Chapter 1237

Tianmian Holy Realm, the newly promoted Holy Realm master Shi Ziye looked out of the world.

The battle there is over, and there is no more meteor bombarding the big formation, but I don't know what happened to Nanqiu Weichen and others and the realm master?

No matter who it is or what level of cultivation it is, once it leaves the gap in the boundary and enters the outside world, it is impossible to turn around this world.Since the writing, there has never been a record.Therefore, the Landlord and the others have only two ways to go now, one is to find a place to rest first; the other is to follow the footsteps of their ancestors and go to Tianwaitian.

But no matter which one it is, it is extremely difficult for them who have just stepped into the chaotic void outside the territory.


Shi Ziye frowned, he was within the bounds, he missed it in vain, but he was powerless, making people helpless.

Looking down, the monsters raging in the Eastern Land have been controlled, but they have not been completely eliminated. The disciples of various sects are running around to kill the monsters, in a mess.

Relatively speaking, the monsters in Dahuang are much simpler.Once they are discovered, they will either be killed by the ferocious wild beasts in the Great Wilderness, or they will be wiped out by the elites of the Great Wilderness, and few survive.The western region is barren and the population is small, and the sects in the territory are not very enthusiastic about getting rid of the monsters, so that the monsters are flooding the western region, and many living beings suffer unspeakably.In the deep sea, the monsters were firmly controlled near Guixu, so there was no danger.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside the boundary.

Shi Ziye looked up and saw a ball of blazing aurora bombarding the big formation of the world protection.

Under the bombardment of the blazing light, the cracks in the boundary membrane that had already recovered slowly cracked open again.

Shi Ziye frowned. Didn't the meteorites in the outer space be eliminated by the realm master?How come?Isn't it a meteor, what is that?


While contemplating, another mass of blazing light bombarded the crack in the boundary membrane. Under the continuous bombardment of the blazing light, the crack finally became overwhelmed and opened a huge hole again.Immediately afterwards, something hit the crack heavily, tearing open the crack in the boundary membrane ruthlessly.

That thing pierced through the boundary membrane, revealing a towering corner, but it was a huge triangular cone.

I don't know what kind of gold essence it is made of. It is sharp and sharp, and under the light, it glows with a ferocious blue light.

The huge pointed cone slowly passed through the crack and entered the northwest sky.

Shi Ziye took a closer look, only to find that it was not a sharp cone, but a strange airship made of gold. Sealed, only the eyes are left, that is, the middle porthole to observe the outside world.

The spaceship savagely smashed through the boundary membrane, entered the Northwest Sky Territory, and ruthlessly tore open a crack hundreds of meters long in the boundary membrane.

Shi Ziye looked very worried.

The airship is also weird, and it is not affected by the forbidden air circle in the northwest sky, and it runs rampant in the sky.Behind the weird airship, several smaller ships followed closely.

Shi Ziye looked at the spaceship, narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his hand and took out a scroll, about to throw it out.Suddenly sensed something, and couldn't help but turn his head to look.

"Whoever abandons me shall not retain the day of yesterday.

Those who disturb my heart are so troubled today.

Alas, it's really sad. "

In the distant sky, a lone boat galloped along with loud and clear singing, just blocking the way of the strange giant ship.In the weird airship that broke through the boundary first, a majestic man pointed forward.Immediately, a huge naval gun protruded from the bow of the ship, blasting out a blazing aurora that almost wiped out the world.

"Senior, the power of this demon cannon fire is quite powerful!"

Gong Tianshou looked at the blazing light and said.

"These aren't demons, they're just greedy aliens who want to occupy our world because of their abundant aura and endless vitality."

The supporter looked at the strange spaceship and said: "There are countless stars outside the sky, and endless creatures are born on them, and thousands of races have evolved, each of which has its own history and civilization. , Self-generated supernatural powers; some bloodlines are transcendent, no need to practice, just wait for the bloodline to awaken, and you can master the supreme supernatural powers; some are born gods, with strong souls and bodies, and unparalleled beast control; It’s just to exercise the body; there are also some who are weak, but are good at creating puppets. There are too many to list. You just need to know that our human race is not the only powerful race in the outer space.”

