Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 162 Two Birds of the Dog Rong Department

Chapter 162 The Two-Headed Bird of the Inurong Division

Inurongbu people are thin and small, with four limbs on the ground, running wildly in the forest in a "zigzag" shape, passing trees and stones when encountering trees.

After all, Gongliang only had two legs, he was tall and heavy, and it was very inconvenient to run in the forest.After a while, he was overtaken by the Inu Rong tribe.

Migu lay on Papa's shoulder, looking at the Inurong people who were chasing after him quickly, feeling so disgusted, opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of saliva, and instantly shot towards the Inurong people like an arrow.

How could the Inurong tribe know that she was doing this trick, and the Inurong tribe who were running ahead were all sprayed by her saliva and fell to the ground dead.

The so-called "those who are horizontal are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying."

Although the people of the primitive tribe were rough and the people of the Quanrong tribe were violent and domineering, they still knew fear in their hearts. Seeing the tribesmen dying one by one, they stopped immediately and did not dare to chase them any more.Only the two-headed bird in the sky continued to fly forward chirping.

When Gongliang heard that there was no movement behind him, he turned his head to look, and saw the Quanrong tribe stopped in the forest, staring at him, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Seeing the several corpses lying on the ground, it is not necessary to guess that they were poisoned to death by Migu's saliva.This little thing is so cute, Gong Liang kissed the little guy hard on the face, and continued to run forward.

After running through a forest and over a mountain, Gong Liang stopped to rest when he saw that the Quanrong tribe was not chasing him.

He found that he had been very unlucky since he arrived in the Great Wilderness. He was chased in the Tianjiu Department, in the Xiaoyang Department, and in the Quan Rong Department.If it continues to develop like this, it is estimated that he will have a nickname in the future, called "Luo Run Tian Wang".It feels better to be in the ancestral land, with a bone stick, meeting gods and killing gods, meeting ghosts and killing ghosts, how comfortable and carefree. (fall: read branding)

In just a moment, two birds chased after him, chirping and chirping above his head.It is also cadenced and has a certain tone when it is called.

Gong Liang was curious, so he asked Mi Gu, "Mi Gu, do you understand what it's calling?"

Hmm, I know, I know, I know everything.Migu nodded vigorously in response.

"Then what is it called?"

It said that Papa was a shameless horse thief, not only stole the horse, but also poisoned the people of their tribe, he was a shameless, shameless also said

Mi Gu gesticulated and happily translated for Gong Liang.She likes helping Papa with things the most.

When Gong Liang heard Mi Gu's instant translation, his face darkened as he listened to it, and he quickly told her to stop.This little thing is also sincere. If you know it’s not a good word, don’t translate it. Why do you translate it so happily?He didn't even know what to say to her.

"Migu, spit it out." Gong Liang pointed to the two chirping birds above his head.

The two birds saw Mi Gu's way of spitting, saw her raise her head, and immediately flew up.

Papa, it flies too high to spit out.Migu said aggrievedly.

"Go up and grab it."

After hearing Gongliang's words, Migu immediately flew up.Seeing her flying into the sky, the two birds quickly flapped their wings and flew away, disappearing instantly.

If you are lucky, you will grab the stew again.Seeing the disappearing figures of the two birds, Gong Liang said viciously in his heart.

After resting for a while, Gongliang continued to walk forward.But the two-headed bird seemed to meet him, and soon flew over again, chirping above his head. It was still the same as before, with ups and downs, with ups and downs, and the most important thing was that it had two heads. When I got up, I was chattering and chattering endlessly, and my head was about to split from the noise.

When Migu vomited it, it flew high again; when Migu tried to catch it, it flew away in an instant.

Gongliang couldn't fly, and he couldn't hit the stone.

Right now, he didn't have any good way to deal with this little thing.

Just ignore it and move on.

However, after being quarreled all the way by the two birds, Gongliang finally couldn't help it.After chasing the two birds away again, he ran forward quickly for a while, then stopped and told Migu to hide in the thick leaves of the nearby tree, ready to sneak attack the two birds.I cut some leaves to cover my body, and hid behind a big tree so as not to be discovered by the two birds.

After a while, the two birds came flying again.

This guy didn't know if he was stupid, or in a daze, or if he wasn't afraid of death at all.

He didn't see Gongliang and Mi Gu, so he started searching in the forest.

Mi Gu hid tightly among the thick leaves on the tree, looking outside excitedly through a gap.She likes to do this kind of sneaky and sneaky things best.

?When the two birds flew over the big tree where she was hiding, she suddenly spit out a mouthful of saliva. The saliva was as fast as a sharp arrow, and it landed on the two birds in an instant and penetrated into its body.The two birds fell to the ground before they even had time to sing.

Migu immediately flew out to pick it up, happily grabbed its head and flew to Gongliang to claim credit.

Seeing that the eyes of the two birds were still rolling, Gongliang knew that they were not dead, so he couldn't help but patted their heads hard.Calling you still croaking, calling you still croaking, I was almost killed by you.

Papa, I want it.Migu shook the necks of the two birds and said.

"En," Gong Liang replied, took out a piece of animal tendon from the space and tied it to the paws of the two birds, and tied the other end to Migu's wrist to prevent it from flying away.

Mi Gu looked happily at the animal tendon in his hand, very happy, very happy, Papa is the best for her.

She spat on the two birds again, and the birds were able to move and began to chirp again.

Migu was not polite to it, and punched it.One of the two birds was dizzy from the beating and stopped singing; but the other head continued to sing.Mi Gu punched him again, and the two birds immediately fell silent.

Gong Liang looked at the two-headed bird that was grabbed by her neck and punched twice, and mourned for it in his heart. He estimated that this thing would not survive two days in Mi Gu's hands.

Who knows that things are beyond his expectations.

The two birds survived for three days under Mi Gu's fist abuse, and they were still mighty and unyielding. They chirped as soon as they woke up, but they were knocked unconscious by Mi Gu again in an instant.

Seeing that the two birds were still chirping disobediently, Mi Gu rolled his eyes, then took out two black deer meatballs from his pocket and stuffed them into its mouth.The two birds were almost starving to death after being abused by Mi Gu for the past few days. When they saw food, they immediately swallowed it.

This meatball contains poisonous snake venom, how can two birds get better after eating it.

But this thing was not poisoned, it just pooped bird shit for three days in a row, and his expression became a little sluggish.

After this tossing, the two birds suddenly became obedient, and they didn't dare to talk back to Mi Gu anymore.

However, he was still very disobedient at first, but when Migu beat the meatballs, the little thing became more honest, and began to understand how to listen to Migu.If they cooperate well, Migu will also give it delicious food made by Gongliang.Finally, under Mi Gu's coercion and lure, the two birds finally became completely honest.

(End of this chapter)

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