Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 1457 Divine Ability Sorting

Chapter 1457 Divine Ability Sorting
"The road is not far away but extremely difficult, and it is rare to get along with people. Empty your desires, and God will enter the house; sweep away the unclean, and God will not leave a place."

The Dao mentioned earlier in this paragraph is actually a divine storehouse.It is very rare that the gods are hidden in the body.

If no one tells you, you will never discover this secret, so it is extremely difficult.Empty one's desires later on, it is said that in practice one must be modest and restrain one's desires, and be indifferent to one's heart, so that the gods will enter the house, that is, the treasure of the gods.If you don't do it thoroughly, your mind is not clean, and your desires are endless, Shenzang will not stay.

Seeing this, Gong Liang suddenly discovered that the divine possession described in the book was a bit like a golden elixir, but not quite.

If it is a golden elixir, wait until the acupoints are opened up, one for each acupoint, then it will be fine.

According to the book, Shenzang should be the product of the combination and cultivation of Qi and God, but this combination is very mysterious, it is difficult to say it, it can only be felt.Only when the two are cultivated to perfection and the Dao body is full, can one perceive it in the dark.

At this time, some skills and secret methods are needed to open the divine treasure, that is, to open it up.

Shenzang is very mysterious, it seems to be in the acupoints of the human body, but it is independent, it cannot be touched, it all depends on induction.

Gong Liang suddenly felt something, turned to the front, and saw the words "respect, support, fear, non-sexuality, no other intentions, empty desires, sweeping away uncleanness" written between the paragraphs, thinking about it.The book seems to have been emphasizing to cleanse the mind and calm the mind, so as to let the body reach the state of no desire, no desire, and no thought.

This reminded Gongliang how he opened up the first sacred treasure, as if he was practicing Xuanji Xinzhai.

I remember that I also practiced Xuanji Xinzhai to open up the second divine treasure, so it can be said that Xuanji Xinzhai is the secret method to open up the divine treasure.Otherwise, how could it be possible to open up two places after practicing twice, that would be too monstrous!
But the side effects are also serious, and every time I practice, I lose my memory.

Before finding out the specific reason, it is better not to practice.

Gong Liang thought for a moment, then looked again: "A person who has attained the Tao is invincible in all things. Those who are defeated will dethrone the real and turn to the empty. The empty will have nothing to hide."

"Oh..." Seeing this, Gong Liang let out a long sigh.This broken book is about the whole article, and some places are still very esoteric.If it wasn't for him to understand a little bit, coupled with his guessing, he wouldn't be able to understand the content at all, it would be almost like a wordless book.

This sentence means that no one can take away the opened up sacred treasure.Only you can let it go.

"Supernatural beings are the Tao. There is no root, no stem, no leaf, no glory, no big or small, no inside and no outside. Centered in the center, the gods hide enlightenment. The universe unites the void and transforms all things. The sun and the moon, water and fire, and swords and soldiers , the scales are also inseparable.”

This passage says that supernatural powers are also a part of Tao, without any shape.

With a pure mind, spotless, the divine treasure is opened.At that time, yin and yang will interact with each other, and various supernatural powers will naturally be derived.

"The Taoist, you can't see its form when you move it, and you can't see its virtue when you give it. Everything can be obtained, but you don't know its ultimate." Supernatural power is very mysterious, invisible and intangible, but it can evolve all things, and I don't know where its limit is. .

".The sun is extremely flat, and the moon is full.

This paragraph is to warn those who have obtained supernatural powers that the arrogant and violent will be destroyed. If you want to avoid it, you must follow the way of heaven and earth.

"God exists in the body, and its outside is safe and prosperous. It is hidden inside as a spring, and it is peaceful and peaceful. It is regarded as an abyss. If the abyss does not dry up, the four bodies will be solid; if the spring is not exhausted, the nine orifices will be connected. It will be able to impoverish the world and be surrounded by the world. There is no confusion in the center, and no evil disasters outside. The heart is all in the center, the body is all outside, and there is no natural disaster or human harm, which is called a saint."

This paragraph is about the benefits of opening up the divine treasure: when the divine treasure is opened, the appearance will benefit, and it will become vigorous and radiant.

God is hidden in the body and will become the source of life.As long as the gods are still there, the soul will be immortal, the body will be immortal, and there will be no natural or man-made disasters, so you can be called a saint.

