Chapter 484

For the past few days, Gongliang has been refining the energy essence in his body, and he doesn't know what's going on outside.

In fact, since he entered the cave that day, the rain has not stopped.

From the initial drizzle to a downpour, it continued for three days and three nights, and it didn't stop until the day he woke up.

The huge rain flowed down the surrounding mountain foothills, merged into a torrent and rushed into the river, instantly destroyed the embankment and flooded a large area of ​​rice fields beside the river.

It was also the same. When Gongliang walked to the plain, he saw patches of rice dumped, and in some low-lying places, the rice was still submerged in the water.

Across the great river is Xiananliu County, Zhuya County.

Because this is the main traffic artery to and from Nanliu County, there are tea shops opened by smart shops on the side of the road.It's a pity that when the flood came, the shop was immediately flooded.Although the water has receded now, it is still submerged in the water, and the store is busy asking the staff to drive the water out.

Not far in front of the shop is Nanliu Ferry.

When Gongliang arrived at the ferry, he found that a group of people had already gathered by the ferry, and they were all standing around talking.

After listening carefully, it turned out that the pontoon bridge on the river was destroyed by the erupting flood.Now that the flood has not receded, and there is no boat to cross, and this place is far away from Zhuya County, everyone has no way to advance and no way to retreat.In the past, it was possible to rest at the tea shop, but now it is still flooded, and it is difficult for everyone to rest.

The two men with extraordinary looks looked down at Dajiang and looked at each other.

"Yunming, let's go."

"Brother Qin, please."

A man grabbed a rotten log by the ferry and threw it into the water, jumped on it and walked against it; while the other man stepped on the cloud and mist, fluttering and graceful, looking extraordinary.

The people staying at the ferry looked envious when they saw the appearance of the two of them.

Gongliang saw that the river was only two to three hundred meters wide, and he could barely pass it with his current rudimentary air control flying skills, so he didn't want to stay here any longer, and planned to take Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun to fly there.

The two men walked to the center of the river, when a turbid wave suddenly surged below.Suddenly, a huge ferocious mouth full of sharp teeth burst out of the water and bit the two of them.The man who stepped on the cloud was so frightened that he jumped up into the clouds, but the man who was walking on the tree was swallowed by the huge mouth because he didn't react in a hurry.

"Yun Ming."

Seeing his friend being swallowed up, the man who stepped on the cloud cried out in grief.

A huge fish head with a head like a carp but full of ferocious bones like a sturgeon emerged, looking at him.

"Evil animal, take your life."

The man stepping on the cloud gave a loud shout, and spit out a sharp light from the center of his right hand, hitting the head of the huge fish.

The fish was also cunning, it seemed to sense the danger, it immediately dived into the water and disappeared.

"Naughty beast, come out for me, come out for me."

The man who was stepping on the clouds and mists was so angry that his veins emerged. He waved sharp rays of light with his hands and slapped them into the water with a roar. Waves of water exploded on the turbulent river, like a goddess scattering flowers.

After a while, the big fish still disappeared, and the man seemed to be exhausted and stopped to rest.

Xiu Ran, a colossal figure jumped out of the water, opened its ferocious mouth and bit the man.

The man hurriedly soared into the clouds, but it might as well stab at the back like a snake's whip tail, passing through his chest from behind in an instant.


Blood came out from the corner of the man's mouth, and he used the last moments of his life to condense a wave of true energy and hit the big fish.But it was like a snake whipping its tail, the condensed true energy dissipated quickly, and then was swallowed by a big fish.


After swallowing the man, the big fish let out a loud roar, jumped up from the river suddenly, flapped two pairs of cicada wings and fins, and flew towards the crowd standing at the ferry.

Everyone at the ferry ran back in fright, and the owner of the tea shop even closed the door of the shop, hiding inside and shivering. .

Unexpectedly, the fish had no intention of coming up at all. When it got to the ferry, it turned a corner and fell into the water, where it disappeared.

Gong Liang ran with the crowd for a while, but stopped when he turned around and saw that the big fish was not chasing him.

He has seen this kind of fish on the animal skin rolls of the tribe, and it is called "Duolu" because of its roar, "Duolu, Duoluo".The head of this fish is like a carp, but it is full of ferocious bones like a sturgeon. Its back is full of jagged and undulating sword ridges. Its body is densely covered with shield scales. It has two pairs of cicada wings and long fins beside its head, and four fleshy feet under its belly. One is like a snake. It has a long tail and can fly in the air for a short time.It can enter the sea, fly into the sky, and travel on land. It is a strange sea beast with comprehensive development of water, land and air.

After looking at it for a while, Gong Liang found that the sea beast was not very powerful, but only a mid-level monster, and he could barely fight it.

But this thing is hidden in the water, it is not easy to handle.

