gu could only put away half a pot of chrysalis chrysalis and eat them one by one, which was not satisfying at all.But there are strangers here, so I can only do this, so helpless!

"Ha ha ha ha"

Seeing her innocent appearance, the red-nosed old man laughed happily.

He was not afraid that the thing the little guy handed over was poisonous, so he picked up the chrysalis pupae and bit it down. With a "click", the crispy texture, salt and pepper and the sweet taste of the chrysalis chrysalis caught his eyes, and then he threw the remaining chrysalis chrysalis into his mouth.

Although Mi Gu is eating the chrysalis chrysalis, he is still wary of the sudden appearance of the red-nosed old man.

Seeing him eating so fast at this time, he quickly stuffed all the pupae in his hand into his mouth. The pupae was so big that his mouth was full and bulging, like a greedy little squirrel, very cute .

The red-nosed old man looked at it and laughed again.

Migu managed to swallow the chrysalis pupae, and when the old man with the red nose looked over, he said quickly, "I don't even have any chongchong pupae."


The red-nosed old man is so embarrassing, does he look like the kind of person who begs for food from children?

Migu feels like, like, very much like.So much so that she didn't dare to take out the chrysalis and chrysalis to eat, because she was afraid that the red-nosed old man would ask for it.

The red-nosed old man is also a senior expert, seeing Mi Gu for the first time, and eating her food, how could he not express it.He dug inside his sleeve and took out a simple jade cicada and gave it to her.

"Little guy, this is Ruyi Jade Cicada. It can avoid disasters and sings when in danger. You should wear it on your body carefully and don't take it off easily."


The simple jade cicada is carved from sapphire, with cloud patterns on the back, crystal clear, smooth lines, delicate and exquisite, lifelike.

The little guy has seen many treasures with his papa, and he has many treasures himself, so he still has a little discernment, and when he sees Ruyi Yuchan, he knows it is a good thing, so he takes it away.She didn't ask for it in vain, and took out a big bug chrysalis from the storage ring and gave it to the red-nosed old man.

The red-nosed old man held the chrysalis chrysalis, and couldn't laugh or cry, what's the matter?

Those who didn't know thought that he traded Ruyi Yuchan for something to eat with this little guy?

But the chrysalis pupa tasted really good, the red-nosed old man threw the chrysalis chrysalis into his mouth and tasted it with his eyes closed.

Mi Gu stared wide-eyed, the red-nosed old man is so delicious!She couldn't even throw such a big chrysalis into her mouth at once.

The little guy took a peek at the chrysalis in the storage ring, and if he wanted to eat like the old man with the red nose, her chrysalis would not be enough for him to eat a few times.The little guy rolled his eyes, flapped his wings, and flew away with a whiff, lest the red-nosed old man ask her for chrysalis pupae again.

The red-nosed old man noticed the movement, opened his eyes, and found that the little guy was gone.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw her fly to Gongliang, holding the Ruyi Jade Cicada, chattering and gesticulating.

The old man with the red pen smiled and shook his head, stepped into the void, and walked down.

"Babababa, what do you think this is?" The little guy flew to Papa's side with the wishful jade cicada, and said excitedly.

Gongliang's eyes were attracted by the exquisite carving and lifelike Ruyi Jade Cicada, and he couldn't help asking curiously: "Where did you get it?"

The little guy flicked his nine-colored tail and said happily: "Baba, I eat chrysalis upstairs. There is an old man with a red nose who uses this to eat chrysalis, saying that this baby is so powerful that it can avoid disasters." It is a calamity, it screams in danger, and it should be worn on the body occasionally, so don't take it off easily."

"Uh no way!"

Gongliang's intuition was that a black thread went straight down, how could anyone exchange this kind of treasure for your chrysalis to eat, you think too much!

Stepping down into the void, the old man with a red nose who looked like a tall man almost fell out of the air when he heard the little guy's words.At the moment, he no longer pretended to be an expert, and moved to Gongliang's side in an instant, stared at Mi Gu and said, "Little guy, Ruyi Jade Cicada is my gift to you as a meeting gift, not in exchange for those worms and chrysalis to eat."

When Mi Gu saw him, he quickly hid Ruyi Yuchan, fearing that he would take it back.

"Hehehe, Mr. Shen Du, your old man is always drunk and sleepy, why are you free today?" The lady sitting on the side saw the old man and asked with a smile.

The red-nosed old man turned his head and looked, "So it's you, little thing, why did you come here?"

"Gongliang moved into his new residence today, and the master of the palace came to congratulate him."

"Then I'm here to congratulate you too." Duke Shen Du stared.

Gong Liang hurriedly said: "Senior is able to come, it can be said that he is full of glory, senior, please." Gong Liang led Shen Dugong to sit down, and apologized for Mi Gu: "This little thing doesn't know whether it is high or low, so it's no wonder that you still look at senior .”

"The little guy has a pure heart, nothing to blame." Shen Dugong waved his hand, expressing that he didn't mind.

Gongliang asked Jingshu to help the guests, and then went back to continue cooking.

Jing Shu took her two younger sisters to entertain the guests, and brought out fried sunflower seeds, sun-dried fire persimmons, dried longan, gourd dates, and a bunch of dried fresh fruits to entertain the guests.

Shen Dugong was also polite, chatting with his wife while eating, watching Gongliang's cooking, and waiting for the dinner to start.

(End of this chapter)

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