Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1456 Immortal Divine Treasure

Chapter 1456 Immortal Divine Treasure
"Master Lei, these few would like to read books about acupuncture points." The maid came to the counter and said to the girl.

"Okay, I know. It's hard work, you go down!"


Hearing the maid's introduction, Master Lei stretched out his hand and waved his sleeves. Rows of books suddenly appeared in front of Gongliang and the others. Look carefully, they are: Shenzang, Daoji, Secret Key, Essence of Shenzang, Secret of Acupoints, Supreme Precious medicine, the silence of heaven and earth, the foundation of the immortal body, the holy bosom and promise, and the treasure of immortality.
The books are supported by clouds, floating in the air, a scene of a fairy house.

Gongliang didn't expect that the things he dreamed of in the past would be bought and sold here like a bad street, and there are so many of them, it's really incredible.

"What do you guys want?" Mrs. Lei didn't laugh at Gong Liang's stunned expression, because the people who entered the library for the first time were basically the same, and she was used to it.

Before, he wanted a book but couldn't get it, but now he has a bunch of books for him to choose from.For a while, Gongliang didn't know how to start.

"Why don't you recommend it to me, Master." Gong Liang asked tentatively.

"Do you know where the sacred treasure is?" Master Lei asked.

"I don't know." Gong Liang shook his head.

"Do you know the secret of the gods?"

"do not know."

"Do you know the method of opening up the divine treasure?"

"do not know."

"Then this one should be suitable for you." With a wave of Mrs. Lei's sleeve, many books floating in the air disappeared, and with a flip of her left hand, a book called "Immortal God Collection" appeared in her hand, "This book is not only from the shallower to the deeper In-depth introduction to the mysteries of the Divine Treasure, and also recorded some techniques and secret methods to open up the Divine Treasure, which can be considered a rare item.”

Master Lei sent the book forward.

Gong Liang took it with both hands respectfully, and asked, "Can I have a look first?"


Gong Liang wiped his hands on his back before slowly turning the pages of the book. He was a little excited, so that his hands trembled a little while turning the pages.Mi Gu and Yuan Gungun poked their heads curiously, Xiao Xiangxiang stuck her head out of the panda's fur, and the three Jingshu sisters followed suit.

"The essence of all things, this is life. The five grains are born below, and the stars are born above.

If it flows between heaven and earth, it is called a ghost; if it is hidden in the chest, it is called a saint.

That's why this qi is as high as ascending to the sky, as far away as entering an abyss, as deep as it is in the sea, and as dying as it is in the self.That's why the qi should not stop with force, but be peaceful with virtue; it should not be called with sound, but greeted with sound.Respecting and not losing, it is called virtue, virtue comes out of wisdom, and all things are fruitful."

With a few words at the beginning, explaining the secrets of the divine treasure, Gong Liang only felt enlightened, and suddenly understood all the puzzles about the divine treasure of the acupoints in the past.

The orb of Baihui and the pearl on the forehead are shining brightly, as if there are countless words flying by, and countless sentiments are born in response.

Mrs. Lei seemed to see something, and nodded in relief.

A few words on a page passed by at a glance, and Gong Liang hurriedly turned to the next page. He had never been as eager to read as he is now.It’s just that for some reason, the next page seemed to be stuck, and I couldn’t open it no matter how I turned it, so I couldn’t help looking at Mrs. Lei.

Mrs. Lei said indifferently: "You can watch the first page as you like. If you want to read it again, you have to buy it back."

It's justifiable, otherwise everyone just watched but didn't buy it? ? ?
Gongliang nodded knowingly, and asked, "How do you sell this book?"

Mrs. Lei stretched out a finger, and Gong Liang said in surprise, "One piece of crystal, it's too cheap!"

Hearing Gongliang's words, the three sisters Migu, Yuangungun and Jingshu looked at him in disbelief, then all turned their heads to look at Mrs. Lei in astonishment, and Xiao Xiangxiang couldn't help but stand up.

Mrs. Lei rolled his eyes at him, and said: "What beautiful things do you want, it's ten thousand heavenly crystals."

The three sisters Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, Xiao Xiangxiang and Jing Shu's eyes widened. This time they were not surprised, but frightened.

"This is too expensive!" Gongliang grabbed the Immortal Divine Treasure with all his strength, not wanting to give up, not giving up, but the price was really daunting.Although he was rich, he raised it by selling a lot of things. It would not be too much to say that it would be heartbreaking to give it away.

"No, it's not expensive at all."