But if this thing is allowed to run rampant here, I don't know when I will be able to cross the river.

After thinking about it, Gongliang decided to get rid of the dog.

It's just that you can't deal with this thing recklessly, you can only outsmart it. If you can lure it ashore, it will be perfect.

After making a plan, Gongliang recruited eight people including Longbo Qianqiu and Houfeng, and asked them to lay in ambush on both sides of the road with Momen Liannu.

He asked Migu to spit some saliva on the crossbow, but he was surprised to find that the little guy's saliva could corrode the crossbow.

"Papa, I'm so powerful now, so powerful." Mi Gu blinked his beautiful big eyes, and said to Papa solemnly.

Gongliang didn't know what to say.

Since poisonous saliva can corrode crossbow arrows, it cannot be used.So, he asked Long Boguo Qianqiu and others to tie animal tendons to the tail of the crossbow arrow, and when the crossbow arrow shot into Duo Yao's body, he pulled it hard to restrain its movement, and left the rest to him.

Then, he recruited Dorji, the black mammoth, and let it lie on the side to ambush.

When he was ready, he put Yuan Gun Gun away in the space, took out a few boulders, raised one and threw it towards Jiang Xin.


The boulder fell into the river, and after spraying a spray, there was no movement.

Gongliang continued to take out a boulder and threw it down, but there was still no movement.

Could it be that the way you opened it yourself is wrong?

Gong Liang thought for a while, and called Longbo Qianqiu and Longbohoufeng to come over, and the three of them lifted the boulder together and threw it towards the center of the river.


Suddenly, a snake-like long tail flew out of the water, smashing the falling boulder into pieces.Then saw Duo Yao jumping out of the water, flapping his fins and throwing stones at Gongliang and the others roaring "Duo Yao, Duo Yao", as if very dissatisfied with him throwing stones into the water.

It's finally out.

Gong Liang waved his hand and asked Long Bo and Qianqiu to go back and ambush, and he picked up a smaller stone and threw it at him again.

The stone fell on Doloo's body, just like scratching an itch.But Duo Yao felt that the two-legged monster in front of him was seriously contemptuous of it, and immediately yelled "Duo Yao Duo Yao" in a rage, and flew towards Gongliang.

But when he got to the riverside ferry, Duo Yao stopped moving forward, just kept roaring on the bank, whipping his long tail unscrupulously around, splashing water and mud for a while.

Seeing that it didn't come up, Gong Liang took out a short spear and threw it, but was pulled away by Duo Yao.

Seeing this, Gong Liang took out the Mo Men's crossbow, and in an instant a crossbow arrow shot towards Duo Yao in different directions.

Duo Yao shook his head and tail to dodge, but there were too many crossbow arrows to dodge them all, so that one of the crossbow arrows shot into the eye.

"More, more, more"

Duo Yao roared madly from the pain, and his only big eye turned blood red.At this time, Duo Yao had lost his mind, and no longer hesitated to go ashore, and flew towards Gongliang with a manic roar.

Gong Liang's feet clicked together, and he retreated sharply, Duo Li flapped his fins and chased after him.The nearby tea shop suffered disaster, and was knocked down by the furious snake-like long tail. Fortunately, the people inside were fine.When Duo Yao flew to the edge of the rice field, Longbo Qianqiu and others who had already ambushed suddenly stood up from the rice field, grabbed the huge specially-made ink crossbow and shot at Duo Yao.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"

A crossbow arrow was shot out quickly and penetrated into Duo Yao's body.


Duo Yao yelled in pain, but the people of Longbo country ignored it, put away the Mo Men Liannu casually, and pulled the animal tendons wrapped around his hands, and Duo Yao who was flying in the sky was immediately pulled down from the sky by them, heavily drop on the floor.Duo Yao crazily shook his head and roared on the ground, and a deep hole was drilled out of the originally weak soil in the avenue in just a moment.

Mi Gu, who had been hiding behind Papa, saw Duo Yao open his mouth wide, and flew over with a swish, spitting out a mouthful of poisonous saliva.

Dorji, the black mammoth, also stood up from the ambush, and ran towards the tail of Dorje with his double-hooked tusks covered with a bright yellow halo.


There was a sound of meat piercing, and the black mammoth Duoji cut off the tail of Duoyu with his long teeth.

Duo Yao swayed frantically from side to side, with such enormous power that the burly and powerful Long Bo people gradually became unable to hold back.

When Gongliang saw it, he took out the Tongtian Hammer, channeled his majestic zhenqi, soared into the air, and smashed it down with all his strength.

"bang bang bang"

 It feels like this month is going to be over, and I can't get out of 15.But you should be able to catch up, work hard, come on.Here, congratulations to Fengyu for no longer being the leader.



(End of this chapter)

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