Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 26 Soybeans Are Big

Chapter 26 Soybeans Are Big

Back at the stronghold, the three of Gongliang were so exhausted that they felt limp and limp, lying on the ground weakly, not wanting to get up at all.

Bolong and the others carried Minniu back, and after checking the properties of the medicine, they began to take care of the Minniu that Gongliang and the others brought back.

People in the tribe do not eat the internal organs and skin of the prey, but only remove the stomach sac inside to make water sacs.When Gongliang came here, he was afraid of parasites on wild animals, so he didn't dare to eat them.However, the allergic cow looks similar to the cow he saw in his previous life, so it should be a cow too.Beef offal has always been something he likes to eat. Although he dare not eat intestines and other things here, he is not afraid of beef heart and kidney.

So, when Tu Lei and the others were processing the internal organs of the Min ox, he kept the heart and kidney, cut them into pieces and skewered them on the slender bamboo branches for roasting.

Before hunting, he knew that eating outside must be roasted by fire, so he specially mixed the diluted wild pepper powder and marinated small fish powder to make barbecue powder, and when he roasted Min Niu Xin and Min beef kidney skewers are sprinkled with barbecue powder, which has a slightly spicy and fishy taste, which almost made him eat his tongue.

Of course, he didn't eat alone. He shared some of the skewers with everyone, and everyone nodded in praise.

He also sprinkled the homemade barbecue powder on the wood-fired Min beef, and a burst of aroma whetted the nostrils and whetted the appetite.

In the evening, everyone ate and drank around the bonfire, eating whatever they wanted.

Gong Liang let go of his appetite and ate Min Beef with big mouthfuls. The meat in his stomach turned into traces of energy and was absorbed by his body. After eating half a leg of Min Beef, his hungry body finally felt full.After eating, Tu Lei took out the wine he had brought and drank with everyone. There was not much wine, but everyone drank to their heart's content.

That night, they ate half of Min Niu, and Gong Liang was speechless.

Perhaps it was because he ate too much beast meat and the blood of beasts he drank during the day, which gave Gongliang a feeling that his strength was going to explode. This feeling made him unable to sleep, so he just got up and practiced boxing outside the cave.

He doesn't practice anything else, he only practices Beng Quan in Xingyi Wuxingquan, and every move and style just moves forward like an arrow.

In his previous life, everyone in Xingyi Quan had a requirement for practitioners, that is, when practicing boxing, the heart must be in harmony with the mind, the mind must be in harmony with the energy, and the energy and strength must be in harmony; shoulders and hips, elbows and knees must be in harmony. , hand and foot together, this is the internal and external three-in-one, a total of six-in-one.The unity of heaven and earth, the unity of form and spirit, can truly touch the true meaning of Xingyiquan, a boxing method.

In the past, Gongliang practiced boxing just stupidly, but after practicing again and again tonight, he suddenly understood what Sun Lutang, a master of Xingyiquan in his previous life, said, "Shoulders push elbows, elbows push hands, waist pushes hips, hips push knees, knees push feet" the meaning of.

In fact, what is being said is nothing more than the truth of heaven and earth, but sometimes you don’t understand things that are too profound, and things that are too simple and common, and you can only understand them after you truly experience them yourself.

Practicing Bengquan back and forth over and over again, using even force with both hands, Gongliang gradually reached the state of mind, mind, qi, and strength, the four are in one, and began to realize a trace of the true meaning of boxing.

I saw him throw out a Bengquan, like slowly drawing a hard bow with both hands, one hand turned outwards, the other wrapped, the force is broken and the intention is continuous, the force of the will is connected, the shape is indistinguishable, the inside is lingering, the energy is emitted from the axis, and the yin and yang circle, Left for right, right for left, like stormy waves, endless.

After punching countless times, Gong Liang stopped and didn't go back to sleep. Instead, he stood up and stood up, but his mind entered the state of selflessness where form is invisible, mind is unconscious, nothingness and nothingness.

When he lost himself completely, suddenly there was a heat flow from the outer side of the right heel, passed upwards through the outer malleolus, went to the hip joint, passed through the back side of the flank ribs, from the back of the armpit to the upper shoulder, to the forehead, and then to the neck to meet the Governor Vessel .

At this time, the true energy in his body slowly rose from the dantian, and began to transform the surging beast energy.The heat flow also gathered together and was transformed by true qi.The true qi in his dantian, which was originally only the size of a mung bean, gradually became larger with the addition of these true qi, until it was the size of a soybean.

When he opened his eyes again, Gong Liang found that it was already dawn, and he had stood on his feet all night.

Before that, he would be terribly exhausted in half an hour, not to mention standing overnight.

Now he has stood all night not only not tired, but also full of energy and energy, which is incredible.

He tried to punch a fist, and the punch was powerful, and it seemed that there was unparalleled power filling it, and there was a feeling of hitting mountains and landslides, and cracking the ground.He tried to punch a small tree next to him with his fist, and the tree's body was directly cracked, which is really unbelievable.It seems that eating so much beast meat and beast blood yesterday was really useful, otherwise it would not be possible to increase strength so much at once.


At this moment, he realized that the rookie Feng Han and Jin, who were newcomers like him, were lying on the ground not far away and sleeping soundly.

"Don't look at it, they came out and yelled when you punched, and smashed around with weapons. Look at the trees and stones outside, they smashed them. If you can't eat beast meat, don't eat so much , so that we didn’t sleep well last night.” Daoman complained, then went to Feng Han and Jin, and kicked them awake.

"Woke up."

After being kicked awake, Feng Han and Jin got up from the ground in a daze.

The two of them didn't know what to do. Last night they saw Gong Liang eating the meat of the beast, so they started to eat it too.Coupled with the ferocious beast blood they drank during the day, the abundant qi and blood surged in their bodies, which made them feel very irritable. The power in their bodies seemed to explode, so they ran out to vent, and they didn't get tired until dawn. fell asleep.

The old hunters in the hunting team came here in the same way. They knew that they would be fine as long as they vented after eating too much beast meat, so they didn't care about them.They just took turns guarding the side so that they would not be dragged and eaten by the beasts that came out of the forest.

This time their hunting team was mainly guarding Gongliang and a few newbies who came out to practice.Now that the task has been completed and enough beasts have been caught, it seems that there is nothing wrong, so they plan to go back.

So, after a simple meal, they walked back with Minniu on their shoulders.

He ate half of the Min beef last night, and a little more in the morning. Feng Han carried the rest of the Min beef by himself, and Gong Liang and Jin walked around empty-handed.

After walking for a long time, I saw that everyone was carrying things, only the two of them were empty-handed.Jin and Gongliang felt a little embarrassed, so they discussed hunting some prey back home, but they didn't see any big ones along the way.Helpless, Jin had no choice but to catch a ten-meter python.There are a lot of these things in the woods, and they are not at the level of ferocious beasts. They can barely be regarded as meat, but Gongliang has been spoiled by eating ferocious beast meat these two days, so he doesn't like this thing.

However, he didn't continue to walk empty-handed, but stepped forward to take the Min Niu that Kang Lang was carrying, and asked him to go forward to explore the way, to see if he could hunt the beast back on the way.

(End of this chapter)

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