Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 186 Caibei Scales

Chapter 186 Caibei Scales

"Ding ding, ding dong, dong dong"

Mi Gu took the Caibei scale piano that Papa had just made, and a small wooden hammer, and happily knocked on it.

The twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters also each held a Caibei scale piano and beat to her rhythm.

Yuan Gungun lay beside Gongliang, heard the sound of their beating, and also picked up a colored shell to strike the harmony on the pile of colored shells at Gongliang's feet.

The chick also curiously pecked the shell with its sharp beak, making a crisp sound.

Gong Liang was very speechless, what are these guys doing, holding a live concert or a forest ensemble, when he doesn't exist, right?But you can't scold these guys. If you scold Migu, you will cry, and if you scold Yuan Gungun, you will bite him.

Seeing that these guys played endlessly, and seemed to be getting more and more excited, Gong Liang had no choice but to say to Mi Gu, "Mi Gu, don't play the piano next to Dad's ear, please, it's very noisy."

"Yeah." Migu tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Then I knocked lightly."

She glanced at Papa furtively, and really picked up the small wooden hammer and tapped the Caibei scale piano lightly. There was a soft "ding", and the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi beside them also tapped.

Gongliang doesn't know what to say, do you think there will be no sound if you knock like this?

But seeing Mi Gu's cautious look, he couldn't say anything more, so he turned to Yuan Gungun and said, "Yuan Gungun, why don't you pick up the shells?"

I want to watch you make the piano here, Yuan Gungun cried "Aww".

This lazy guy obviously doesn't want to move anymore, and he still makes excuses. It seems that this guy has no motivation if he doesn't give something to encourage him.So, he said: "As long as you pick up a hundred color shells, I will give you a spirit snake fetus and a heavenly fragrance fruit."

Sure enough, there is motivation when there is something, Yuan Gungun immediately stood up, and asked "Aww", how much is one hundred!

"One hundred is one hundred, how much is it?"

Gongliang said angrily, but suddenly remembered that he had never taught him anything about numbers.

It seems that I was negligent. In the future, not only should I teach them numbers, but also things like words, otherwise they will become illiterate.

Immediately, he counted a hundred pairs of Yuan Gun Gun from the pile of colorful shells under his feet and said, "Here, this is one hundred." Then, he taught Yuan Gun Gun to count, "One, two, three."

He also called Migu over and taught them how to count from one to one hundred and how many there were.Migu didn't want to listen, didn't want to learn, just wanted to play.Yuan Gun Gun is very serious, and has a strong learning ability. After counting twice, Gong Liang knows how to count, and even counts the shells by himself.

Migu couldn't count no matter how hard she counted, so Gongliang taught her to count by ten and ten, and after counting several times, the little thing managed to master it.

Now that she has learned it, Gong Liang sent her to pick up the shellfish, so as not to be annoyed to death by knocking things around her ears.

Hearing that you can exchange for something to eat by picking up a hundred color shells that can make sounds, these guys are very motivated, and they all ran out at once.

Yuan Gungun is in a group with Chick, and Mi Gu is in a group with the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi.

Each group of them has a trick to find the shells that make a sound. Yuan Gungun grabbed a handful of shells and threw them out as soon as he landed on the beach of shells.The chick is relatively honest, and pecks on the shells with his mouth, but the speed is very fast, and he soon finds the shells that make a crisp sound.

Mi Gu also has a unique trick. He takes the small wooden hammer that Papa made for him, and pulls it on the color shell, and picks it up immediately when he hears a pleasant sound.

The twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi were more powerful. After seeing their movements, they thought about it for a while, and turned their hands into countless rhizomes of Ganoderma lucidum, and beat them on the Caibei beach. As soon as they heard a sound, they immediately grabbed them back with the roots.After a while, there was a pile of colored shells that could produce crisp sounds beside the two of them.

Gong Liang stared straight at the back. These two guys are clearly bugs in the game. He forgot to tell them more about the number just now. Now he might have to get rid of some of his spirit snake embryos.

Needless to say, this guy is now more and more inclined to be a miser.

Seeing that they were having a good time, Gong Liang didn't care about it anymore, and continued to work on his Caibei scale piano.

Originally, he wanted to cut the round colored shellfish into strips to make a stepped piano, but he didn't like it, so he redesigned it.Drill holes directly on the corners of the colored shells and nail them on a circular wooden frame, with a large one in the middle and six small ones surrounding it to form a circular seven-note scale piano.

As for the sound of the scale, he found seven combinations from light to heavy based on his own feeling.As for whether it meets the pronunciation standard, it is out of his consideration.

After making a few for Migu and his twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters to play with, he suddenly became inspired and felt that he could make a bunch of Caibei scale pianos and wind chimes with crisp sounds and sell them in temples!

It should be in the inland area. Most people have never seen the sea in their life, let alone such colorful shells.When they got there, they spread Caibei away and blinded their eyes without showing off.

He didn't ask for money, anyway, there is no common currency in the Great Wilderness, so he simply bartered, which I believe many people would like.

Gong Liang thought further, maybe not just the scale piano, but also ordinary colored shells, and it would be good to change anything at that time.And when you pass by other tribes, you can also take it out as a gift. This kind of affordable and inexpensive thing is the most suitable.

Thinking about it this way, I was immediately motivated, and I quickly played the Caibei scale piano and the wind chime that could make a crisp sound.As for ordinary Caibei, let's wait and see.

When the sun was about to go down, a few little guys came back with the color shells they picked up that could make a crisp sound.

Mi Gu took out his treasure bag of good things and poured it out, and there was a pile of hills; Yuan Gungun took the treasure bag of good things that Gongliang gave him and poured it down, and there was another pile of hills, but obviously much less than Mi Gu.

The little guy wagged his tail happily, and she was the best.

There are so many things, how can Gongliang count them by himself, so he let Mi Gu and Yuan Gungun count them by themselves, one hundred in piles, and immediately replace them with spirit snake embryos and Tianxiangguo after counting.

Migu's small mouth couldn't help pouting, she doesn't like counting these things the most.After Yuan Gungun heard this, he quickly picked up the shells he had picked up and counted them carefully, it was related to how many spirit snake fetuses and heavenly fragrance fruits he could exchange.As long as it's about eating, it's full of motivation.

Mi Gu frowned, looking at the pile of small mountain-sized shellfish that he and his twin brother and sister Shuangzhi had picked up, and worried, how long will it be!

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, she turned her head and chattered to the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi.

Then, the two little fellows turned into countless Ganoderma lucidum roots and picked up the shellfish, and put them in piles.

After a while, it was divided into more than a dozen piles.

(End of this chapter)

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