Chapter 25

In about three hours, the hunting team of Gongliang and others arrived at another stronghold.

This stronghold is in a stone cave halfway up a dwarf rocky mountain. There are firewood stoves and some food inside. It seems that it is the place where the Yanbu people often stop hunting.

Everyone ate at the stronghold, rested, and continued hunting.

Bolong and the others seemed to have a purpose, and ran towards one direction.Gong Liang and the other rookies hadn't run this far before, and they were choking with exhaustion.However, their old hunters also took care of them, and stopped after running wildly for a while, letting them rest.

All the way forward, across the creek, through the woods, over the hillside, the hunting team stopped at the mouth of a canyon.

Kang Lang took the lead to run into the canyon, and after a while he ran back excitedly and said, "There is a small herd of Min cattle over there, about eight of them, should we go up?"

"Eight heads?"

Bo Long frowned and looked at Gong Liang and the others in the team, thought for a while, and said, "Go ahead, I want all of them, but be careful not to make too much noise, so as not to attract other ethnic groups."

"I know." Kang Lang responded, turned around and ran into the canyon.

Gongliang read the records about Minniu on the animal hide that the witch gave him, and knew that it was a ferocious animal that lived in packs and was extremely powerful.Once provoked, there will be a large group, and there is no way to kill them. I didn't expect Bo Long and others to be so bold.

When Kang Lang ran into the canyon, they were not idle.

Some went to cut some tough mountain vines, peeled them and twisted them into thick ropes, and weaved the peeled mountain vines into small cages;

The old hunter didn't answer their questions, but just focused on the direction of the canyon.

After a while, I heard a loud bang in the canyon.Dashi and Tu Lei quickly pulled up the rope and squatted outside the canyon.After a while, I saw Kang Lang rushing from inside, followed by a loud rumbling noise.Kang Lang galloped quickly, and when he came to the mouth of the canyon, he skipped the rope lightly and rested on the side.

Dashi and Tu Lei quickly tightened the rope, and Bolong and others also held their weapons, ready to deal with unexpected situations at any time.

Gongliang was very curious about what Kang Lang did to make his voice so loud.

Immediately, his curiosity was answered.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came with a loud bang, and Gong Liang looked into the canyon, only to see a huge Min Niu with sharp horns and big eyes galloping out of it.

Dashi and Tu Lei pulled the rope straight, but Min Niu didn't know there was an ambush outside, so he tripped over the rope, the cow kicked before he lost his way, and immediately fell to the ground.Gong Liang looked at it, and saw a bloodstain on Min Niu's thigh, and the exposed bone could be seen, it seemed that the thigh was broken.It struggled to stand up, but failed to get up after a few struggles, but collapsed heavily on the ground.

Dashi, Tu Lei, and several old hunters holding ropes, short branches, and small cages looked at them, and quickly stepped forward to pick up short branches for Min Niu to bite, then put the small cage on it tightly, and put the Min Niu bound his feet tightly.Now, even if it wants to run, it can't get up.

Gong Liang finally figured it out, the short branches and the small cage were to prevent Min Niu from biting people, and the rope was used to bind the feet, so he thought it was used for nothing?

"Good job, the medicine is just right." Bo Long praised Kang Lang.

"Of course." Kang Lang said proudly, "You wait, I'll lead another one over."

Now, Gongliang really saw it.Isn't this guy doing the work of attracting monsters in the game?It is estimated that there is a small herd of Min cattle over there, so he shot an arrow at the Min Niu who is relatively close to the side of the herd, and attracted it. It is estimated that the arrow was poisonous, otherwise the cattle would never behave like this fall down.

The same is true.

After a while, Kang Lang led another Min Niu over, and it was turned over just like the previous one.

Seeing the process, Gongliang was speechless. He thought hunting was so difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

He didn't know this method, but it was the experience poured out of the blood of countless tribal warriors.

After attracting three Min cattle in a row, Kang Lang was so tired that he was out of breath.It's a pity that the people in the team counted him as the best archer. This job can only be done by good archery. People with agility can do it, so I can only continue to work hard on him.After resting for a while, he went on to lure the cow over.

Nothing happened all the way, and the two heads came over again.

After a short break, Kang Lang continued.

It took a little longer this time, and after a while, I finally heard a loud bang, but the sound seemed a little wrong.Bo Long hurriedly told Gong Liang and the others to retreat, and several of the old hunters stepped forward with their weapons.Judging from the sound, it should be two sensitive cows. It seems that something unexpected happened to Kang Lang.

After a while, Kang Lang was seen running out of it.

"Be careful, there is another end behind."

He jumped over the rope, and aimed at the canyon with a bow and arrow to one side, preparing to clean up the other end.When he was leading the last Min cow, for some reason, the last one followed him, causing him to run away. His thin body couldn't bear the impact of these guys.

The loud bang echoed in the canyon, and then floated out of the canyon mouth.

The movement of one Minniu was already very loud, and the movement of the two cows was even more violent. The ground felt like an earthquake.

A Min bull in front rushed out of the canyon, and pulled hard on the boulders and barriers that had been prepared, and immediately tripped Min bull.Minniu rushed towards him from behind, and Dashi and Tulei repeated their tricks, but Minniu behind him would not be fooled and jumped over.When he saw the same kind lying on the ground at the entrance of the canyon and the ambushing humans, Min Niu's eyes turned blood red, and he roared and rushed towards the crowd.

Kang Lang was about to shoot an arrow, Bo Long saw it and said, "Don't use medicine, I'll do it."

Then he took out the spear he was carrying and ran towards Min Niu. Gong Liang saw a flash of flame marks on his body, and his figure rushed forward.The inertia of Minniu's forward charge bent the spear, his men were rushed back again and again, and a deep mark was plowed on the ground.

Min Niu was stabbed in the heart by the spear, and after struggling a few times, he finally fell to the side.

Bolong slowly drew out his spear, quickly took off the water bag from his body and put it on the wound to catch the blood of the fierce beast gushing out.Dashi Tulei and others also hurriedly lined up with water bags next to them.

This time, he directly stabbed the heart, and the blood in Minniu's body had already been mixed with the heart blood, so he couldn't collect it, so he could only make it cheaper for everyone.

Gong Liang and the other three rookies were also lucky enough to refill their water bladders with the beast's blood. Drinking the beast's blood was much better than water.When the water bag was filled, Gong Liang saw that Min Niu's wound was still bleeding, and felt that it was a pity, these things could be transformed into strength, and when he returned to the tribe, there was still so much beast blood for him to drink.Thinking, not afraid of getting dirty, he put his mouth on the wound on Min Niu's chest and drank wildly.

A mouthful of ferocious beast blood was swallowed into his stomach, and was instantly absorbed by his thirsty body. At night, it would be slowly turned into true energy by the seed of true energy in his body.

After drinking a full stomach, seeing that there was no blood flowing out, Gong Liang reluctantly gave up.

Dashi and the others next to him shook their heads. This guy is not afraid of blowing his stomach up.Even old people like them dare not drink the blood of ferocious beasts so recklessly.Because drinking too much can make people irritable, they didn't expect Gongliang to drink and he was fine, so they let him drink.

After he finished drinking the beast's blood, each of the seven old hunters left with a Min bull on their shoulders, and the three rookies just happened to carry the last one.

The last end is also the largest and heaviest. Fortunately, the three of them have good strength, otherwise they would not be able to lift it.

pS: Min Niu's Min should be Shang Min and Lower Niu, but unfortunately it can't be displayed, so I can only use this Min to replace it.The word Shangmin Xianiu is also pronounced Min.

(End of this chapter)

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