While speaking, the blazing light exploded.

The bearer stretched out his hand to grab it, and the blazing light seemed to be caught by something, and stopped in the air, and then saw him throwing it forward vigorously.

Immediately, the blazing light flew towards the strange spaceship at a speed of hundreds of times, and the inside of the ship was in a panic.The majestic man looked calm and resolutely fought back.It's just that the blazing light flew towards it quickly, and it had already submerged into the hull before it could make a move.

The people in the ship screamed in fright, but they didn't see the scene of the spaceship being smashed by the blazing light, so they couldn't help but calm down.

At this moment, there was a light sound from the hull, and when I looked out, I saw the spaceship split into two halves, slowly falling down.

The people in the ship shouted loudly in fright, and the scene was chaotic for a while, comparable to the end of the world.

The ferryman shook his head again and again, swept his sleeves, and an invisible air wave rushed forward, piercing through the strange airship and the ships behind it, killing all the creatures inside, and the ships were also destroyed by the powerful The power of the blast was shattered, and it was no longer under control, and fell to the northwest wilderness.

No matter what race it is, if it wants to occupy this world, there is only one dead end.


In the clear sky, thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, and dark clouds covered the sky.In the dark part of the clouds, a deep black hole appeared, and thunderbolts and thunders flickered inside.The majestic majesty of the sky came over, like a great evil in ancient times, wanting to devour people.

This is a warning from the heavens and the earth by the supporters exerting super mighty power.

The ferryman snorted, rowed his lone boat, entered the boundary membrane, and flew out.

The followers who followed the lone boat saw the flashing thunderbolts in the black hole and felt the majestic power of the sky, they did not dare to directly attack it, and they all detoured to chase after it.

In the northwest region, those gods and ancient immortals who had sealed their bodies since ancient times and waited for the opportunity to leave this world saw such a scene, they all flew off the ground and chased after them.

Seeing this, the true mammoth clan in the deep forest also inspired the ancestral mammoths that have survived since ancient times.Like a huge mountain, the mammoth ancestor slowly got up from the forest, swung its nose, stepped on the void, walked forward step by step, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the ancient survivors such as the Dumu, Huaren, Twins, and Three Heads followed.

In the valley, the huge bronze coffin lived alone in it, breathing out spiritual mist.

Xihu stood on the side, stretching his fists and feet, drawing the spiritual mist to pour his body into practice.

Xiuran, the spiritual fog crazily poured into the huge bronze coffin, and in the blink of an eye, all the spiritual fog in the valley disappeared into the huge bronze coffin.An ethereal man slowly appeared, standing on the coffin, looking at the sky.

The tiger noticed the movement and walked over.

The elegant man turned his head to look at him, and said: "I want to leave this world and go to the outer world, you are willing to go with me."

For a moment, Xihu thought a lot about his family, clansman, people he met, and the place where he grew up.

Since he carried the huge bronze coffin, he seldom went home, and his family treated him as if he were dead.In fact, this is also the case. Every generation of their family will elect a person to carry the coffin on their backs. Everyone dies young, and few of them live beyond the age of 30.Like him, not at all.

Since there is nothing left to miss in this world, it is better to go to the outer space and see a different kind of scenery.

"Tiger is willing."

Hearing this, the elegant man slapped the huge bronze coffin open with his palm and said, "Go in and stay there, otherwise with your current cultivation, I'm afraid you'd already be blown away by the high-altitude wind before you're out of the sky."

Yihu lay down in it as he said, there was a lot of space inside, and it was very comfortable to lie down on.

For a moment, Huo Hu was very strange in his heart. After carrying the coffin for so long, he didn't expect to lie in it himself in the end.

The elegant man closed the coffin lid, and with a thought, the huge bronze coffin shrank to the size of a palm, and then he held it in his hand and flew into the sky.

The fire lady who changed a volcano to absorb the power of the earth fire looked at the crowd flying into the sky, not without envy.

It's just that as the ancestor god of the female sparrow tribe, many things can't be done as one likes. She can only leave after the arrangement of the female sparrow tribe is properly arranged.Fortunately, the tidal wave of spiritual energy started and didn't fade away so quickly. She had plenty of time to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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