Gongliang always felt that this passage was bragging, if it was so good, no one would die.

The heavens have long been overcrowded, where are the alien races everywhere.

I flipped through the book page by page, looked at Shenzang and looked at supernatural powers, and finally there was an introduction to Shenzang's acupuncture points.

"Heaven bounds the tripod for an infinite period, and it is not known how many gods have been created. But what is the specific name and what magical powers are kept secret by people, so I don't know. In the past, the emperor of heaven only revealed it to the world after being checked by the heavenly officials. , Unless it falls, it should be immortal and immortal, so it is also called the rotten orifice. It is not an ordinary orifice, nor does it touch the body, but is independent of the mysterious and unpredictable place.

There are countless sacred treasures, and the former heavenly officials have checked, and it is known that the rotten orifices are:
Tianji, Shenting, Xuanzang, Youjing, Xintu, Jianglou, Shouxing, Guiying, Buzhou, Ziwei, Kaiyang, Baozhao.
The Tianji is the meeting of all suns, the sect of hundreds of veins, and the beginning of all things.Opening up this divine treasure, the wisdom is profound, and the spirit is clear;Open up this divine storehouse, open your mind and refresh your mind, and reconcile yin and yang; for those who are mysterious, you will cherish the truth in a distant place, and nothing will respond to things.To open up this divine treasure, Jin Rui clang clangingly, proudly lurking."

At the end of the book, in addition to introducing the number and names of the known gods in the heavens, there is also a ranking list of awakened supernatural powers.

The first supernatural power is the Great Sun Golden Crow.

As soon as the golden crow of the big sun came out, the flames were raging, burning mountains and boiling seas, scorching the earth everywhere, and no one could fight against it.

The second supernatural power is a killing halberd, which is both virtual and real, changeable, invisible, invisible, and mysterious; the third supernatural power is a small grass with veins like swords, which seems ordinary, but can be as powerful as a whip. With a whipping attack, it can also come out from the body and turn into a flying sword to kill the enemy.This grass has no name, and later someone named it Wuxian, because all the immortals who saw it died.

The fourth supernatural power.
Gong Liang looked at the magical powers lined up in the book, and couldn't help but gasped.These supernatural powers are so powerful, and the awakened supernatural powers are all very strange, not only the Great Sun Golden Crow, but also weapons, plants, and the like, which is really weird.


Suddenly, Gong Liang remembered that the two magical treasures he created seemed to have no magical powers, so he quickly looked inside and felt carefully, and found that they did not have magical powers.He doesn't know how many magical treasures others have opened up before they can have supernatural powers, but he has already opened up two but still doesn't have supernatural powers, that must be wrong, how can this be so?

Feeling depressed, I didn't want to read any more, threw the book away, and lay down on the bed.

Yuan Gungun quickly picked it up, sat aside and watched with relish.

Xiao Xiangxiang also peeked out from the soft panda fur, and sister Jingshu also leaned over.Mi Gu doesn't like reading, she just wants Papa to hug her and swing leisurely.Without supernatural powers, Gongliang was sick and didn't want to hug her.Mi Gu lay on his belly, propping his chin with his little hands, kicking his little feet and looking at him happily.

Gong Liang glanced at it, not wanting to talk or hug him, so he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

After a while, I really fell asleep.

"Gongliang, Gongliang."

I don't know how long it took before Gongliang heard a croaking noise next to his ears. When Gong Liang opened his eyes, he saw her stretching out his hand to push him.

"Didn't you say you were going to dig Xuexian? If you don't hurry up, they will all be poached away." Yuan Gungun yelled.

Gong Liang looked out the window, the sun had already risen, it was really not early, so he got up to wash up quickly.

"Hey, why is there no one?" Gong Liang asked in surprise when he came outside the city, looking at the empty road.

"It's only coming out now, they've already left!" Yuan Gungun had already inquired yesterday that the best time to pick snow fairy is before the sun rises, and the quality of snow fairy with dew is the best, and other times are worse.Moreover, the place to pick snow fairies is far away from the city, so everyone has to get up early to hurry.Now, it is estimated that people have already adopted a wave.

Gongliang was wronged and didn't dare to ask any more questions, but just led everyone on their way.

