Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 163 The Aftermath

Chapter 163 The Aftermath

Heavy fog covers the forest, and it is difficult to see within 50 meters.

Seeing this dense fog, the Babu people living on the edge of the great wilderness, on the sunny slopes of the high mountains, dare not go out, and all stay in the tribe.

In the distance, two green lights stared at Babu through the thick fog.

After a while, I heard a groan, a cry, and a scream.When the dense fog cleared, the Babu people in Babu had disappeared, only the broken wall and dilapidated wooden houses remained, which showed that there were people here.

Babu is located on the edge of the wilderness, and there are few people around. Even if something happens, it is difficult for anyone to know.

It was not until ten months later that some Luo people passed by and saw that the Babu people had disappeared, so they hurriedly returned to the tribe to inform them.

At this time, there was news that several tribes had disappeared from outside, and the Luo tribe and the nearby tribes panicked and united one after another to prevent accidents from happening.

The vast wilderness, vast and stretching for thousands of miles, the mountains are majestic and meandering. There are countless high mountains and mountains, and rivers and valleys are criss-crossing. There are countless powerful wild beasts lurking. It is common for some to attack tribes occasionally, but never No one was so cruel that he directly razed a tribe.

The most important thing is that this desolate beast made the witches and ancestor gods of these tribes not even have time to spread the news. This is the scariest thing.

Because of the lessons learned from the previous tribes, the Luo people dare not be sloppy, and there are people patrolling the gate of the village day and night.

Little did they know, in the distant forest, a pair of ferocious blood eyes had already stared at them.

At night, Luobu is still brightly lit, with bonfires raging all around, and people add firewood to it from time to time.

In the mountain behind Luobu, there is a one-eyed Zhujian with bull ears and leopard body, which is as huge as a hill, lying there with his eyes closed.

Most of the ancestral gods of the tribes in the wilderness were raised by the tribes from childhood, and have passed down countless years of existence, and have a deep affection for the tribe; some are violently tamed, guardian beasts used to protect the tribe, but passed down from generation to generation , These patron saints have gradually become tribal ancestor gods, accepting tribal offerings, which is considered mutual benefit; there are also wild creatures, who are more friendly, and take the initiative to accept weak tribes to protect them, and those tribes will automatically support them in return; there is another kind, It is that the witches of the tribe communicate with the creatures that produce spiritual intelligence, let them help protect the tribe, and the tribe is responsible for supporting them, which is an existence that depends on each other.

One-eyed Zhujian was raised by the ancestors of Luobu, and he has lived for a long time.

Suddenly, the one-eyed Zhujian opened his eyes, stood up, and stared at the dark night sky in front of him.But the foot moved slightly, lightly stepping on a piece of jade bone hidden in the sole of the foot.

"Come out, I saw you." One-eyed Zhujian suddenly spoke out.

In the originally dark and empty night sky, Xiuran flew a green shadow.

"Six-winged poisonous poison, if you do this, you won't be afraid of being killed by the temple, sinking your soul into the abyss of the underworld, and suffering from the fire of the earth forever?" He yelled again.

The six-winged poisonous poison still didn't respond, it only opened its beak and spewed out a stream of venom.

The one-eyed Zhujian quickly dodged, the venom fell on the ground, and a puff of white smoke came out.It didn't show any weakness, its one eye flashed, and a hot white light shot from the one eye to the six-winged poisonous poison.The six-winged poisonous dove moved slightly, flashed past lightly, and flew forward.The speed was so fast, like a thunderclap, the naked eyes didn't have time to see it clearly, and saw it flapping its wings and flying past the belly of the one-eyed Zhu Jian, drawing three wounds of different depths on its body.In an instant, blood gushed like a fountain.

The toxin on the poisonous feather soaked into the body with the wings, and the body of the one-eyed Zhujian began to slowly melt, and finally turned into a puddle of yellow water, soaked into the ground, and disappeared.

Kill the one-eyed Zhujian, and the six-winged poisonous poison will fly to Luobu.

For a while, the sound of screams, screams, and wailing became one piece, and then slowly disappeared, and there was no sound.

When the ancestor gods of the nearby tribes got the news of the one-eyed Zhujian, the Luo tribe had disappeared, leaving only the blazing bonfire, the wall with a broken corner, and the collapsed house, sighing silently there.

Unexpectedly, the six-winged poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous six wings turned out to be so ferocious. The ancestor gods of all tribes decided to ambush in the Duanbi Red Gorge, and combined the forces of all tribes to kill the six-winged poisonous poisonous poisonous poisonous six-winged dove.

After a great battle, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the sun and the moon were darkened.

The six-winged poisonous venom's wound that was about to heal could not withstand the joint attack of the ancestor gods, and it burst open again. The six-winged poisonous venom broke three wings, and there were countless wounds on its body.He was about to die in the Broken Wall Red Gorge, but it found a gap and fled in embarrassment.

The ancestor gods of the tribes did not expect the six-winged poisonous poison to be so powerful, and with the joint efforts of the tribes, they could still leave.