Mrs. Lei shook his head and explained: "This book contains not only the explanations about the gods and the secret method of opening up, but also the introduction of the known gods in the heavens, and they are arranged in order, otherwise it would not be sold. Wan Tianjing."

"Supernatural powers?" Gong Liang asked with question marks all over his face.

"Yes, it's supernatural powers."

Master Lei nodded and said, "Everyone who opens up a divine treasure has a chance to awaken their supernatural powers. Supernatural powers can be big or small, and there are no restrictions on their categories. Everything depends on chance. Invincible supernatural powers, using this to cross the star field and sweep the starry sky. It is a pity that he was too arrogant, once he entered the foreign land and killed all directions, he was found out by the strong man from the other side, and he did not hesitate to pass through the chaotic star field and kill him.

Therefore, it is a good thing to be capable, but not too arrogant and ignorant.Otherwise, sooner or later, he will end up like him, with no soul left, not even a little ashes left.

I'm not saying that aliens cannot be killed, but that we must pay attention to strategy.

There are also those who are friendly to my heavenly world in the foreign land and starry sky. We should treat these people as friends and make them feel like family members; those who are neither disgusting nor friendly and neutral to us should be drawn in; those who hate us , then it must be severely suppressed, and it is not too much to crush it.

These people are nothing but cockroach dregs, cesspit rats, cosmic moths, and dare to regard us as lowly creatures, two-legged reptiles.

This kind of person is full of evil, which is not tolerated by heaven and earth. It can be said that not killing is not enough to establish prestige, not killing is not enough to express one's mind, not killing is not enough to uphold the principles of heaven. "

Gong Liang looked at Mrs. Lei with an indignant face, he didn't expect that she was so knowledgeable and dignified, but she was so cynical.Seeing her expression at this moment, Gong Liang suddenly thought of Ying Huang, and the two seemed to have similar personalities.It's a pity not here, otherwise there should be a common topic.

In the northern star field, there are endless stars, and one star is covered with heavy snow.

In the dense forest, Yinghuang, Zhimu, and Ashayi rushed out, followed by a group of snow apes chasing after them. The one in the front was extremely big, with natural fire lines between its eyebrows, which looked extremely extraordinary.

"Ashayi, didn't you tell you not to touch things randomly? Why did you steal other people's wine again?" Yinghuang asked with a frown.

"I didn't take it on purpose. I saw a bubble of water over there, and it smelled good. I wanted to take some back to see what it was. But they came here when they smelled it." Ashayi Said confidently.

Yinghuang was speechless, too lazy to talk nonsense with her, and ran forward at a faster speed, as long as he turned over the mountain in front, he could fly.

After Mrs. Lei finished speaking, she was surprised that she had said too much, so she quickly said seriously, "How about it, do you want to buy it?"

"Buy." Gong Liang said hard-heartedly.

After paying Tianjing, he left quickly, so as not to feel distressed.

Seeing their leaving figures, Master Lei sighed secretly: Master is right, I am still not good at cultivation, and a little thing can move my heartstrings.How can you go out and kill the enemy, first hone your mind!

Pick up a Confucian classic and recite it.

There was a sound of the great avenue, and the awe-inspiring righteousness was surging, almost obliterating the world.

Gongliang originally wanted to take Jingshu and the others for a stroll, but now he was eager to know everything about Shenzang, and he hurried back to the inn to take out the Immortal Shenzang he had just bought and looked at it.

".One thing that can be changed is called wisdom, one thing that can be changed is called essence, and one thing that can be changed is called god.

God is from within, and does not seek outside.Respect and get rid of it, and God will come.Think about it carefully, treat it with Ning Ning, be strict and respectful, and be determined by yourself.Don't let go of what you get, don't let your eyes and ears be lewd, and have no other intentions in your heart.When the heart is centered, everything is saved”

Seeing this, Gongliang couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky, he finally knew what happened to Shenzang.

This paragraph is nothing more than saying that there is no need to use various methods to obtain the divine treasure, as long as the original mind is purified and the mind is single-minded, the divine treasure will appear automatically.Put your spirit into it, and after a long time of accumulation, Shenzang will settle down.If you want not to lose your spiritual possessions, you must cleanse your mind and calm your mind, avoid lust and extravagance, and uphold righteousness so that you can survive on your own.

Gongliang was dumbfounded, what's going on with this Shenzang?Can you still come and go, play with people?
He quickly looked to the next paragraph.

(End of this chapter)

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