Chapter 1238

On the tall building in the vast bamboo sea, the sage Meng Ji watched the crowd fleeing to the sky, and finally made a decision in his heart.

In the western region, the vice-master of the ancient Vedic religion hurried into the hall and said with joy, "Master, the opportunity has come."

Sitting in front of the statue of Shiva with five faces, three eyes and four arms, the thin and hale old man with eyes closed moved his brows slightly, but he didn't speak.

At the gate of hell, beside the lava pool, the leader of Hellfire Cult remained as silent as a rock.It's just that in the lava pool, an extremely huge, ferocious fish beast with the color of earth fire lava suddenly jumped up, flicked its tail in mid-air, then submerged into the pool again, and disappeared.

In the unfathomable realm of Yuanhai, Ao Hong said excitedly: "Father, the opportunity has come."

"It's not close." Ao said calmly.

In the holy city of the monster race, in the numerous palaces, the majestic king looked at the northwest sky, with a smirk on his lips.

The gate of the city guarded by the Miaodao Xianzong was closed, and Gong Liang sat cross-legged in the room, extracted the flames from the fire beads, wrapped them in layers of true essence, swallowed them into his stomach and merged with the true fire of his life.With his continuous efforts day and night, he finally refined the earth fire and merged with the real fire of his life.

With a thought, the true fire of life appears in the palm of your hand.

The fiery flames rose up, stirring up the air in the room.

The true fire of life was originally a purple-blue color, but now it is added to the Yanhong ground fire, and it immediately turns into a deep purple.The power of the flames also multiplied. The blazing fireworks made Gongliang feel the pressure. After the Twelve Dragon and Rhinoceros Training and the indestructible truth, his strong body felt the burning sensation brought by the flames.

This is a manifestation of the incompatibility between the new natal real fire and the body.

If it is forcibly incorporated into the body, over time, the body will be burned by the powerful flame, the root of the disease will be left, and the foundation will be damaged.

It seems that it is necessary to retrain the physical body with the fusion of real fire, otherwise it will not be able to fit the body, let alone fuse with the sky fire in the future.


Just do what you want, with a slight movement in your heart, your body immediately gets up from the bed, floating in mid-air, and the true fire of life escapes below, turning into a fire lotus to wrap him and burn him.After going through the pain of the Dragon Rhinoceros Twelve Refinements, Gong Liang was already able to bear the heat of the flames.

This time it was a retraining of the Dao Body, so it was not as painful as practicing the Twelve Refinements of the Dragon Rhinoceros, but it was also extremely painful.

The deep purple real fire poured into the body from the soles of the feet, refining every skin, every inch of flesh and fascia, every piece of bone marrow, every meridian, and every internal organ of the body.

At the beginning, when the real fire refined the skin, Gongliang felt as if he was bitten by countless ants, and there was a little pain in the itching; as it went deeper, the pain became more and more intense, as if someone had sprinkled a handful of salt on the wound, It was so painful that people almost screamed.

This is not as painful as practicing the Dragon Rhinoceros Twelve Refinements before, but it is almost the same.

The newly fused True Fire Gongliang has not yet fully mastered it. When the imperial envoy flame refines the body, it is inevitable that it will be out of control, burning the meridians of the flesh and blood, leaving pain.

I checked with my spiritual sense, and found that if the burnt area wants to recover, it needs to rest for a period of time.

In the depths of the space between the eyebrows, the flame on the giant lantern sensed changes in his body, the body of the fire moved slightly, and a few drops of lamp oil flew out of the lamp panel, turning into rain to moisten his body.The flesh and blood meridians burned by the real fire recovered instantly.

The rain covered every corner of his body, and Gongliang no longer felt the pain of being burned by the real fire.

For a moment, the whole body is refreshed, and the mind is so comfortable that it empties itself, and enters the profound realm of no self and nothing.

The real fire has no one to control it, but it became obedient, spontaneously refining Gongliang's body with extremely small fireworks, instead of being controlled by him, it was big and small, sometimes strong and sometimes soft.

Mi Gu was also in the room, and when he saw Papa floating in the air, a fire lotus suddenly appeared under his buttocks, his eyes widened in surprise, and his small mouth was also wide open, unable to close it.

Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang were also in the room, and when they saw Mi Gu's appearance, they felt so ignorant, they couldn't help snorting.A mysterious lotus suddenly appeared under the body, wrapping it and Xiao Xiangxiang heavily.

Xuanlian Shengguang Migu of Shuiyue Pure Land Sect would also see it, and when he saw it, he put his palms together and let out a majestic "ha".

A mysterious lotus gushed out from the ground, holding her in the air, making her look like a fairy.

Cultivation does not know the years, and two months passed in a flash.

Everywhere in the world, except for the various sects in the Eastern Land who are still strangling monsters, there is a strange calm in the Western Territory, the Yuanhai, and the Monster Race, and there is a tendency of storms to come.

In the Great Wilderness, on the blue sea at the border with Dongtu, there are billowing clouds and waves.

The emissary of the demon tribe brought a group of monsters and led the demon king's will to recruit the demon tribe living in the wilderness, and wanted to bring them under the banner of the demon king.

The emissary of the demon clan felt that he was the beloved general of the demon king, and he came back from the secret realm, so he regarded himself very highly.Along the way, he unscrupulously let out his demonic aura, and when he encountered wild beasts and birds blocking his way, he would kill or swallow them all, with a very arrogant arrogance.