It is inevitable that the six-winged poisonous venom will retaliate in the future, and all the ministries jointly wrote to the temple, asking the temple to send people to punish this evil.

In the temple, a ball of fire continued to burn.

Next to it, a group of great witches sat around the fire.

After a while, a strong old man named Cangqiu said slowly, "I remember seeing that Zhen'er back then, but I didn't expect it to become like this?"

"After all, I eat people. Once I eat people, I will never let them go, or my temple will be majestic." An old man with yellow brows and red face said sonorously.

"Then who will go this time?" the old man Cangqiu asked.

"Let's go with Daomeng, and get rid of that evil animal as soon as possible, so that no more tribes will be victimized." Said a woman who looked quite old but still had a touch of graceful charm.

When the old man with yellow brows and red face heard this, he immediately shouted: "I won't go with you, go to whomever you like, don't come to me."


The woman glared at her, and the yellow-browed and red-faced old man shrank back involuntarily as if he had a murderous look on his face.The people around laughed.

"Poison poison with six wings, a pair of anti-poison, a pair of walking wind, and a pair of making lightning. They are fast. If you want to avoid them, the two of them may not be enough." A rather elegant-looking old man said.

"Then the running script departments, let my hundred elites come out for activities, right as a trial before the grand ceremony." An old man next to him said.

"Then it's decided like this?" The old man Cangqiu looked around.


Everyone in the group nodded in agreement, only the old man with yellow eyebrows and red face seemed dissatisfied and opened his mouth to speak, but was stared back by the charming woman.

Daohan of the Dayan tribe got the letter from the temple, and immediately ran out of the tribe on his horse, the one-horned rhinoceros.Unexpectedly, after running not far, he heard a loud bang from behind, turned his head, and saw two unprovoked tribesmen chasing after them riding a hawk-beaked rhinoceros.He couldn't help crying secretly in his heart, and his thoughts flew in an instant, he must not let the two get entangled, otherwise he would not have a good life.

"Boy, why did you sneak away by yourself without calling us?" One of the riders on the eagle's beaked rhinoceros chased after him and asked, staring at the huge eyes of the copper bell.

"Uncle Dalong, I received the running script from the temple and went to help search for the six-winged poisonous venom. What are you doing here?"

"You're an elite and we're not an elite. Boy, don't forget, you never won a pissing competition with us when you were young."

When Daohan heard his words, he almost got into the soil.

This is something that happened when I was a child, why do I keep talking about it?At the moment, he decided in his heart that the two of them must not be allowed to follow, otherwise his face would definitely be lost by the two of them.

After thinking for a while, Daohan said: "Uncle Dalong, Uncle Erlong, I heard that the girls from the Qingsang tribe have come out of their tribe and will soon arrive at the temple. Look at the tribes of the Great Wilderness, which one is not eyeing the Qingsang tribe? Miss Sang. If you go with me and miss Miss Qingsang, it would be a pity."

Big Dragon and Erlong's eyes lit up when they heard this, but they said suspiciously: "Really? Miss Qingsang is really coming to the temple."

"Uncle Big Dragon, Uncle Two Dragon, we are so nice, when did I lie to you?" Daohan said with a straight face.

"You kid has lied to us a lot." Big Dragon said contemptuously.

"That's right." Erlong said with even more contempt.

Daohan scratched his forehead and said: "Uncle Big Dragon, Uncle Two Dragon, those are things from the past, how can I lie to you about things like this now. I promise that Miss Qingsang will definitely go to the temple, if she doesn't, Back to the tribe, I will let you deal with it."

The big dragon and the second dragon looked at each other, and said: "It seems that what this kid said is true."

Erlong: "Then we can't go to the poisonous bird with this kid, we have to go to the temple."

Big Dragon: "Yeah."

Daohan saw that the two had been tricked, and hurriedly said goodbye to them: "Uncle Big Dragon, Uncle Two Dragon, then I will go first."

The big dragon and the second dragon ignored him, now that there is Qingsang girl, who cares if he lives or dies.

Daohan hurriedly rode away on the one-horned rhinoceros. The one-horned rhinoceros seemed to know that it could not stay beside these two scourges.

"This guy, why are you running so fast?" Erlong murmured, looking at the dust rising slightly in the distance.

"Don't worry about whether he's fast or not, I'll tell you, if you see Miss Qingsang later, I must go up first, and you stand behind me and wait." The big dragon told the second dragon.

Erlong stared straight after hearing this: "Why do you want to go first, I will wait behind, I want to go first."

"Because I am the boss and you are the second." Big Dragon also said loudly with his eyes wide open.

Erlong raised his neck and said even louder: "Amu said, we will come out together, in no particular order."

"Otherwise, what do you want, let's have a fight." Big Dragon simply shouted

"Hit it, hit it, whoever is afraid of it." Erlong grabbed his fist and roared without showing any weakness.

So, the two hit the ground.The two eagle-billed rhinoceros were slowly gnawing on the grass by themselves on the side of the road, as if they were used to this kind of thing.

(End of this chapter)

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