Chapter 485

A loud bang.

Duo Yao was knocked dizzy by the hammer of Tongtian God, and several potholes appeared on his hard head.

The so-called "take advantage of his illness to kill him".

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gongliang raised the hammer again and smashed it down. The spikes on the hammer hit the previous pothole, and several blood holes were smashed out of the already fragile Duojiao's skull.


Dolo yelled, struggled, and swayed wildly.Long Bo Qianqiu and the others couldn't hold on any longer, they were thrown away by Duo Lu's huge force.

When Gongliang saw it, he quickly put away the magic hammer, took out the spear, and stabbed hard into the bloody hole.

Duo Yao was so stabbed that he went crazy, bursting out bursts of roars of "Duo Yao".

It's just that after the madness, the movement slowly stopped, and there was no movement.

Seeing that Duo Yao was dead, Gong Liang jumped off it.In this situation, he was not sure whether Duo Yao was stabbed to death by him, or poisoned to death by Mi Gu's saliva, but no matter what, he was finally dead.Immediately, Gongliang put the Duolu away and threw it into the small black pool to decompose.

Although the monster meat on Duo Yao's body contains a lot of essence energy, which is good for the body after eating, but this thing looks too weird, and he dare not eat it.

Besides, the population of the space is increasing now, so let's expand the space first, and consider other things later.

After being decomposed by the small black pool, the Duoyan monster fully expanded the space by [-] mu of land. In addition to the benefits obtained by helping the fruit space to refine the essence soup, the space has now expanded to as much as [-] mu.

After killing the monster, Gong Liang took Long Bo Qianqiu and others and the black mammoth Duoji back to the space, and wanted to cross the river.

Suddenly, he thought that killing the monster would be a blessing, how could he not leave a stele and inscriptions for people to sing praises?

So, he went to the surrounding mountains to pick up a huge stone, put it by the ferry, and wrote "Da Yan Gongliang joined hands to kill demons here" on the front, and wrote what happened at the back, saying that he came from the Great Wilderness and wanted to go to Dayu In the capital of the country, I met a demon fish on the road, and shot to kill the demon Yunyun.

After that, people who passed by shook their heads and laughed when they saw his "Monster of Killing Monsters".

But the people in Nanliu City were grateful to Gongliang who exterminated demons, and later some people even burned incense here, praying for a safe past.

However, these have nothing to do with Gongliang.

After killing the monster, Gong Liang and Mi Gu flew across the river and entered Nanliu City.

Nanliu City is not close to the sea, it belongs to the inland area, and there is no production, so it is not as prosperous as Zhuya County City.

After Gongliang stayed here for a day, he continued on his way.

Because it is an inland area, it is difficult to stay in the city when leaving the city. The road is full of high mountains and treacherous mountain roads. Fortunately, Gongliang was used to this kind of road when he was in the wilderness, so it didn't matter.

After walking for a day, at ten o'clock in the evening, there was no place to rest, so Gongliang wanted Migu to find a cave to rest.Suddenly, he saw the top of a mountain in front of him, with traces of a temple faintly exposed, and hurriedly took Mi Gu to it, thinking of spending the night there.

In fact, he could also go into the space, but he couldn't practice in the space, and the air couldn't compare with the outside, so Gongliang didn't sleep in it easily.

The temple was on the top of the mountain, and there was no path to pass through, so Gongliang had no choice but to climb up the mountain. After half a day, he reached the temple on the top of the mountain.

The temple is not very big, with a plaque "Yunju Mountain" hanging on it, and the roof tiles are old, obviously it has been some years.

At this moment, the temple gate was closed, so Gong Liang stepped forward and knocked.


After knocking for a while, no one opened the door. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Gong Liang pushed the door.At this moment, the door opened, and a pale Taoist poked his head out, looked him up, and asked, "Why knock on the door?"

When Gong Liang saw this person, his heart skipped a beat, but he asked calmly, "I'm missing the dorm, I wonder if the boss will let me wait here for a night."

"Come in!" The Taoist opened the door and let him in.

When Gong Liang entered the temple, he saw a whip-holding deity enshrined inside. Unfortunately, it had not been repaired for a long time, the color on it was dim, and it looked tattered.

"this way please."

The Taoist led the way and led him to the side room.

Gongliang asked without words: "Is the Taoist priest alone here?"

"There were a few fellow practitioners in the past, but they were poor in the mountains. They often had a meal without a meal, and some of them returned to the secular life. Now there is only one Taoist priest left in the temple." The Taoist replied.

"So that's how it is." Gong Liang nodded in a sudden realization, and continued to walk forward with the Taoist.

The Taoist brought Gong Liang to the wing room and reminded: "The night in the mountain is not peaceful, the benefactor should not go out, lest accidents happen."

"Thank you sir."

"The Taoist bid farewell."

The Taoist nodded slightly, turned and left.Mi Gu suddenly spat on him, and the Taoist was caught off guard by the poisonous saliva and fell down.

Gong Liang stepped forward and turned the Taoist over, and took a closer look. It was indeed the Taoist with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks he saw in the video sent by Youlan Yanhuo last time.Did not expect to meet here.Gong Liang searched the body, found a storage bag, put it away, and then threw the body into the small black pool to decompose.

As the sky darkened, he didn't take a break, took out the fire beads and looked around, but found several bones dressed as Taoists and two coffins in the other side room.

It seems that this guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is not a Taoist priest in the original temple, but just a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

Because it was already night, Gongliang didn't dare to walk around, so he went back to the wing.

He was a bit timid, and he found out just now that he didn't dare to rest in the temple, so he entered the fruit space.

The space moon bead hangs high, emitting a little bit of fluorescence.

Gong Liang took out the storage bag he got from the Taoist and opened it.

In addition to spirit stones, there are also some spirit objects, medicinal herbs, and several exercises named "Refining and Transforming Qi", "Hundred Refining Skeletons", and "Mysterious Secrets".Gongliang flipped through it hastily, and it was almost the method used on Feng Heng and the formation they had seen in the mass grave.

It is a relatively evil way of Taoism, so Gongliang doesn't need it, so he throws it into the small black pool and destroys it.

In addition, there were some miscellaneous things in the storage bag, and he didn't want them, and threw them all into the small black pool, leaving only spiritual objects, herbs and spiritual stones.

When he woke up the next day, he searched the temple carefully and found that apart from the few corpses and coffins he saw in the room, there was a large cemetery behind the temple.

Fortunately, I didn't sleep in the temple last night, otherwise it would have been terrifying.

The more he thought about it, the more numb his scalp became, and Gongliang didn't dare to stay here any longer, as if he was leaving.He also thought that this temple was used by that Taoist to harm others, so it was inevitable that someone would come, and before leaving, he simply burned the temple with a torch.

Leaving the temple on the top of the mountain and walking down, it is another mountain road.

The mountain road was bumpy and winding, making it extremely difficult to walk. Fortunately, Gongliang was used to walking in the wilderness before, so he didn't care about it, and he could exercise his body by the way.

The most annoying thing is that it keeps raining, and I don’t know if it’s the rainy season, and it rains twice in three days.Gongliang was very distressed, and began to think about finding a place to stay for a while, and then set out on the road after the rainy season.

(End of this chapter)

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