In the middle of the walk, I remembered that it had been a long time since I let the Golden Winged Pengpeng, the Black Mammoth Dorji, and Kuilong come out, so I let them out to get some air.

As for the trouble they caused on Earthdust Star, I believe they won't be able to come after them after such a long distance.As soon as the golden-winged roc eagle left the space, it fluttered its wings and disappeared into the clouds in a blink of an eye; the black mammoth Dorji roared and ran forward happily;

After not coming out for a long time, the three guys were all very happy.

In fact, there are still many guys that can be released in the space, such as the dragon-capturing ape and the one-horned fairy horn.

But their owner is Mi Gu, the little guy is heartless and doesn't know if he lost it, so he didn't let it go.As for the psychic creatures such as the twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters, it was impossible for Gong Liang to let them out.No matter where they are, they are an excellent medicine.

Coming out will inevitably cause people to covet and cause trouble, so it is better to stay in the space.

Walking forward for a while, Kuilong's call suddenly came from his heart.

Gong Liang thought something was wrong, so he quickly led Jing Shu and others to fly in the direction of telepathy.

In the giant forest, a huge golden-toothed hyena looked at the black mammoth Dorji on the opposite side, the medium-sized fierce bird on the tree on the left, and the Kuilong on the rock on the right and sneered disdainfully.Dorje swung his long nose to his body, and the mane hairs like steel needles fell off to the ground; Kuilong sucked in the immortal energy wildly, and the mane on his body immediately flew out of his body; Mao, the wings moved slightly, the mane hairs floated away from the body, and quickly flew towards the golden tooth hyena.


The golden-toothed hyena screamed, and the mane turned into powder in the air.

The golden-winged roc eagle flew out following the mane, its body like an arrow leaving the string, like a rebellious swordsman, with the sword coming out, life and death have no regrets.The black mammoth Dorji and Kuilong followed suit.Dorje stepped on the ground, and the ground undulated violently like waves; Kuilong flew to the sky, spit out thunder from one end, and spit out water from the other end.

The current of water poured down with violent thunder, which was unstoppable.

The wavy land is indestructible, wave after wave.

Jie Ao's sword is like a big sun across the sky, with a bewitching aurora, arrogance and blatant arrogance, going forward indomitably.

Seeing the approach of the three, Jinya Hyena put away a sneer with disdain, with a solemn expression on his face.Forced by the aura of the three, his huge body had to take two steps back.Suddenly his expression changed, he stomped his feet and roared, and the two golden fangs filled with fairy patterns in his mouth burst into two clusters of bright golden light, and two sharp lights flew out, quickly slashing towards Duoji, Kuilong, and Pengpeng.

The roar impacted the soul, but it was not unstoppable.

Dorji, Kuilong, and Pengpeng gritted their teeth and continued to kill the golden tooth hyena.

The next moment, I saw two bright golden lights coming through the air, and my heart palpited for no reason, and the three backed away tacitly.The golden glow swept past them and landed in the forest. Giant trees were cut in half and fell to the side feebly.

When Gong Liang came to the forest, he saw the collapsed giant trees all over the ground, and the Kuilong who was confronting angrily like an enemy of life and death. He didn't know what was going on?

Just as he was about to ask, he saw a person walking out of the forest behind the golden-tooth hyena.Seeing the situation in the forest, someone came to reprimand Jinya Hyena: "Little Jinzi, you are being naughty again."

Hearing his address, Gong Liang looked at the huge body of the golden tooth hyena, and fell silent in his heart.

Just like what is said in Tianlong Babu, when she was young, she was called Xiaojuan sweetly, so she can't change her name to Laojuan when she gets old!It doesn't make sense.

The man nodded friendly towards Gongliang, and sat on the golden-tooth hyena.The golden-tooth hyena had clouds on its feet and flew away from the ground.Flying in mid-air, the voice of that person suddenly came: "Fellow Taoist, this forest is privately owned, if found out, you will be fined!"

Hearing this, Gongliang immediately put away Dorje Kuilong and Golden Winged Pengdiao, and led Jingshu and the others away quickly.

After flying a certain distance, he rushed to the destination in a leisurely manner.As for Duoji and the others, if they cause such trouble, they should be locked in the space first.

(End of this chapter)

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