The hundreds of tribes in the Great Wilderness, and even the thousands of vassal tribes scattered in every corner of the Great Wilderness, are the eyes of the temple.

Some tribes reported the arrogant look of the Yaozu envoy immediately.

In the temple, a ball of fire continued to burn.

Elder Zhan sat in front of the fire, looking at the image on the flame.Inside, there is a scene where the emissary of the monster race unscrupulously shreds a huge wild beast.Elder Zhan looked gloomy after seeing it, disappeared without a trace in an instant, and appeared in front of the Yaozu envoy the next moment.

Seeing the figure suddenly appearing in front of him, the Yaozu envoy shouted loudly: "Where did the idiot come from, dare to block the way of your grandpa Qingmei, and don't get out of here."

If it hadn't been for the demon king's order not to kill barren people when he came, he would have swallowed the lifeless thing in front of him long ago.

"Ha ha ha ha"

Elder Zhan laughed angrily, and said: "It's been so many years, and I can still hear someone say the word 'scroll' to a certain person, and there is an inexplicable sense of intimacy."

In the laughter, the boundless momentum surged like a tide.

Feeling the aura not inferior to the demon king, the emissary of the demon clan swallowed his saliva, bowed and said politely: "The young one is the messenger of the demon clan. He came to the Great Wilderness to recruit the demon clan under the order of the demon king. Please step aside, please. Let the little ones pass."

For a moment, the emissary of the Yaozu lost all arrogance and became servile and coquettish.

Elder Zhan frowned and said, "Give way? Hmph, let someone send you on your way."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pressed it, and a big nothingness hand appeared out of thin air, smashing everyone in the Yaozu to pieces.

After annihilating the demon clan, Elder Zhan looked at Dongtu with his hands behind his back and said coldly, "East is Dongtu, and the Great Desolation is the Great Desolation. Anyone who dares to touch the Great Desolation will be killed without mercy." In an instant, boundless murderous aura swept across the world, The creatures nearby trembled with fear, and dared not even make a sound.

The majestic king in the holy land of the monster tribe seemed to have sensed it, looking in the direction of the wilderness, a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

In the temple, Situ, who was sitting by the fire, looked up at the void, where there was a dark vortex where heavy clouds were gathering and a storm was about to come.

Situ stretched out his finger, and the vortex was instantly shattered.The heavy clouds have dispersed, and there is no more wind and rain.

Above the Northwest Tianyu, there has been no movement since the demon fleet was destroyed by the supporters.

Shi Ziye, the new Tianmian Saint Realm Master, looked at the cracks in the boundary membrane that hadn't recovered for a long time, and secretly sighed. Fortunately, in a few months, the seal cracks will come.At that time, there will be no leakage of the vitality and aura of the world, and there will be no more evil spirits chasing after the majestic vitality and full aura of this world.

At that time, he will be relaxed.

There is no need to be like now, trembling all day long, afraid of accidents, living up to the great trust of the realm master, and living up to the world that gave birth to him and raised him.

In the void outside the boundary, a small vortex suddenly appeared, and gradually became larger and larger, turning into a huge black hole.

The black hole is deep, and I don't know where it leads.After a while, a cold breath spewed out from the hole, trying to freeze people.

Xiuran, with a head so thin that only bones remained, and a black body, an unobstructed demon jumped out of the hole, looked around ghostly, then grabbed the unhealed crack in the boundary membrane and jumped in.


The demon entered the Northwest Tianyu, and was immediately discovered by Shi Ziye, who waved a ball of flames casually.

When the flame hits the demon, it is like dry wood meeting a raging fire, and it burns quickly.In the blink of an eye, it turned into ashes, leaving only a trace of water.

"Heavenly Ghost True Essence."

Shi Ziye checked the liquid in his hand, his eyes brightened.This demon was indeed as he had imagined, it was an extraterrestrial ghost wreaking havoc on the outer space.Heavenly ghosts feed on the vitality and spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, and wherever they pass, all vitality is annihilated, and the spiritual energy is completely gone, turning into a desert with nothing, which is a big cancer in the outer starry sky.

It's a pity that the place where the sky ghosts live is hidden, and they come and go without a trace. No one has ever discovered their lair, so they can live freely until now.

However, although the heavenly ghost is a pest, there is a treasure on his body, that is the true liquid of the heavenly ghost.

The heavenly ghost's body is invulnerable to all soldiers and invulnerable to all spells. The only thing he fears is the true fire of his life.As long as it is touched by the real fire of natal life, it will immediately catch fire like oil, burn blazingly, and finally turn into ashes, leaving a trace of heavenly ghost true liquid.

Shi Ziye looked at the Heavenly Ghost True Essence, and suddenly thought that there would be countless Heavenly Ghosts when they appeared, so he quickly notified the elders of various sects stationed in the ancient giant city with a magic talisman.

A spiritual talisman flew over from Tianyu, and was immediately sensed by the people with high cultivation levels on the ancient giant city, and they released their divine senses to explore it, and immediately knew the content of the talisman.Everyone hurriedly notified the disciples and casual practitioners of the various sects on the ancient giant city.

After a while, all the people stationed in the city knew that there was going to be a ghost from outside the territory, and they were most afraid of the news of the real fire.

(End of this chapter)

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